Busing in Lakewood is apparently once again on the verge of collapse, emails obtained by TLS indicate.
In an email sent today to State Monitor David Shafter, the Township attorney wrote, “Dave, it appears that future funding for the LSTA is not secured or guaranteed at this time. Therefore it is in the best interests of the LSTA to suspend operations on November 1 2019. We sincerely hope this is a temporary situation but fiscal responsibility has to be paramount now. I know we all want management and operations to resume as soon as possible. Thank you, as always, for your kind consideration and cooperation.”
Inzelbuch, in response, wrote to school officials that the District needs to look to go out to bid for the busing.
“We can’t be held hostage like this,” Inzelbuch wrote in an email. The routes are not ours despite our attempts -need to do what State said – go out to bid immediately.”
Inzelbuch says he spoke with the Board of Education President, and advised the District to “please prepare bids to go out ASAP.”
just maybe
if we would care about the Kids NOT in Yeshiva yet…..