Shimmy M. has graduated the Haz-Mat fire-school, becoming the first Frum Jew in Ocean and Monmouth Counties to join the Haz-Mat team, TLS has learned. Shimmy, a 21 year old Lakewood resident who studies in Adelphia, became a firefighter in Adelphia several months ago, but continued in the fire-school to become a Haz-Mat team member.
Schooling for Haz-Mat is an additional one month course above the 6 month firefighter course.
In most Hazardous Material situations, Lakewood utilizes the Berkley Haz-Mat Team.
Shimmy says he has no current plans of joining the Lakewood Fire Department, as he spends his days in Adelphia.
(Photo has been removed upon request). TLS-CCP.
I feel bad for him. People are going to start knocking on his door when oil spills from the kugel………..
Good job jimmy! We are very proud of u!
Congadulations shimmy !!!
u the man jimmy! Finally people can get to thank you like this for all you do for the Klal !!
This is a great thing for the community! thank you shimmy.
sense the scoop thinks a frum member is the only person we should congradulate let me say thank you to all the people that just graduated the hazmat school. and thank you all for useing your free time to train so u can protect all of us. no matter what our race or religon.. thank you all… im sure that is what the scoop ment to say
This is not true there is no Shimi that is part of any hazmat team in ocean or monmouth county. Maybe he went to school but that dosnt mean he is part of a team.
Shimmy is a Givaldiga Guy keep up the great work I’m sure the zaida’s are very proud of you
If he lives in lakewood he can’t be part of adelphia fire dept. You have to be a resident
If this person did complete the NJSP HazMat Technician training course then what team does he belong too being that there are not to many HazMat Teams to begin with.
Whats his name? is he ashamed of his accomplishments? if so why did he do it to begin with?
Very nice accomplishment in completing Fire fighter One class as a new member of Station 19-2 Howell Township. As for the hazmat training, could there be some possible confusion as for Adelphia FD to the best of my knowledge has no hazmat team. It is possible that they have a de-con team that would assist the Monmouth County hazmat teams. The training for membership in a hazmat team is many more hours than the training for participation in a de-con team.
In general, most fire dept’s have time and training requirements before a “green” firefighter is allowed to apply for membership in a specialty units such as the hazmat team.
But most important thing is that this young man should be applauded for his eagerness to further his fire education letting no grass grow under his feet by taking a wide variety of training in a short amount time. May he have a long and safe career as a fire fighter
not being rude,but what if he is needed friday to saturday sundown
He has to be part of a team to help out or respond to incidents..It takes a lot of training to become a HazMat Tech and the training is ongoing..If he took it in Fire School..its just an overview..Just awareness & operations..that does not mean he is on a team.
What team is he associated with?