Few more hours! You can win $100,000 Cash in the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Annual Sweepstakes!


A few more hours left for all entries to be doubled!

Tomorrow, March 26, is the final deadline.

For over 11 years CCHF has been giving away $100,000 guaranteed!!

Each $100 entry is entered for a chance to win $100,000 plus 10 additional prizes totaling $126,000.

This year, you can be one of the lucky winners!

Visit us HERE to enter or call 845.352.3505 x 113 or  845.213.9178 or 718-686-6364.

All proceeds support Shmiras Halsohon Programs Worldwide teaching over 134,000 students and 60,000 adults the power of Shmrias Halashon and Ahavas Yisroel each day.

In these hard times, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita has said it is most important to be careful with our Shmiras Halsohon and Ahavas Yisroel.

Protect your family with the z’chus of Shmiras Halashon.

Share in the z’chus of giving Chizuk each day to thousands in Klal Yisroel.


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