Current Status Of Chaya Draizel Merka Bas Malka

TEHILLIM NEEDED (LINK): [Submitted by family] Chaya Draizel Merka bas Malka (חי׳ דריזל מערקא בת מלכה) was admitted to Jersey Shore University Hospital on Friday, Sept 2. She had been unable to eat or drink for at least two weeks. Initially she was scheduled to get an IV bolus of water in order to maintain hydration. When the emergency room doctor saw her, he determined it would be improper to permit her to leave unless she was taken to another facility able to deal with the current crises.

Due to labor day, she was unable to be accepted and then transported to Sloan Kettering until Tuesday 6 Sept. She remained there until Tues evening, 29 Sept (erev Rosh HaShanna). While there, they determined that her stomach had been so surrounded by the growths that it was unable to move, and that food and liquid could not be digested.

They eventually decided to insert a gastrostomy tube (g-tube), to permit draining any digestive fluids and other stomach products which were unable to be passed through the body.
They also inserted a jejunostomy tube (j-tube) to be used for feeding directly into the intestinal tract, bypassing the stomach altogether.

It took about a week for Chaya Draizel to recover enough to begin walking, and she has been struggling to get as ‘back to normal’ as possible. She is still losing weight (due to not enough nutrition and hydration) and is just beginning to start taking chemo again (after about six weeks where she could not take it).

PLEASE daven for חי׳ דריזל מערקא בת מלכה complete recovery and for the complete recovery of every yid.

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  1. She is a very special young woman. I know her children. Her husband and son daven in my shul.
    I will take upon myself, BL”N, Shmiras Haloshon AND Shmiras Einayim 1p-2p. Can we fill up 24 hrs in her zechus?

  2. She is a very choshuv rebbetzin and needs our teffilos desperately
    she needs our tefillos because she is a human being a tzelem elokin . choshuv rebitzin is nice but thats secondary .

  3. daven and cry to hashem ge is waiting and yearinig to daven to him
    in these days all the gates of rachim are open
    all women should accept more tanius on themselfs and she will compltely recover in this acus !

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