[COMMUNICATED] A fundraiser was launched to try and raise funds for the family of Mrs. Tzipora Unger A”H, a young Monsey woman who was tragically killed in a car accident last week.
Mrs. Unger was a giyores who embraced klal yisroel and the Torah with all her heart and soul. She merited to build a beautiful family together with her chashuve husband. There was nothing more important to her than the success of her children. She was an extremely devoted wife and mother, and had a burning desire to live in Eretz Yisroel. She was zoche to fulfill her dream and lived in Beit Shemesh for a few years. However, financially it wasn’t working out for the family so they made many inquiries to determine the best alternative where her family can grow in Torah and Yiras Shomayim. They ultimately settled in Monsey, where they were a great asset to the entire community.
On Wednesday Evening, as she was driving on Viola Road, she lost control of her car and hit a bus. Unfortunately, Hatzalah could not save her young life. There are many old debts that need to be paid up, plus the need to help the family through this crisis. The children have now a mountain to climb.
Please open your heart and give generously.
We cannot bring back their mother, but we can alleviate the pain by supporting them.
The family is in total shock with the loss of their mother, who also was a breadwinner. Several friends and neighbors have gathered to try to raise funds to at minimize the pain of not having basic necessities.
This campaign is endorsed by Rav Meshulem Nussen Speigel of Khal Tfila L’Moshe, as well as by Rav Aron Fink, Menahel of Ateres Bais Yaakov, Monsey.
To show your warm support please donate on the following link:
This family lived in Lakewood before moving to EY,
Did they live on Debra Way at one point?
The Ungers lived first on Debra Way and then in BrookHill in Lakewood before making Aliyah. Tzipora was 100% neshama and it is an honor to have called her both a neighbor and friend. Please, please, please support this fundraiser- donate whatever you can, and then some- we are all her family! Her husband and children really need our help urgently right now.