NOTICE: TLS reported yesterday, that beginning 11:00 a.m. today, exit #127 North Bound on the Garden State Parkway-which leads to the 440 North and the Outerbridge Crossing-will be CLOSED until Sunday morning. However, there has been a change in the time. The exit will be open today until 8:00 p.m. this evening. Click HERE to view the PDF from the New Jersey Turnpike Authority. Thank you R.G. from Oorah for bringing this to our attention. (Please note: Initally, the closing was to begin at 11:00 a.m and was then changed because of traffic concerns. The PDF on their site has since been highlighted and changed).
yesterday when i told you not to ALERT everyone like that i was told i was WRONG. IF people would read the signs then it would make a difference.
I sent you all this ingfo why were you busy with people who “””SPOKE”””
eli k.