VIDEO [Submitted by original Dash-cam Guy] Hi, Caught on camera is a perfect example of your recent news article regarding motorists getting tickets for having snow, and ice on their vehicles. In the video, you will see a minivan have several chunks of ice fly off of it, hitting another car’s windshield. Moments later, another car has ice flying off of it as well. This could have been a serious tragedy. One that is easily preventable. The law exists for a reason. Getting a ticket is the least of a drivers problem. Our safety, and lives are at stake here.
This video and other similar ‘Caught on Camera’ videos are posted on TLS as an awareness to use more caution on the roads, and perhaps prevent serious accidents. By Hoblitt.
you can issue tickets as well. get behind the offender, call the police, give the plate, and follow the vehicle until police arrive.
then you can sign the summons as the witnessing agent, and appear in court stating your point, and the offender will have to deal with the ticket. (especially if there is damage)
people need to wake up, and start thinking of others! if your lazy, or late, you could kill someone, or cause an accident! (forget the ticket)
amazing.. and this is not soft snow, these are chunks of ice and you can see how it hits the window of the car in the right lane and practically explodes
i was driving on the staten island expwy and a guys snow blew off his roof and hut my windshield head on!!and cracked it open!! it cost me 400$ to put in a new windshield because he was arrogant and lazy…and the worst is he took off so i couldnt get him!!!
If you look at the van in question, before the snow falls off, you can clearly see that it had been cleaned off before the guy started driving. The part that flew off of the roof must have been stuck under the bar and only came loose after he/she had been driving around a bit. It’s not as if they were driving around with a pile of snow on their car. It can happen to anyone. I know it’s more fun to point fingers and roll our eyes and pretend we are perfect…….
Why is there no article on the accident involving a pedestrian that was struck on rt. 9 last night?
thanks for this post
Notice the speed the minivan was going including passing on the left must have been in a big rush
to number 7
you are supposed to pass on the left. Its keep right and pass left. You are not supposed to pass on the right meaning if you are in the left lane behind someone, you dont go into the right lane, get ahead of the car and then go back into the left lane
HAHAHA!! look carefully at the video the snow falls off the electric wire on top of the roadway it has nothing to do with the minivan !!!!!!
Happens to be number 9 is absolutley right. If you watch the video in slow mootion or a few times at he point that the snow fall you will see it fell from the electric wire.
On the other hand I was driving home from lakewood to brooklyn on sunday and while on the garden state pkwy I had at least 3 cars infront of me with snow on their roofs and it flew off and hit someonelses car. Not only that was dangerous but the fact that it was now on the road made it slippery as well. Not to mention I hadn’t seen one stat trooper around. Where are they when you need them.
“Happens to be number 9 is absolutlely right. If you watch the video in slow motion or a few times at the point that the snow falls, you will see it fell from the electric wire.”
Originally number 9
after reviewing the play again it actually did fly off the roof and went over the wire and back down on the roadway
“Absolutely” that’s how it is spelled. Everyone makes mistakes, just try and correct them correctly.
Seems like #9 is“Absolutely” right again. If you look very carefuly it seems that the snow flew off the top hit the wire and felll down. Question is why was that person going so fast. Hope everything is ok. Maybe his wife was in labor on the way to the hospital.
Look closely there was a paasenger van in front of the minivan that had the snow blown off the roof it goes over the minivan and hits the wire and back down.
see #12, he corrected himself. The ice came off the van, NOT the wire. It flew so high that it hit the wire, then came back down again. Further demonstrating the danger that snow/ice on a car presents, that it can go airborn so high
how can square chunks fall off a round wire?
the squares are at least 10″x10″ !
TO number 8
your absolutely wrong. if there are two lanes of traffic separated by dotted white line you can pas someone on either side. read the statute before you make public proclomations.
after reviewing the play the ruling on the field is overturned. the ice clearly is coming from the wires. 1st down!
Bottom line. Everybody stop being so self-rightous! Make sure to clean the roofs of your cars, but don’t be so excited to put down the other guy – Gotchya!!
To #9 and his followers; Your’e all wet.
The reason it appears that the ice fell from the wires is, when the
van arrives at the crest of the hill it appears closer to the wires. Thus,
from the angle of the dash cam it seems that the snow and ice flew
up that high which is highly unlikely. Furthermore, you can plainly see that no other wires in the vicinity have snow on them.
Nutz di kup ! !