A Lakewood man is being hailed as a hero for saving the life of the man who fell into a cement truck in Lakewood, TLS has learned exclusively.
When Moshe K. was passing by the construction site on 14th Street, he heard screams, and went to investigate. That’s when he found the man stuck inside the truck.
The Good Samaritan immediately asked the man what he can do to stop the truck, and the patient – badly injured – told him to look for a red shutoff button.
Moshe climbed inside the truck and located the button, shutting off the machine. He then called emergency personnel.
Though the patient suffered severe injuries, the Good Samaritan’s actions definitely prevented further injury.
The patient was flown to JSUMC for treatment.
our Torah which we learned from our forefathers has been guiding us to be kind to others way way before any good people even lived in the samaritan province
“Good Samaritan” is a Christian and anti-Jewish reference. Check Wikipedia for the details. I am surprised that a Website the caters to the Orthodox Jewish community would use it
Did you know that the parable of “the Good Samaritan,” comes from the New Testament, and that in it, first a Kohen and then a Levi pass by a man in need of help and ignore him, and then the Samaritan helps the man out? Not exactly unzere shprach.
I think the shoresh of the word Samaritan is satmar ! Which we all know are very much into chesed and helping everyone, the goyim weren’t to happy about it so they changed the word around.