Emergency Campaign Launched to assist Yeshiva Chayei Olam following devastating fire which destroyed Sefer Torah, building

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I plan on giving BEH regardless but I just feel if there was a little more information out there as it relates to the Yeshiva for example who’s the Rosh Hayeshiva, how many boys in the Yeshiva etc. I just think it’ll motivate people as they get a better picture to actually give and not just see the link and perhaps give more than they would have…
Editor- kindly reach out to whomever is handling this campaign..
Looks like a house to me
Yeshiva Chayei Olam is my son’s yeshiva. It currently has grades 9-11. It is run by the very capable Roshei yeshiva Rav Chaim Eli Ungar and Rav Leiser Yudel Bromberg.
The Yeshiva has been a lifesaver for my child and really helps the boys reach their potential. Anyone who can donate would have a part in the future of a really terrific yeshiva.
so sad to see a scorched torah…so hurtful…and yes-good point-whos the rosh, how many bochrim, what was the building, a dorm? beis medrash? class rooms?
Im hoping to Heaven there was fire insurance and they dont have to come onto the tzibuur to schnurr money.
sam the Bull- respectfully your choice of words are totally inappropriate. We all believe that everything that happens is orchestrated by the One Above as such if a fire tragically consumed a Yeshiva along with a Sefer Torah and much else and the Yeshiva needs to raise funds to get back on its feet no one is going to suggest the Yeshiva is (as you put it) ‘coming on to the tzibbur to shnurr money’..
Poor choice of words! Everyone is and will continue to help this Yeshiva and consider this a zechus to do so. And who he really knows the chesbonos shomayim….
its is a shame, but why isnt there at least one sentence thanking the firefighters.. To the firefighters who put their lives on the line thank you
This is a horrible story.
So much more poignant as you can tell the Firefighters were frum, and visibly moved at the sight of the damaged Sefer Torah.
I’m also very curious to know the name of the safe company.
There should NOT have been damage to the Sefer from a fire.
Every Yeshiva is necessary (somebody’s got a child there) I don’t know anything about this specific one, however they obviously are teaching Torah to a few classes already; and instead of immature ridiculous… Just donate A few dollars to get them back on their feet.
Hashem Yiracheim that such a tragic event of a burnt Sefer Torah in our town happened, Look What You Can Do To Be Mechabed The Torah!
This is terrible. Such eidle bochrim and exceptional R”Y’s. Rav Leizer Yudel Bromberg is one of a kind Rosh Yeshiva. His kesher with the bochurim, anivus, and glatter approach is one of a kind. We must all donate generously to help these bochurim have a new home of their OWN.
Kol Hakavod TLS for launching this camp.
Reb. Chaim Ely Ungar is the Rosh Yeshiva. He is an unbelievable Rebbi and a dedicated person. He will go above and beyond to help anyone in need. he has a golden heart! Giving money to his Yeshiva is a true Zchus.
yes giving money to a yeshiva is indeed a great zchus, pretty pushit, hopefully they had proper coverage and it will turn into a bracha
I live in the Chassidishe neighborhood nearby and very often gave lifts to Bucherim to this Yeshiva in the mornings. I was always amazed about their Eidelkeit and ehrlichkeit. I went there now and shed a tear for the loss of such a Mokom Kodush and the Sefer Torah R”L. We must help them rebuild.
The address for donations is:
Yeshiva Chayei Olam
C/O Rabbi Chaim Ely Ungar
14 East 11th Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Tax ID# 20-8508320
Tizku lmitzvos