PHOTOS: This morning, the Industrial Park Muster Zone shelter was dismantled, after it failed to achieve its purpose as an employment zone for day laborers. Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien tells TLS that as Mayor, he ensured that the zone be built with movable material, for this reason.
“It was purposely made this way, so that in case it doesn’t work out, it should be able to be moved”, Lichtenstien said.
A Department of Public Works employee told the TLS reporter that they expect to erect this shelter in the current Muster Zone located on Second Street and Madison Avenue in Downtown Lakewood.
The Employment Zone in the Downtown area is periodically put to use by day laboroers moved by police from Clifton Avenue.
How much will that cost, another $35,000 to move?
why cant they do the same with the cell tower? It can be moved to that location in the industrial park!
check them all for id’s, then they can muster..? we complane about waisted moneys then make sure its worth while…!!!
the gift that keeps giving, lakewood twp. are experts at wasting money
“The Employment Zone in the Downtown area is periodically put to use by day laboroers moved by police from Clifton Avenue.”
I drive by that area VERY often. There was only ONE time that I saw a man (and lady) in that area.
They were sitting on a bench appearing to be enjoying a ‘day out in the park’.
So, we have to come to the conclusion of one of the following:
-A) the police do not send them away from Clifton Ave. too often
-B) I should see an eye doctor, or
-C) you got your information wrong.
Fantastic. Another great move by the committee. Wasted DPW labor for this. What a waste. You’ll have the homeless using it to stay out of the rain and maybe use it as a public toilet. I think we should lay off another cop to pay for it.
I’m sorry, but it’s ridiculous to say that something requires building in a certain location, but it should be built our of movable materials in case it’s a miserable failure. If there is a chance that the plan will not succeed, why are you spending taxpayer money to implement it? What a huge waste.
lays off more cops so you can have more money to throw away for people who dont pay tax and makes lakewood a slum
all of you are a bunch of naysayers. At least they are TRYING to find a soloution. I have not heard of one of you suggesting any LEGAL soloution to the problem. “Lets deport them” he said…. “lets send them away from Clifton ave” he said….. anyone can shoot their mouths off but untill you have a good realistic idea just stick to the toys.
Blame DPW for this also.Who order this??? The mayor and his comittee boys.Another example of how this comittee wasted our money but then all of a sudden everybody goes blind and sees nothing.Blame the Unions for this too.
Not true, #5. I walk every morning past 2nd St. at about 8:00 and there are always many day workers hanging out there waiting for work.
Concrete slab- movable???
Sounds like a poor excuse! This idea was a failure! Cut your losses and scrap it- metal is at an all time high. The illegals never use that area anyway! What a waste of tax $$
waste of time,waste of money,all for cheap labor,lakewood turning into a dump
If everyone would ONLY pick up day workers from the muster zone they would all be forced to go there.
what the heck is wrong with all of you??????? these “day laborers” are illegals!!!!! get them the heck out of lakewood. Oh, i forgot, they rent houses from investors, work cheaply at businesses, clean houses, and buy from local merchants. boy am i dumb. i should have known better. lets just move the shelter.
Great idea, however I would rather not wait an hour at the new muster zone for a worker if I can have a choice of 35 on clifton!
we could use it for
*chavrusah tumul (or tumult)
*outdoor smoking cover
*parlor meetings (weather permitting)
*bus stop shelter (we need the slab so no driver bash into the crowd)
* temporary Hatzolah Garage for the south side of the lake
* it can be a new shul or school or a 3rd (or 4th NPGS)
*ooo-rah will buy it and auction it off ater they cover it with magnets
Why are Department of Public Works employees doing the construction at our expense? We should let the illegals build it themselves!!