Can anti-vaxxers sue their children’s school for not allowing them into school?
What kind of criminal prosecution can the anti-vaxxers potentially face?
Hear what Dr. Roberts is offering school owners.
One of the top law firms in the Country has weighed in on the situation.
Watch the exclusive video below, and see the attorney’s letter.
Go Dr. Roberts, Go!!
thank you for taking this issue to heart!!
Don’t you think that in order for a child to be accepted into a school without immunizations, the parents should have a 5 hour mandatory class on vaccine history, risk, effectiveness etc.? I’ve been quite involved in a group trying to help many antivaxxers realize where they’ve been misled. most of the people that live here in Lakewood are of those that simply don’t know better. They really believe that what they are doing is right! Even those that have full access to the internet do not have the capabilities and know-how it takes to do the research needed. They felt their child had a problem, looked for a solution, and got swept into the antivaxx movement (cult???)
How can you tell a moser, GO. Prosecuting your jewish brothers by such means is very severe and should not be decided by a retired ignoramus. People are unique. Everyone is entitled to their views. Force should not be used just because you think differently.
America is a free country, where everyone is entitled to their own views. But not if the safety of the greater public is at risk.
Judaism isn’t a free religion, and we were instructed my our rabbanim to vaccinate. According to halacha, we must follow rov rofim. at least 95% of doctors say to vaccinate. so where does anyone take the idea that they don’t have to?
Did you listen to the video? Hes NOT prosecuting all he is doing is helping the schools fight BACK from the anti-vaxxers who ARE prosecuting. He specifically said that hes not going to the authorities, just helping the schools defend themselves.
As far as being entitled to their own views, let them open a school w their own views. Disease ridden
Stopping someone from causing harm to other jews is not mesira
Thank you Dr. Roberts!
I’m sure it’s not easy to stand up for the safety & health of our community, but you are doing what every person in our town should be doing.
And thanks @thelakewoodscoop for being the leading news site in this campaign for the health of our community!!
I think the scoop should not get involved.
Agreed. Local news sites have no business reporting local news.
Dr Roberts
First of all thank you so much for doing this and for all that you have done and continue to do.
I do have a curious question and that is if the antivaxers are in this only for the money then wouldn’t it make sense that they themselves make sure they and their children are immuned?
It would be interesting to find out if indeed they did vaccinate their family and claim that that is the reason why they now are anti. (I.e. they have experience that they suffered ad a result etc.)
Another question I have is if indeed they are a danger for us (& I believe they are!!) Then why not go to the authorities?? Why not get the govmt involved??
This may be true for private religious schools without government ties. What about if for private religious schools who take government funding?
What about the outbreak in Michigan, South Carolina, Massachusetts
Thank you Dr. Roberts! We appreciate all your time and effort spent on this for the benefit of the klal!
Rich, what happened to the fish tank. That is the best part.
I would like to hear what Dr. Roberts has to say about Jean Ghantous’s article below. She is a wife and mother of three, including a daughter who was diagnosed with leukemia and has been battling this illness on and off for ten years. She has a background in science, and formerly held a position with a pharmaceutical company as a research specialist. Thank you.
“Don’t vaccinate to protect my cancer kid”
In the Lakewood Public Schools, students without up to date immunizations are being sent home from public school until they receive the appropriate shots.
Given the high incidence of measles in Lakewood, a student who unfortunately is receiving chemo once per month is not allowed to attend school per his doctors and is receiving home instruction.
Not belittling what’s going on or saying to vaccinate or not, but let’s please keep this in perspective.
Last count I believe was 6 cases out of a population of 600,000 (Ocean County, NJ 2017 Census). B”H it’s not higher so lets stop the hysteria and take the proper precautions without all the fanfare. I would not call 1/100,000 a “high incidence”. The hysteria is not doing any good for anybody.
Just for the record, it is a fact that there are more than 6 – for example there is a non-vaccinated family with 4 kids with measles but are not going to the doctor/report as as not to get in trouble.
I don’t know the whole Lakewood so I would assume there are more.
That is definitely a possibility, however without a lab diagnosis how can they be sure? During flu season everyone says they have the “flu” but BH most of the time it’s just a cold.
With measles there is a very common childhood disease called roseola that mimics it a bit (especially now with heightened measles awareness) so it’s POSSIBLE that’s actually what they have.
I am not discounting the possibility – it’s most definitely possible – just offering a possible alternative.
As a side point, why would they get in trouble? The 6 people who were confirmed to have it didn’t get in trouble did they?
I still don’t get it if my kids r vaccinated why does it matter if there are unvaccinated kids in the school it’s the unvaccinated who should be worried about catching measels not the vaccinated I don’t know what all the hype is about unless the vaccine doesn’t really work… also what about the staff the teachers janitors bus drivers tutors r they all vaccinated
Can Dr. Roberts explain the following.
At the recent ACIP meeting, it was announced that four precautions to DTaP are to be removed (meaning if children exhibit any of these effects after the first dose of DtaP, it is NOT a reason to not give the next two doses to that child).
These are the four effects:
Fever more than 105 degrees within 48 hours following dose
Persistent, inconsolable crying lasting more than 3 hours within 48 hours
Collapse or shock-like state within 48 hours
Seizure within 72 hours
These are all signs of encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). The Merck Manual says that both viruses and vaccines can cause encephalitis.
Can Dr. Roberts explain to us how a doctor would know whether or not it is the vaccine causing these symptoms of encephalitis in a child? And if the doctor cannot know, is it not dangerous to continue to give subsequent doses of this vaccine to that child? And what has changed that made the ACIP change these “adverse reactions” to “normal reactions” ?
Thank you.
This seemed concerning so I tried to look it up in the meeting minutes of the June 2018 ACIP meeting but did not see it mentioned. Is this information available somewhere? If true I would too like an explanation but before that I’d like to see where this is documented.
FIRST of all Dr, Roberts ,Thank you for your time, Let me tell you that we have a son well known Dr, that his patients tell me that he is a Tzadik B. H. he helps a lot of people . But Dear Dr, Roberts he is nobody compared to you. [ I hope nobody tells him that his old mother said so] The time and effort and money that you invest for the safety of our community and now especially for our innocent children is unbelievable. How the anti vaxers can try to profit from something that might cost CHAS VESHOLEM even one child’s life is beyond believe, . I can understand that there might be some children that for health reasons can not take the vaxine, but that happens very rarely. With my very limited medical knowledge It also makes sense that a teacher can also get the measles from a child, And especially if the teacher is expecting. Again thank you DR. Roberts. Zol gebentscht zein deine hant. If you dont understand Yiddish I will gladly teach you. TIZKU LEMITZVOTH. Some day when you have the time I would like to meet you in person, Respectfully Bubbie Zelda.
@oh Michigan has 1 case that’s not a outbreak.
Do anti vaxxers use cellphones the waves are really dangerous perhaps move to some deserted 3rd world country where you people can practice ur koko stuff
@A says-there’s more than one case in Detroit..2 that i know of personally
a says-yup there are many people who actually care about their health and are careful to give their children healthy food without dyes, not allow their children to use their phones and not talk for long periods of time on their cell phone. I just read about a study of rats/mice and how they were developing tumors after being exposed to cellphone waves (radio waves). And while you’re at it, check out your deodorant-is aluminum good for you?
Dr. Roberts, I have some questions:
-I am not anti-vaccines as my children do have them, however, I am a very concerned parent as I have spoken to countless doctors and specialists about my concerns after one of my children had adverse reactions to vaccines and they all brush it off in the same fashion as the CDC, FDA, AAP, WHO – they have the same reasoning and answers – that there’s no connection, or the vaccines are still anyway safe for your child, or just like when you cross the street there’s a small chance of getting hurt, so too with vaccines, etc.
-Are doctors supposed to know what is written in the vaccine inserts or are they as ignorant as the rest of the community?
– Have any of the ‘pro vaccine’ people done ANY research before they condemn parents of vaccine damaged children?
-Does Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s letter not count, only what other people heard from Rav Elyashiv?
– 120,000 Parents/doctors report reactions to VAERS every year. Reactions like: seizures, asthma, autism, juvenille diabetes, allergies, ADHD, SIDS, encephalitis, etc. It is said that this accounts for only 1-10% of reactions that are reported as parents are brushed off that the reaction did not have to do with the vaccines just like I was. Doctors have also been conditioned not to connect a child’s post-vaccine issues and therefore most of the cases go unreported.
-I am curious to see if all of my questions and comments will be posted or if the lakewood scoop is following a one sided view.
There are dozens if not hundreds of studies that have not found any causal link between vaccines and any diseases or autism. Can you provide any studies that have found such a link?
There aren’t any prospective studies ruling out risk. The “studies” you mention are all retrospective and subject to bias.
I am amazed at the way people are swept into the media hype. You are making a mountain out of a mole hole. The measles is just measles. Its not deadly, and not everyone unvaxxed is a perpetrator for measles. There are Rabbonim and Doctors (suprise) that disagree with Richy. So lets be more open minded about this. Lets not take what individuals say for granted. Lets not get carried away by media and pharmaceutical hype. Do your research, see the facts. Lets be smarter.
Thank you Dr. Roberts. Here is a question- can a school legally accept anti vaxxers if it is putting children at risk in their school? Additionally, what are the laws in Ohio? Are our children protected against anti vaxxers?
Dr. Roberts the Trump of Lakewood doing whats right because he doesnt need anything from anyone Thank you from the bottom of my heart
This letter basically say nothing new , what we new before. I do not believe any of Jewish parents will sue Jewish Lakewood Yeshivos in non jewish cort. And as it say in the letter , school decides who to act in this situation independently . As we see not many school ( if any ? ) refuse , despite pressures from doctors , to send home unimmunised children . So what we gain from this machlokes? Only loosing out .
There’s one girl elementary school that is (the nurse is well known) and I wonder if there’s more.
To @Harry Lews
If someone is endangering the public you actually have an obligation to report to authorities so before you make a bold statement and call someone a MOSER (which is so chomer you can kill him) know your halacha!!
@Harry Lews they are Rodfim!
Thanks Dr. Roberts
We have to ban
all cleaning lady’s,
grocery shopping,
mall shopping,
grocery delivery is also no good who knows who touched it.
All non vaccinated school help. Etc!!
Why is schools the only issue. Ban everything else. As soon as I see the ban in effect on everything else I’ll see that this is serious. Until than no way will I vaccinate!!
In all seriousness. Thank you Dr. Roberts for all you’ve done and continue to do!!
Keep up your amazing work!!
Jacobson v. Massachusetts 197 US 11 (1905) the State can force you to vaccinate.
Interesting read but in the end he was fined $5, or $143 in today’s money. Pretty much a knas. It should have just been paid without the supreme court getting involved.
The ruling itself is quite scary, basically they can subject you to any medical procedure for the “common good”. Ya that sounds like fun..
Also the ups man who delivers your amazon packages should be banned.
Major news. A FedEx delivery man was one of the confirmed measles carriers. Quickly return everything you purchased
Oh and the janitor in a local food store also is a confirmed carrier. Oh snap, now I have to stop buying from stores
And the final interesting confirmed case is a local ATM repair man. So if you touched any money over the last 4 weeks you are in trouble.
Sounds crazy right. Yup just as crazy as thinking a lawsuit will work. The fear bullies want you to think it’s only the children who need shots. The Principals need shots, the teachers, subs, office workers, janitors, cooks, delivery people and everyone else who enters the building. Until a school can prove they are checking EVERY individual who enters the school they legally cannot keep your kid out. (Regardless of what dr. Roberts wants you to believe)
takeh a good teina – what is the answer?
Is this hysteria, I think that we are losing sight of one fact: self inflicted oppression, compromised freedom of choice. I think every parent agrees that they be allowed to make decisions for their children. Do we want to involve government? For thousands of years we’ve been oppressed by governments controlling us. You want to go down that path again? It might suit you now when you agree with a pro vaccine choice. And when government then decides against bris? Will you be gloating about their involvement then?
I can’t understand the point of this machlokes. If you want to vaccinate your child then please do! And if your child is vaccinated then they are protected. So what’s all this hysteria over the unvaccinated children??
I am getting nervous about living in Lakewood…..
take a look at all these headlines
Breaking: Gas line explosion causes fire in Lakewood; hundreds evacuated
PHOTO: driver overdoses; crashes on route 9 in Lakewood
Driver who caused 5 vehicle accident in Lakewood charged with DWI
Its from the way we are treating each other and machlokes!
Why is there such hysteria and kol koirehs about this when other issues of children in danger are swept under the rug such as all the abusers who get away with it and are still allowed to walk the streets free. They are way more dangerous than any disease.
Oh because that would be motzie shem rah, lashon harah, sinas chinam!!!
@cmon ppl.
1 – Recently there has been a lot of discussion about abuse and it’s slowly being pulled out from under the rug.
2 – there is a very simple solution in this case, not so with most other dangers
Hashem Imcha Gibor HaChayil!
Keep it up!
I used to work with a venture capital group and they wouldn’t touch pharmaceuticals. As Dr. Roberts said, it takes boatloads of money to make it to the market and most are doomed to fail!