After 27 years, Detective Sergeant William Rodriguez will be retiring this week, TLS has confirmed this morning. Rodriguez, 56, is the latest of the high ranking officials in the department to retire due to pension reforms by the Governor. “I really loved my job”, Rodriguez tells TLS. “I enjoyed coming to work every day – I can’t remember the last time I called in sick” the 7 year Detective and member of the SWAT team says.
Rodriguez was not just a Detective, but a good friend to the department and to the community.
“I hate to see him go”, says Police Chief Rob Lawson. “Besides a good friend, he was an outstanding officer and and outstanding Detective” says Lawson of the bi-lingual Detective who solved numerous crimes with his unique talents. “He’s an all around great guy and it’s a tremendous loss for the department” the Chief said.
“He is a really compassionate person too” says the Chief, and related how Rodriguez once responded to make a death notification to a woman whose husband was killed in a car accident and sat there for hours crying with the woman.
“We’ll miss him, and I wish him well”.
His boss, Detective Lieutenant William Addison had no less admiration for Rodriguez.
“He was loyal, steadfast, and he’ll be a hard act to follow” Says Addison. “He knew the job – he was perfect”. “He never submitted something till it was perfect” the Lt. said. “The Chief will have to go a long way to find someone to fill his shoes”.
Rodriguez will be retiring in a private ceremony, unlike recent retirement ceremonies by Captain Miick, Sgt. Rupp and others.
The governor is correct on this issue. While not to take away from the dangers of being a Police officer,there is no reason that tax payers who can’t retire untill 65 should pay ridiculous pensions to public workers who retire early ontop of all the benefits they receive.
Best of luck Sgt.
SGT Billy Rod. You will be missed! Best of luck!
Best Wishes!
These officers deserve every penny they earn and along with retirement benifits. Those who complain could never fill their shoes on any level.
I second that #5…
Best Wishes and a Happy Retirement!
I’m w/#5 100%!!
Good luck to the Sgt and thank you for your service!
I agree with number 5 also. Any public service employee (Police,Fire,EMS) that is willing to put their lives and at times their families on the line every day for us so that we can live safe and peacefully deserve every penny that is owed to them.
I hear they are gonna make Butterworth a sergeant soon……
FYI: Police, and Fire pay into the pension every week. Good Luck Sarge!!!!!
Why are there people criticizing what the officers are getting when they retire? They went to work and did their job. They didn’t take off time just because they contractually negotiated it and had it. They went to work to protect the public, with no questions asked. Now, you the disgruntled portion of the public, who needs to be reminded that you are a part of the public who also receives their service, want to take things away from them. What if the police were allowed to look at your work history and see it? Should they try and take away your benefits, pension, and whatever else you have worked your entire life for? No, I don’t think they would. They don’t make judgments, they do their job and keep their noses out of your business! So why don’t do just do the same! Why don’t you say THANK YOU when you see a police officer! Oh, and if you can’t, why don’t you think about the next time you are involved in an accident, or your house gets broken into, or any other reason you might need the police – go find someone else who will assist you the way they do. Lakewood Police needs to be saluted for the job they do, as well as all officers across the country. Lakewood Police should be given raises, better benefits and RESPECT! Maybe you, the disgruntled portion of the public actually needs a wake up call. Say thanks to the officers, and LEAVE WHAT THEY WORKED FOR ALONE!
Sergeant Butterworth, sounds like something I would order at IHOP or Perkins.
All the newcomers to town don’t remember what a great patrol officer Billy was. He acted like a real mentch to everyone, regardless of their race or religion. Billy was a great example and role model for all officers to learn from.
Good Luck!! Job well done!!
I believe Officer K. Doyle #303 should take over for Sgt Rodriguez, he is an asset to the Dept. lets get him in the DB
Sarge Rod is great ! Best Wishes & a Happy Retirement. Its sad that all the experienced guys are leaving. However, although these public servants deserve every penny of their salary & pension, the fact is gov’t or state workers are overpaid. & while privare sector salaries are shrinking, public-sectors are rising.
If all public workers retire early there isn’t enough money in the pension fund to pay for their retirement, and then it comes out of our tax money which in turn raises our taxes therefore someone gotta change the rules of how and when one can retire from a government job and by working for th government you get the pros of secure job etc it comes with the cons (or actually pros for the rest of us) that the taxpayers are your bosses and that’s why we mix in.
last time I checked my pay stub, I paid the same taxes as all of you. If you compared what my pay is to yours for the amount of hours we put in, Holidays and Bad weather, it aint that much. I choose my job and understood what went with it, just as you all choose your jobs. I agreed to the job based on the benefits, security and working conditions – just like you. Because of greed by a few in the private and public sectors, the john q. public believes by punishing me it will stop. We all should be demanding tougher enforcement and punishment in both sectors. Break the law, lose your benefits, pension and reputation. Loose all your assets to pay back the public.
Best Wishes Sgt Rodriguez…you have done Lakewood Proud. Thank you