An El Al flight from Tel Aviv to Newark – with Frum passengers from the tri-state area on board – will be arriving just hours before Shabbos following a lengthy delay, prompting Misaskim to get involved.
The flight was reportedly initially cancelled, but was then back on track for departure – though, approximately nine hours after the intended departure time.
With the plane expected to arrive in Newark at about 5 PM, Misaskim immediately sprung into action to ensue passengers make it home in time for Shabbos.
Misaskim founder Reb Yanky (Jack) Meyer tells TLS he has spoken to Custom and Port Authority officials to ensure a smooth and expedited process once the flight comes in.
Additionally, says Reb Yanky, Misaskim has arranged for El Al to have additional baggage handlers on hand to ensure passengers receive their baggage in an expedited manner.
Reb Yanky also took the opportunity to highlight the importance of taking into consideration the Halachic aspects of departing a location on Erev Shabbos, including asking a Shaila as to when it’s permissible to fly and when not.
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