[COMMUNICATED] Trailing on the explosive launch of the Affiliate Broker Division, with thousands of brokers signed up within the first 90 days nationwide, Eastern Union Funding is looking to give back and share our success with the dedicated Rebbeim of our community. This is an opportunity for Eastern Union to show our immense gratitude for the diligence and efforts of those who work to provide our children with the structural knowledge they need to succeed. The positions will be geared specifically to work within the schedules and obligations of Rebbeim in an environment befitting our community’s esteemed educators.
“Due to the tremendous appreciation I have toward the Rebbeim of our community and their superhuman devotion ensuring our children’s growth, it has always been my dream to give back by offering them opportunities for parnassah within my company” says Ira Zlotowitz, President of Eastern Union Funding. “Now, with our Affiliate Broker Division, the opportunity for part-time positions has become possible, and this dream can finally become reality.”
The Affiliate Broker Division began only three months ago as a one-man operation, and in the short span since its inception, the team has multiplied with over 3,000 sales broker affiliates from hundreds of different firms, with 150 new brokers signed on daily. Due to the overwhelming response, Eastern Union is looking to hire a full team to manage and service our existing relationships with theses commercial real estate professionals.
“We’ve gotten great feedback from the brokers that have already signed up. This initiative has grown larger than any of us could have anticipated in a short amount of time. I believe that by hiring a team to service the brokers further, we can multiply our numbers to reach unprecedented levels,” said Aryeh Miller, Director of Business Development, Affiliate Broker Division.
Eastern Union is offering this opportunity to the Rebbeim of our community and will work with the Rebbis’ schedule as well as ensure a 45-minute seder before beginning to work each day. This position offers a salary and commission. To learn more about this initiative, the company will be hosting an open house to present this opportunity to the Rebbeim of our community this Tuesday, December 19th.
To RSVP, Email: [email protected]
Ridiculous Rebbeim need to learn a few hours a day to transmit torah to the next generation. They should not be working in such a manner. Better give a pay raise.
Pay Rabbeim for the work they do,then worry about extras
My previous comment is not directed at eastern Union. I applaud the initiative to try to alleviate financial hardship for mechanchim. However our most precious asset is our children, and we have much to be concerned about as far as their education. The challenges they will face are well documented, and proper chinuch is the basic defense they have as far as dealing with future challenges. But we continue to pay our mechanchim the bare minimum, and that has to change. We need our chinuch system to be cutting edge, we need the best people, we need more people. We need more staff, and higher quality staff. We are at unprecedented levels of wealth in our community, and salaries for our teachers are lagging in a huge way. So as I said, before offering additional work for rabbeim to help them out (which is very nice), we must must must raise their current salaries to be high enough to entice the best minds and personalities to enter chinuch and not leave after a couple of years, disillusioned because they are not able to make ends meet. Supply and demand gives us an endless supply of candidates for teaching at a low rate of pay… but are we getting the best? I don’t think so, do you?
Exactly, I would love to go into חינוך but am not considering it because of the meager salary!
@a rebbi
I agree with you 100%.
I am taking this step by step. Torah Umesorah has been doing an amazing job driving the initiatives in getting rebbeim raises and many yeshiva here in Lakewood have already given their rebbeim raises.
However even that isn’t enough and I found out that rebbeim are taking jobs in the afternoon that drain them even more and those salaries are meager at best.
The nature of the mortgage business never allowed for an opportunity to help rebbeim with their current schedule until the success our broker affiliate initiative.
The one step I am trying to do is provide a handful of rebbeim a very bakavadik position, in a condusive environment just for them with 45 minutes of their afternoon open for them to learn a Limud of their choice in a beis medrash located under the same roof and get paid for that time as well!
It’s easy to say rebbayim need to get paid more. Are you ready and willing to pay more tuition every month??
is it possible to work from home??
Ira, are English teachers included in this offer?
Yes to English teachers and sorry not from home the first round. If matzliach will expand.
what about the moros? The mosdos want the kind of moros who are supporting their husbands in kollel. How can that be possible on a salart of $28,000 a year. I teach and work many more long hours at another job to cover my bills. I’ll be honest – I am a very successful teacher who is feeling very burnt out. It isn’t posSible to focus properly on my students when I am desperately searching for enough other work to cover my bills (no luxuries) yet it’s always the rebbekim that the Klal worries about. why?
I specifically used the word “mechanchim” in my comment, not Rabbeim, to include Moros as well. Agree fully that all teachers should be paid on a scale that is not directly related to supply and demand.
@Rivka, the answer to your question is not an easy one, but to me it is irrelevant. We chose our lifestyle, and we have to pay for it just like everything else we pay for. Not being able to pay for it doesn’t mean that therefore we get a discount.
@Ira, thank you for the initiative, and for again raising the issue in a great way. May you have much success in your business, and particularly in this initiative!
To r
Cause the rabbeim being mechanech our children is a must in ruchnius versus moros who teach our children English is just a US Curriculum.
Unless of course you are a full time Hebrew Morah for a girls school. Then you deserve the same credit as rabbeim get and will be rewarded PRICELESS in the next world
Keep up your great amazing work
I am a full time Hebrew Morah and I know about the sechar in olam haba. In this world, though, my rent (for my small apt.) needs to be paid, my food needs to be bought, my children need clothing and food. Whenever I tell people that I’m thinking of leaving teaching, they gasp, and say, “We cant lose a teacher like you?”
I’ve been teaching for almost 10 years-can you tell me where they pay $28,000?Because I get about half…
This is open for rebbeim or moras. In short those that sacrifice for our kids will have this flexible option.
I’d appreciate if you can explain to me why my first comment wasn’t posted. At the very least pass it on to Ira to mull it over. I have no problem if he feels differently and HAS been advised to do this by the leading Daas Torah authorities. If so there should be no problem quoting them in this promotion. I’m disappointed by the disingenuous method that you use to bury opinions that you don’t like or are scared to post.
Reb Ira
You should be gebentched! The Chizuk that us Rabbeim took from this initiative itself should be a zchus for you and klal yisroel. When you lit your menorah you created Ohr, Hashem made you a Shliach to create more Ohr on Chanuka. Seven Rabbeim I know all expressed the same hergesh, Hashem sent a shliach to show us that we are doing a very important job. Thank You
Are Yeshiva administrative staff included in this program?
Just wanted to respond to the Rebbi who commented about “uprecedented levels of wealth on the community”. I am not sure what that means exactly, but the fact is that Lakewood on average is not a wealthy community.
Their are more individuas who are wealthy, but that is to be expected in a growing community, there are also more middle class, as well as more poor.
I did some research on this, and based on the U.S. census Bureau info, the vast majority of Lakewood residents would not be able to pay full tuitions as is.
If there was more money floating around, smaller classes would be an important move to make. It doesn’t matter if someone is a super-rebbe or super-morah, if there are 28 children in the class, there is no way to give all the children the attention they need.
Beautiful thing you are doing.
@ira how about a regular guy with a job but still needs more just to cover tuition etc…