A DPW official tells TLS the Department has a crew on standby for an icy conditions that may occur due to the impending snow.
Additionally, they Department has a crew of six on call to plow, and a second group to follow.
Typically, says the DPW, they begin plowing when snow accumulation reaches three inches.
The official says the department doesn’t pre-salt when it’s raining, as the salt just gets washed away.
Lakewood could get up to four inches of snow by tomorrow morning.
Why do plows begin at 3 inches. How much money can it be to plow an inch or 2, to make sure the busses have clear roads in the morning?
Why wasn’t my block plowed yet???! Where are the plows!!!!
These guys are praying for snow to show they can get the job done. LOL
They will now show that they do a good job on this baby snow storm, then they will say that no changes are necessary because they dealt with the snow without any problems.
Wait till 3 inches sounds like a brilliant idea! So if it snows just 2.9 inches we will have to shovel the streets again by hand?
Waste of resources to plow even if it were 6 inches it will melt by June or July (or Saturday 44°)
Help! We are rained in!
When will dept of public waste send out the plows it’s still less than 3 inches?!
There’s at least 3 inches and counting but no plows in lakewood. This township DPW incompetencw is sickening.
Who needs plows in this snow it’s a wet snow and after 2 Cars Drive your roads will be clear
The Department of Public Waste is laughing in our faces. I’m sure they know the Friday schedule here in town. How much plowing are they really expecting to get done at about 12pm on Friday when the roads are jammed with traffic??
This morning I saw 3 plows, one behind the other, plowing main street going east and another 2 plows going west. There is no snow on main street. All washed away by traffice.1