[Reader Submitted] I wanted to let your readers know about an issue of some importance. Recently, I was stopped by a police officer for an expired inspection sticker. My first thought: no big deal; $130 Ticket, no points, and on my way, right? Wrong. If your inspection is at least 60 days past due, the officer has the option of giving you a ticket called “Refusal to Inspect” pursuant to statute 39:8-9. This is a big ticket, $500-$600, and requires a court appearance.
Hopefully others can learn from my mistake.
Did the officr use that option?
guess that would be a good reason to get your car inspected
I was not aware of this, thank you.
Most people who fail inspection are too lazy to get around to fixing it. But there are some who simply cannot afford to bring the car up to ‘code’. If its an older car and you take it to the mechanic, they tell you in order to pass inspection, it needs a tune up, new o2 sensors, etc, total cost $900
FYI a few years ago my car did fail for needing a tuneup and other work. I spend $15 on that liquid thats guarenteed to pass your inspection, and guess what, I did! obviously, if your check engine light is on, thats an automatic fail, luckily mine was not
i just had my car inspected. appeared the only thing they inspected was emissions. i passed. you can go 30 days before month you on sticker date. i did not know about the price that has to be paid for failure to inspect on time. wow, thanks for the info.
please read the statute the fine is $100-$200 – the $500 fine is only if you are displaying a fraudulant sticker
39:8-9. Enforcement; violations, penalties
39:8-9. a. The enforcement of this chapter shall be vested in the director and the police or peace officers of any municipality, any county or the State.
b. An owner or lessee who:
(1) Fails or refuses to have a motor vehicle examined within the time period prescribed by the director; or
(2) After having had it examined, fails or refuses to place or display a certificate of approval, rejection sticker or waiver certificate upon the windshield or other location on the vehicle as may be prescribed by the director; or
(3) Fails or refuses to place the motor vehicle in proper condition after having had the same examined; or
(4) In any manner, fails to conform to the provisions of this chapter or the regulations adopted by the director pursuant thereto, shall be guilty of violating the provisions of this chapter, and shall be subject to a fine of not less than $100 or more than $200 or to imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or to both such fine and imprisonment.
c. A person who fraudulently obtains a certificate of approval, rejection sticker or waiver certificate, or displays or has in his possession a fictitious, altered, or stolen certificate of approval, rejection sticker or waiver certificate shall be subject to a fine of $500 for each such certificate or sticker.
Bring the car to Arcadys auto repair and we will fix it the first time so you will pass inspection.
The inspection laws are more lenient than they had been. There are federal guidelines and that’s all they test for nowadays. In 1993, I failed inspection because one of my front lights was dim. They don’t even test for that anymore.
How do they justify such big fines for lack of inspection?!?!
They only test for emissions now.
Did it ever dawn on anyone to just obey the law because that’s what’s you’re supposed to do? Or is that not an option anymore?
Get it inspected then
Let’s make it a $1000 fine. $2000 fine. Where do we draw the line?
#10 Anonymous –
So I’m assuming you never drive above the speed limit?
There is a state trooper by the name of (moderated) who is running around giving tickets to people for this. His attitude is horrible and he gives a bad name to cops.
Why is it so difficult to get your car inspected? it’s not… just do it and the fines won’t be a concern
As stated above, inspection is only for emissions now. No longer have to worry about head lights, brakes, etc..
I failed last week for having a cracked windshield because it was cracked during my last inspection 2 ( years ago) it seems they can still fail you for things non related to omissions.
I guess you had a fake sticker
its much easier to pass nowadays. the mechanics are hurting from all the front end work they used to fix that has been eliminated.
Just obeying the law cost you NOTHING. Did he check your driver’s license to see if it was up to date and valid? They could[ve towed your vehicle as being unsafe. That would’ve cost you more money. Try obeying the law and you won’t have a problem.
I got the ticket in Fort Lee, NJ. A place notorious for handing out tickets willy-nilly.
No I did not have a fake inspection, I had an expired inspection.
I just got back from court. The prosecutor told me the fine would have been $750 but he allowed a plea-bargain for a simple failure to inspect.
I’ll obey the law when the thousands of drivers that don’t get pulled over by a cop for blatantly talking on their cell phone not hands free, and drunk driving swerve-ers get pulled over for careless driving and when cops stop running red lights/abusing power….so I guess that will be never…and sure inspections and “simple” but if you’re broke, a college student, and work full time its not easy. And really inspecting a car? I assume the risk of driving it and being able to handle it correctly this ticket/law is damaging to those who can’t afford the penalties and is a way to generate money. I’m always happy to see the police catching the really dangerous folk who don’t inspect their cars…. cuz man they’re the worst comparatively