PHOTOS & VIDEO: [UPDATED 4:20 PM] Governor Chris Christie was in Lakewood for a brief visit to SCHI this afternoon.
Prior to the Governor’s arrival, the building was searched by State Police to ensure maximum security. Additionally, no people were allowed to stand in front of the building or inside the immediate vicinity of the building’s entrance.
Christie arrive at about 2:00 PM, and was given a tour of a class room, before attending a brief meeting.
The meeting, by invitation only, was attended by about thirty politicians, locate and State officials as well as school officials.
The Governor departed about 20 minutes later. TLS
How much do you think the donation would have to be to get the governor to visit the Lakewood Public Schools??
are there any more better photos?
It was a major deal for a 20 minute visit very tight security
The public school teachers only vote for the Democrats. Why would Christie want to visit them?
#4 – whats very tight about his security. I see about 4 state troopers. No big deal!
I was actually there and was very impressed by the way he conducted himself in a very personable manner. His speech came across as genuine and he definitely has my vote when he runs for PRESIDENT in four years (assuming Romney doesnt win this term)
besides for troopers he had his own people and anyone upstairs with him had to be on the VIP list
Cool masmid thats all u see but there was more
cristie is the man
Is that Shimshie Wulliger in the Video?
what does lakewood want now?
Again all we get is people bashing SCHI and Christie, it seems that all people have in their heads is evil; there is not 1 nice comment here.
Must People have no idea what SCHI is.
The School for Children with Hidden Intelligence (SCHI) is a state approved, private school that specifically educates multiply handicapped, underprivileged children with special needs from the Tri-State Metropolitan area. Their aim is to try and alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable members of our community and offer services to help them grow.
What’s the secret to SCHI’s success? It is obvious from the happy tunes heard emanating from the brightly decorated classrooms. It is apparent from the remarkable structure and efficiency which characterizes the high standards of education here at SCHI. It is felt through the growing numbers of satisfied parents & community members. We offer services to the children with hidden intelligence.
At SCHI every child is a hero! Every ounce of determination is an outstanding accomplishment. Every show of perseverance, any effort and every small footstep taken toward independence is an inspiration.
Without question, SCHI’s reason for success, its most valuable resource, its most priceless treasure…is its children; each and every one of them.
May none of us know the challenge of having a child with disabilities but if one does let him/her pray that that child ends up at SCHI.
Back in April SCHI met with the Governor and invited him not for funding but only to SEE firsthand and thank him for all the support he and the US government gives to children as its said אינו דומה ריאה לשמיעה the Governor walked away in awe and knows that the money given to each and every child is worth it because………EVERY special child deserves a chance.
Thank you Governor Christie for taking the time to just come and see and feel what SCHI is!
Would you believe not one BOE member was invited to share this moment. Total insult to the education body of Lakewood.
Way to go.
why are there only jewish children there, when they say EVERY child is special…!!!!
Thank you Governor Christie for coming to SCHI!
SCHI is the place we are among the parents who are trying to get our child into this outstanding school!
SCHI bashers be careful and pray you never need them as then you will regret your actions!
On Behalf of all the People that need SCHI services we Salute Rabbi Osher Eisemann and captain Siegel and all the SCHI staff and people that help SCHI.
SCHI is an example of what every special child and adult needs lets pray the school closes down for the lack of need very soon.
Itsnotme says:
July 26, 2012 at 7:47 pm
why are there only jewish children there, when they say EVERY child is special…!!!!
and maybe if other communities would care as the Jewish community does about EVERY human then they would open more schools for special needs children. yes SCHI was opened and is run by Jewish people therefore non Jews never request to get into SCHI but if they request and re approved they are accepted.
very nice says:
July 26, 2012 at 7:23 pm
Would you believe not one BOE member was invited to share this moment. Total insult to the education body of Lakewood.
Way to go.
CHECK THE FACTS, there was a list of 50 guest including BOE members on the list, the secret service cut it down to 30 so yes even though you BOE members are THE most important people i believe Bob Singer and Menashe miller and Isaac Akerman etc… are a little more important…..
Why are you so bitter? I’m not sure how SCHI functions….. but one thing I do know; it was started by a PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL. So why don’t you begin asking why there are no Jewish children in your local Christian private school??? Rabbi Eissman opened a school for what he felt there was a need for. He saw that need in his community. Is that good enough for you?
OK #21..Why are there no jewish children in the local Christian private school..?
Please note that Mrs. Laura A. Winters, the Interim Superintendent of Schools for Lakewood and Ms. Helen Tobia, Supervisor of Special Education were in attendence at today’s meeting at SCHI with the Governor. Both were extremely well received. Ms. Winters & Ms. Tobia are superb educators whose professionalism is first rate. Lakewood is lucky to have them on board. Much hatzlocha to them both!
The TLS posts here should be called.
Services For Adults With No Intelligence. SCHI this, SCHI that. What do you you know,feel or comprehend to one minute of the challenges a special needs parent is faced with?. The lack of sensitivity to the SCHI parents body is nothing short of a spit in the face to the 9 days of minhugim we keep in preparation of Tisha Beov.
What is the reasoning behind having MS. Winters and Ms.Tobia at the meeting if they are public school employees?
Anybody else notice how many pictures Joe M. is in on TLS. Maybe he is joe the plumber. Maybe he is running for mayor. Yes that is it Joe M for mayor!
Schi school helps children that are not jewish. People need to get their facts straight before posting. Thats called doing your homework. This school is a place where the children come first with whatever their disability may be. A place where they can interact and smile and live their lives to the fullest. If they didn’t have Schi, where would they be? We are all gods children and he didn’t put us here to judge others because of their religion or anything else. I think the governor visited to just see how all the children are benefiting from the opportunity they have their. Its a wonderful place and I wish there were more just like it.
I believe all childen are very special not only the ones attending Schi. Lakewood has other schools for children with hidden intelligence, were they visited? The public schools have children with hidden intellegence, were they visited? We would hope that one day the people from Schi and the Governors office visit out public school children. It would be nice to see people with agenda’s sharing there laughter with others.