JUST IN: DOCUMENT: Dozens of Rabbonim in Lakewood have signed a letter screaming against those who are attempting to re-investigate the river defining Lakewood, thereby questioning the validity of hundreds of Gittin written in Lakewood over the years. The letter, which was signed by the leading Rabbonim of Lakewood, was signed about two months ago sources say, but was only released today.
The letter was signed after a meeting took place in Brooklyn, where Rabbi Knopfler asked Rabbonim – including Rabbonim which were apparently unaware of the fact that it was against many esteemed Rabbonim – to open an investigation into the issue, which could have resulted in catastrophic situations, Rabbonim say.
The issue discussed at that meeting, was which river defines Lakewood, a mandatory requirement for every Get written. TLS/News Breakers.
excuse my ignorance on this matter, but what does a river have to do with writing a get?
Rabbi Senderovitz is the undisputed Gitten posek in america. 20 years ago he defined how a Lakewood Get is written. I don’t undersatand how people can wake up now thinking they know better. In his Sefer he write the “water sources” Lakewood sits on is Lake Carasaljoe to the west, Metdekong River to the North (by the Howell border), and Lake Shenandoah to the east.
on the get you must write which rivers are closest to city
This is not actually news. Way too complicated, way too premature. Wait for a decision one way or another.
Can TLS post a larger and more readable picture of the Letter please?
I have news for aLl of u there is a lot more to the story
The world expert on Gitten, Rav Kasriel (Rav Nisim’s eidim) came for that meeting & it has absolutely NO affect at all on the previous gitten.
How much does a Get cost?
There’s plenty more to the story but one thing we already know is that someone from out of town showed up here and decided to call himself badatz of Lakewood and promptly convened meetings in new York attempting to overturn a decades old decision. The rabonim in Lakewood have released a letter against this person already but didn’t specify the issue. Now we know he attempted to potentially disqualify all gittin of the past 25 years and being motzie la’az on many children.
so can i do a get in lakewood or not!!!???? my wife really needs an answer!
One mandatory requirement for a Gett is that the city it is written in has its defining permanent feature expressed in the get.
Many times a permanent feature is a body of water. (Like here in Lakewood.) Sometimes it is a mountain or some other prominent noticeable EARTH landmark feature.
The reason being is to have a permanent system of validating a Gett, and if ever there is a question regarding the legitimacy of the city the Gett was written in, say like if the city was destroyed, there is still a permanent mark or area in the world to refer to.
It does Not have to specifically be a body of water- although in Lakewood’s case that’s how and where the city was originally known for.
(A decisive feat and method of deciding the city’s most prominent feature is to investigate precisely how and why the city was founded, so as to determine the original founding natural feature that the city was identified with. – and that is why there is a lot of research into how and where a city was originally settled- before any Gett is written.)
#9, go work on your marriage instead of worrying about gets!!
Can we here both sides?
there are no two sides. Daas torah has spoken.
No 12 my marriage is doing just fine thank you.
There is another river which was omitted, Kettle Creek which is to the south…
Isn’t the lake man made? even the fish were brought in at one time.
to # 17,
you are correct, it flows down salem st , under new hampshire ave. through industrial park , leisure village under hooper ave and into the kettle creek
and why are they meeting in Brooklyn to discuss water source issues in Lakewood?? I would think the residents here would be more concerned about that NOT the people of a totally different state…
May Hashem bless everyone with good mental health so there shouldn’t need to be hundreds of Gitten required.
So the lady drove her car in to the lake in that earlier post has to do with this?
Tell your wife not to be so impatiant, show her who’s BOSS!
I don’t GET it