To mark World Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day, Drumthwacket, the Governor’s Official Residence in Princeton, will be illuminated in purple on Thursday, November 16. The observance spreads awareness of the disease and its symptoms while promoting the importance of earlier detection.
“Pancreatic Cancer is a disease that is often difficult to diagnose,” said First Lady Mary Pat Christie. “On World Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day, we want to bring greater attention and understanding of this disease, and encourage loved ones to protect their health by learning its symptoms and taking action to lower their risk for the disease.”
Pancreatic Cancer has one of the lowest survival rates of all major cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, 53,670 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer by the end of 2017. Approximately 418,000 new cases of Pancreatic Cancer will be diagnosed by 2020.
Each year in New Jersey, there are approximately 1,420 newly diagnosed cases of pancreatic cancer and 1,191 deaths caused by the disease. More common in older adults, 70 percent of all pancreatic cancer cases are diagnosed over the age of 65.
There are measures to take to reduce risk of developing the disease, including avoiding or quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol consumption, and limiting personal exposure to certain chemicals in the workplace.