Philanthropist Dr. Rich Roberts turned down requests by billionaires and political operatives to help fund a campaign to stop Republican Presidential front-runner Donald Trump, TLS has learned.
Earlier this month, Roberts, a powerful political figure, was invited by a politically active billionaire to attend a supposedly highly confidential conference call to stop Trump.
The call was hosted by some political operatives, and some billionaires, who wanted to raise many millions of dollars to run attack ads against Trump to stop him this Tuesday – especially in Florida.
They stated that this is the critical last chance to stop Trump and they prevailed upon everyone on the call to each donate millions of dollars on what one caller described as a “moral imperative”.
“I attended the call with an open mind to hear information that I might not have been privy to which would sway me,” Roberts told TLS. “I was dismayed to hear that the themes of their intended ads were charges against Trump that he had already effectively publicly refuted.”
Continues Roberts, “After that call, I sent an email to one of the billionaires telling him that I was surprised by the “disingenuous” discussion that I had heard. He forwarded my email to another billionaire who sent me an angry, biting reply. However, the reply that I received was also irrational and factually faulty and seemed to take offense to my use of the word “disingenuous”. (Maybe I am the only guy who will tell billionaires that they are wrong.) I sent a reply demonstrating the irrationality of the email that I had received and that seemed to end the discussion among billionaires.”
For example, says Roberts, “on the call one of the themes that they were planning to hit Trump with is that he is not really a successful businessman but he declared bankruptcy many times. In my email about the call, I cited this as being “disingenuous” because Trump had already stated that out of 150 of his companies four had declared bankruptcy.”
“It is clear that there is an anti-Trump smear-campaign that is being waged broadly across the media that has grown to a fevered pitch in an attempt to hit Trump with a tidal wave just before the critical votes on Tuesday especially in Florida,” says Roberts. “Pundits and reporters are stating suppositions and predictions as facts in a frenzied attempt to destroy Trump before Tuesday. These attacks are also disingenuous. Leftists attempted to disrupt Trump’s rallies, denying him his right to free speech, but the press, pundits, and primary opponents turn these cases into smears claiming that Trump is responsible for the fights that have broken out. Pundits keep claiming that Trump is destroying the Republican party but it is they who are destroying the Republican party by trying to deny the groundswell of grassroots voters their overwhelming choice. The other examples are well known to everyone.”
Whether the chorus of attacks on Trump are just a haphazard coinciding of forces from the Left, Republican establishment, and pundits who promote their self-importance by taking positions of extreme projections and hyperbole, or if there is a more sinister coordination by a core of self-interested Republican billionaires and establishment politicians, “I do not know,” Roberts said. “But I am very sure that the tsunami of smears against Trump, at this moment, are disingenuous.”
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Interesting article in NY Times on 3-14-16 about whether Trump is good for Israel.
So what is Dr. Roberts position? Pro or anti Trump? The facts are that Trump is a disingenuous person. All of his political opinions are strictly for the purpose of getting elected. This has been demonstrated by Cruz when he talked about how a few years a ago Trump told a reporter, who asked him about all of his left wing opinions, “What do you want from me? I am a New Yorker!”. In this regard, he is the same things as Clinton.
Look at track record. Rubio and Cruz are much more conservative. And conservatism is much closer aligned to the Torah than liberalism. Trump is a liberal. Fact.
Also, listening to the man speak, it becomes clear that his knowledge of topics is very amateur. Mr. Roberts, I don’t know who you are supporting, but things like “The second amendment is really important, and believe me, it is very important”. Or, We are going to win this guys, OK, we will” etc. don’t articulate anything other than stupidity.
I think that people are attracted to the persona of 1trump. And that those kinds of people typically are lacking in the intelligence department…just my opinion.
Also, at the debate, he is the only guy who said that he would try to cut a deal with the Palestinians. If he is saying that, he probably means it, because the natural conservative stance is to be tough in this regard. Cruz and Rubio highlighted how the Palestinians have proven that they are not interested in peace and want to blow people up and that a deal would go nowhere.
So, although these billionaires may be the wrong Anti-Trump crowd, there is no getting around that Trump is not the best candidate in the republican field.
Just listen to Trump’s speeches. Does he himself not come across as promoting self importance and extreme arrogance at the expense and ridicule of others? His is a self serving campaign at best and I don’t want to mention the worst. Trump will mock and humiliate anyone who disagrees with him. His speeches are full of self flattery and disgust for others.
As Rich writes, “Whether the chorus of attacks on Trump are just a haphazard coinciding of forces from the Left, Republican establishment, and pundits who promote their self-importance by taking positions of extreme projections and hyperbole, or if there is a more sinister coordination by a core of self-interested Republican billionaires and establishment politicians…”, I too do not know. One thing I do know, Trump is a man of terrible character and one who should never be President.
Once heard of a fellow who sold cell phone accessories. He placed a small store in a mall that threw the parts sloppily on tables and charged $5 for each. In a second store, using the same parts, he hung them neatly wrapped for $10. Both stores had customers.
Trump would have a third store, all wrappings neatly hung with nothing in them for $15.
Trump sells empty platitudes, but has no knowledge of the details. Listening t him is like listening to adverts for miracle amazing hair & diet products on the radio.
I don’t know how anyone can say that Trump will say anything to get elected, when he came out the first day and said things that all the “experts” predicted would keep him from getting elected.
The most important issue right now is jobs and the economy. Real wages are lower now then they were in 2002. Unprecedented stagnation. This is particularly acute in the IT sector, where there is a mass influx of H1B visa holders taking jobs.
Trump is the only one to take on this issue, because these “billionaires” who are funding the other candidates, like cheap labor.
Rich why don’t you publicize your letter to national news and FOX NEWS?
1-If the issue is that “Smears are disingenuous”, what about an anti-Trump campaign that is sincere? The fact is that the overwhelming majority of business and political experts say that a Trump presidency would be a disaster. What about supporting such a campaign?
2-Since when is politics not “disingenuous”? I am not condoning such behavior, but you Dr Roberts know we’ll just how honest the politics of today are. Why, in this situation, does it bother you more then in other situations? I would think that in the case of Mr Trump, who practically personifies the term “disingenuous”, it wouldn’t bother you very much. What do they say about those who live by the sword?
Richie and Donald are Alpha Males.
Old School.
They say it like it is.
Darn the consequences.
It’s none of your business who Dr. Roberts is supporting. The voting booth in America is a private place.
Understand the response as it is, nothing more than a response, an objective reality dose to a very subjective group of self preservation opinions from media, establishment Etc.
Dr. Roberts is a truth seeker and truth promoter. It’s irrelevant of whom he backs.
This makes others uncomfortable, of which, both He and Donald, are unapologetic.
@Aryeh Does saying like it is mean changing your stance on a regular basis? Is Donald’s exaggeration and outright lies “saying it like it is”? How about policies that can not possibly work?