Eisemann Attorney Comments Following Tuesday’s Hearing [VIDEO]

Following Tuesday’s appeals court hearing in Trenton, a member of Rabbi Eisemann’s defense team, attorney James Mahon, provided an exclusive update on what was another critical day in the years-long legal saga.

“The argument went as well as humanly possible,” Mahon said.

“Now it’s in Hashem’s hands,” Mahon, a devout Catholic, added.

A decision is expected to be announced in the next 30 days and everyone is asked to continue Davening for Osher ben Chana Frumit.

See the the video below for his full comments.

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  1. Amazing how this non-Jew puts his faith in Hashem. I guess that what happens when you in company of such an amazing maaman all the time.

  2. One could argue that his comment that “now it is Hashem’s Hands” is tainted with Kefirah. As though he’s saying, “I’ve done my part, G-d; now, You finish this off properly.” In fact, even when the lawyer was expertly presenting the arguments it was all in His Hands.

    • His next sentence seems to counter that. “Hashem was definitely on Lee Vartan’s shoulders today.” That was during the arguments.

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