A child was seriously injured this evening after being bitten by a dog, as first reported on our News Alerts. Police and EMS were summoned to the home about 7:15 pm after receiving reports about a severe dog bite to a one year old child.
Upon arrival, officials found the child with a critical injury to the neck, officials say.
EMS requested a medevac to transport the child to Jersey Shore Medical Center.
CIU investigating the incident. Animal Control was called in as well. TLS.
UPDATE SUNDAY: Sergeant Glenn Clayton tells TLS the young girl, who is to turn 1 year next month, was bitten by a “large brown dog,” and the breed is unknown at this time, according to the police report.
The dog did not belong to the family of the victim, Clayton said.
ouch! our thoughts and prayers with the child
We too have a bull dog on our block which chased the kids and mothers 4times already. We called the police and animal control who came out and told US that as long as they watch it we can’t do anything!!!!! What are we to do now? Is there anyone who can help us? When we called animal control back after It jumped on someone the women said what do u want them to do? It’s a dig. There is a limit of how well they can watch it!! Seriously! Who can we turn to?
So horrfic,
Please G-d make a full recovery!!! Heart and prayers with the family of the child. Please keep us up tp date.
Was it the family’s dog?
I don’t see anywhere in the article where it states the breed of the dog. There’s enough hysteria over bully breeds….any dog is capable of biting.
That’s enough about bully breeds?? Get real! My daughter was attacked over 25 years API and went through a dozen surgeries. , pit bills should be banned! No other dog
creates as much harm because we can’t control the idiots who item them. You think guns are dangerous?
I agree…. I’ve been bit by a chihuahua
My thoughts and prayers are for this child to make a full
recovery. All breeds of dogs can bite, I adoped a black
lab when my children were young and it bit my young
daughter and had to be returned to the pound.
Yeah! NJ should GET on the Band Wagon and allow People to Protect themselves when it comes to Animals. If people aren’t going to Contain, fence or Chain their dogs and care about their neighbors, they should be permitted to Have them! Adults should be able to Use Mace! Mace should be ALLOWED TO PROTECT THEMSELVES UNDER ANY and ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IN NJ, IT IS NOT! Sad what happened to This little Boy! I was surrounded by 2 dogs taking my 4 mile walk in SC. The owners did nothing but Call them, and I had regular Mace with me. they got me, in the Leg. Now I carry Bear Mace. Never going to Get Me Again! No Laws in the County~/ Country regarding containing Animals….Now I carry Bear Mace and I get the PIT BULLS, 3 OF THEM, THAT CAME UP BEHIND ME OUT OF NOWHERE! In a FLASH! Dogs are faster than anyone can imagine, and I’m an adult, but Mace is Legal in SC! It worked! and They Ran! NJ Needs to THINK of their Citizens and especially innocent children walkers and runners. Animals need to be Contained and Chained. Unforgivable what happened to this little Child! Breed Doesn’t Matter,,,,Fact is the Dog Bit the Child…..Damage is done! Sad Sad Sad….so Angry and I come back to my home town in NJ and Fear walking with my Grandson because of the Dogs!
a loose dog chased my kid a few months ago I called the police who came down and basically told me there’s no law against an owner letting a dog run, most dogs are friendly blah blah blah. does anyone know the exact laws about letting dogs run loose can people press charges if they’re attacked?
i’m sure it’s not a bull dog running loose first they cost about 2500 dollars so i’m sure not a bugdog get the facts first …
There are laws they need to be enforced. If one bites any of my family they put it in a garbage bag. Of course I,ll wind up in jail for a while.
shoot it
Hey democrats. Why don’t u ban dogs?!
If a dog is running freely and has a owner yes there is a charge the owner would get a ticket that says DOG AT LARGE it is a fine and i believe court appearance is required
i would have killed that dog on the spot even if it was my dog if any of my two dogs even show aggresion to my kids its dead dont get me wrong i love them but love my kids 100 times more
I would kill the dog and the owner if it would chase my kids. Kids first!
My kid got bit by a kid in his class: should we ban kids in school untill they can prove they arent biters?
That dog should be put down. It is very dangerous to keep a pet that attacks a baby. Please, TLS update us how the child is doing! Our prayers are with him.
I hope this child has a speedy recovery.
This dog should be put to sleep.
Why not wait till they actually publish the breed? There are plenty of other sites people can talk about pitbulls on.
Holy hysteria!!! Where did they even say what kind of dog it was??? It could have been a poodle!! Some of these comments are ridiculous…i have a bullmastiff and a one year old…they are best friends…but…he is still an animal and needs to be supervised at all times around a child…
Joe, people like you are part of the problem. How can you possibly compare a child biting someone, to a dog bite? Our granddaughter was attacked by a pit bull several years ago. If she hadn’t put her hand on her abdomen, he would have pierced her intestines. It did a number on her hand and then went after our youngest grandson. The owner ran after it and caught it in time and it turned on him too. He told his wife he wanted the dog put down before he got back from the ER. The dog was put down the next day. Our granddaughter still has issues,both emotional and physical. If owners can’t be bothered with keeping their dogs confined, and choose to let them run around, then they deserve to be fined and they don’t need to have a dog. Most pet owners I know, are very responsible. The ones who aren’t, need a wake up call. I pray this little boy is OK.
It didn’t say in this article the breed of the dog. The woman who called it a bulldog was probably thinking of an American Bulldog or a Pitt Bull. The important thing is that this poor kid was seriously injured and I pray he will be ok. I agree with James, even the BEST of dogs have to be supervised. I have a lab/pitt mix and she is amazing. I can take food away from her, our cats eat her food and she waits until I move them. She has been viciously attacked by two small dogs on two separate occasions and NEVER tried to defend herself. She sat there and took it but I still teach my kids to stay away from her when she has food or her treats. We also teach them that just because our dog is great that doesn’t mean that all dogs will tolerate what she does. The best things about our dog are traits of a pitt bull. If people didn’t teach them to be aggressive they make GREAT pets. There are many breeds that can turn on you. We don’t know the facts of this story except a child was bit by a dog and seriously injured. Instead of jumping to hysteria maybe we should just be putting energy in to hoping he recovers with minimal scars, emotional and physical.
I would never want to see a child or anyone bit by a dog. If a dog is running loose the owner should be FINED enough that they will make sure their dog is confined to their own property. They are lousy pet owners because this also puts their dog at risk of being hurt or killed by a car. As far as a dog biting someone in the home….your the owner you should know better what your dog is capable of. And as far as a child you would be an idiot to leave your young child alone with an animal. Bully breeds like any breed know what they are taught they are only as smart as their owners. Too many animal haters on this page with all the comments like shoot them no wonder they bite people .
ignornance is alive and well by some of the comments left on this site
All dogs can bite, period. It’s not the breeds fault, it’s the owner/handler responsibility fault for allowing bites to happen or not finding a means to correct it via training, trainer, muzzle. I was bitten by a Chow Chow and blamed the owner for not properly correcting the dog when he showed aggression. I raised 5 German Shepherds and had 2 Pit Bulls all under the same roof and not one of them would think of baring their teeth or try to bite because they were handled constantly. An animal, of any kind, that bites is not a pet, and should be handled accordingly. Like a gun, it’s not the gun that kills someone, it’s the person pulling the trigger. The same should apply to the owner/handler of the dog because it is their responsibility to control their dog. Lets just hope this child recovers well and can resume a normal life.
First and foremost our prayers go out to the child and family. Just ask Ceasar. Some people cannot handle a dog. It really doesn’t matter the breed. It’s up to the owner to discipline and control their dog. I have met so e wonderfully loving pit bulls, but that’s because their owners are wonderfully loving people.
Its not the pitbulls fault in most cases its the owners fault. I have 2 pitbulls and they are so lovable. Show these dogs respect and they will show you respect and then some
i feel for the baby and hope recovers fully, but what waS SHE DOING TO THE DOG FOR IT TO ATTACK
Mary Jo -Obviously you know nothing about Jersey law. Yes you can own mace in Jersey. If a dog is attacking you – you can use dog mace on it. You can even own regular mace up to a certain size in Jersey.
To “2.-advice please”
You can mace a dog if it’s attacking you.
I own a Pitt bull and the only time he would bite if he had to would be if you broke in my home or attempted to hurt any of the family members… And I’m not sure he would then…this breed is not all bad…it’s the owners that train them…just like any breed
When are we banning dogs? They’re killing people just like guns. Oh, and the assault dogs are the worst. Can someone please explain why you would need an assault dog?
Children need to be thought to respect a dogs space.
Anything with teeth can bite. Small children should never be left
alone with a dog.
I blame the parents.
If a dog attacks a person, it should be put down. The animal can’t be trusted. We should also do that with people who kill.
Most of you should be ashamed of yourselves!!! There is an innocent helpless little girl in the hospital right now!! Who gives a (moderated) about the dog! It should be killed! The fact that so many of you failed to mention your concern for her is sickening! She happens to be family and is in bad condition. Those that want to connect this to guns… Get over yourself! She was doing nothing to the dog and her mom didn’t leave her unsupervised! She was sitting right next to her!
Its very difficult to blame the parents of the child when the article says nothing of the dog belonging to the same people that the baby belongs to. Plenty of dogs roam free in neighborhoods all over Lakewood. They get out, they get spooked and then they react in ways that they wouldnt if they were among familiar faces and surroundings. The dog owners are to blame, whoever they are, for not keeping the dog away.
#34 Dogs are killing like guns? What kind of inane, ridiculously idiotic comment is that? Really, get some therapy. Yes, people have to be responsible for their dogs. And people should watch their babies. My block has Jewish owners of both guns and pets and we have had no incidents, BH. Responsibility is the word. Refuah shelaimah. My heartfelt wishes to the child and family.
here’s what I know about animals. If it has teeth, it can bite you, and will, if you provoke it in some way, such as going into it’s territory or near it’s food. I have seen dogs get jealous after someone has a baby and brings the baby home and now the attention is on the baby, the dog nipped at the baby. Those people got rid of the jealous dog, too dangerous.
i wonder if it was the dog i saw today. it was a brown pitbull mix i believe loose on route nine south.
You never know..I’m an animal lover and have a 1 1/2yr old..I have a lab..it doesn’t matter what the bread is. a dog is jst that..a dog.we sometimes forget that..I had close call too ..I now muzzel him and don’t let them play together..its a terrible thing to deal with..its no ones fault
The dog belonged to the grandparents of the child. The child went near the dog’s food while it was eating; perhaps tried to grab the dish. Just in case y’all want some facts.
Same thing happen to me when I was 5 I went near my dog while it was eating & I have a scar now.. BTW it wasn’t a pit bull it was a lab…any dog can bite….I later had a pit bull that was a big baby my niece would sit on him while eating etc…never even growled…
I feel if a dog chases anyone we should have the right to protect ourselves. The police should put charges on the owners if a dog goes after you I feel you have every right to protect yourself and family. My prayers are with the little girl and her family. I really hope the dog gets put down. That’s a baby. If you take a animal over a child your sick. I no people protect there animals but there is a point we are first in life.