It became official moments ago: Committeeman and current Deputy Mayor Menashe Miller will serve as Lakewood’s Mayor for 2016, TLS has confirmed. Current Mayor Albert Akerman will serve as Deputy Mayor.
“I’m humbled and honored by the support and for being chosen by my colleagues Mike D’Elia, Meir Lichtenstein and Ray Coles,” Deputy Mayor Menashe Miller, a Republican, told TLS.
Miller, now entering his 13th year on the Committee served in 2015 as the Deputy Mayor to Albert Akerman. This year, Akerman, also a Republican, and entering his sixth year, will serve as the Deputy Mayor to Miller.
“Working this past year as deputy to Mayor Akerman worked out very well,” Miller says. “I’m looking forward to him serving as Deputy Mayor, and working together on many projects, including the ones he started.”
Mayor Akerman echoed those sentiments.
“I fully support Menashe as Mayor, and I’m looking forward to working with him,” Akerman told TLS. “I look forward to a great 2016.”
He added, “I would like to thank Mike D’Elia and the rest of the committee for choosing me as the Deputy Mayor.”
This is Miller’s third time serving as Mayor. He served as Mayor for two years in a row, in 2012 and 2013. Akerman served twice as Mayor.
The position of Mayor is chosen by the Committee, and generally remains within the political party – currently the Republican party.
Miller and Akerman will be sworn in during the Reorganization meeting.
“There’s lots of great stuff coming this year,” Miller said.
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Congrats Menashe & Aisek. You guys are a great team!
“Great stuff”? More congestion, more potholes, more ridiculous building approvals. Can’t wait for 2016.
thank you mayor miller. cant wait for the informative video updates
Hatzlocha Rabbah Menashe and Isaac!
hatzlacha mr mayor
just heard great idea to ease traffic – the more cars stop on the 9 the more buildup of traffic – lets let the green light stay green longer by central and james more cars can go through, its free lets try it!!
i know that cars waiting on central will wait longer but most of them are from 9 traffic anyway!!
I am very much confident that the local veteran politicians will continue to enhance the quality of life of all the Lakewood residents as they have with each passing year they are in power. Hopefully they will all remain in office for many years to come so lakewood will continue to thrive under such selfless leadership. Let us keep supporting these very proven policies because only those mentioned in the article are capable of leading our town.
Already great job – we haven’t had any snow issues this winter!
To harry2, it’s not up to the Township to do anything with the lights on Rt 9. The State DOT is in charge and only they can make any changes.
We are very fortunate to have guys like Menashe Miller and Isaac Akerman. This past year alone saw new sidewalks, additional streetlights, closing of tent city etc. these are guys that really produce results
new sidewalks, thats great now the kids can walk to School
Bussing bussing bussing bussing bussing bussing bussing bussing bussing bussing bussing