Last night, the Coventry Board decided to lower their fees from $90 to $80. This phenomenon, once thought to be impossible, has now occurred 4 times. Since assuming the manager position in Coventry four years ago, Mr. Myron Kozak has engineered a systematic decrease in fees from $150.00 down to $80.00. At the same time, Coventry got a brand new pool, siding for all 633 homes, and other improvements. Mr. Kozak was also hired as manager in Lakewood Commons and High Point, where he has reduced prices as well.
Coventry Square Lowers Fees, Again
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Why is this a suprise? Collections are nearing 100%. It’s not really a chiddush that 100% of $80/month is more than 35% of $150. And when the place needs to switch out the rooos, look out – a “one time asessment” in the thousands for each unit because there’s no reserve.
Coventry is like a mini city, let us learn from them KUDOS TO COVENTRY PEOPLE
Myron for Mayor!
To #1 Fyi: Coventry’s reserves are currently over $700,000. Give credit where credit is due….. Myron’s been doing a great job together with the whole board…. When Seitler, Greenstein & Friedman went on the board things started turning around – when the new guys came on, Blonder, Halpern, Zerkin, Tessler & Sonnenblick they followed in the previous (& still current besides Seitler) members footsteps….. We hope the new guys, Wolf & Mandel will continue as well…..
To #1
Don’t be so cynical! There’s more than a full years income in reserves! Can any other management say that?
I heard that it went down to 50 buckaroos
Myron for township manager. H.H will you hire Myron for township manager?
I remember before those guys came on board there were some board members who worked very hard and were very dedicated to Coventry and started the ball rolling. When people care and representatives act on BEHALF of the PEOPLE good things happen.
myron for mayor
Blonder went on the same time as Seitler, Friedman & Greenstein
Attention real estate owners stop losing money . Hire myron!!!!
Mr. Kozak for mayor! I agree. He would never spend $6,600 for sheet music of over 100 songs.
Does anyone have myron’s contact info?
What?????????????/the thruth is only as you see it? are you also getting kickbacks? very very balanced reporting
I hope you guys didn’t just give up on our NEW EXPANDED FITNESS ROOM that most of us have been waiting for…….
Actually Blonder came on a few months after the first 3
As far as the gym is concerned the board has not yet taken action one way or the other. The lowering of fees only affects the budget going forward there is still money in the account to build a GYM (if that is what the residents want) If residents have feelings on the matter they should come to the board meetings which take place the last Wed. of every month.
Go President Greenstein!!!!! Make sure the Fitness Room happens… DON’T LET US DOWN!!!!!
no fitness its just a liability and a hang out for ……
Can Myron get us plowed out tomorrow?
Its a combination of a job well done by the entire board, Myron & of course the dedicated employees. Thanks to all – WE ALL appreciate YOUR hard work especially the board that goes above & beyond with no compensation!
myron is a man that not only sits behind his desk he does physical work as needed for instance snow plow fix machinery and whatever it takes to make it happen. we wish he would run the township it would solve all problems.
This is not a joke guys ! Can we get Myron & his staff for township management ? Maybe some of the board members want to run for township committee ? We need real fiscal responsibility !
Board members – we will see you in the shteibel tonight ….
no fitness room without a referendum most homeowners have to decide on where the money should be spent
I guess you don’t like that Myron is slowly taking over most of the condo associations in this town. Instead of fighting and bad mouthing him with lies, learn from him. People want efficient, AFFORDABLE, transparent and honest management, not that difficult to understand why.
Just emulate his ways and people will hire you too.
Myron is doing a great job !! Ty ty keep up the great work
I would like to reiterate. If you want the gym , you don’t want the gym , you want a referendum , you want the roofs fixed etc. etc. You are much better served coming to the board meetings and putting your feeling on the record then making comments on TLS
I would like to ask the editor of this site to try to attempt journalistic integrity.Prior to posting the words about how the manager of Coventry “engineered”the lowering of the fees I would hope that this was verified with those in the know.It would be unfair to those board members that were the catalyst for all this.It is possible to give credit to the manager of Coventry too while at the same time keeping the info accurate.This obviously goes for all your posts in this great website.
To # 32. For the future, please use lower-case letters, as per the comment rules. Thank you.
I do NOT want the gym. ANd totally not because of frumkeit. I am a homeowner, and my needs would be much better served if my roof was fixed, the siding was in good condition, the windows were replaced, etc etc. In other words, first fix the basic necessities before going to the luxuries. However cheap a gym is, it is a fortune of money to buid, set up, maintain, and a major liability.
But i guess you are a renter and have nothing to lose if the house gous to waste, and all you have is perks.
when u go cheap things fall apart. its nice to have a gym, but first things first. Sideing, roofs, doors is the managements job.
and when you employee sub contracters or maybe workers that are legaly not allowed to work in the USA – YOU CAN be CHEAP. (Not LEGAL) but then you can’t run for twp manager — but you can knock out all other rmanagements.
dear TLS Im under the name” the jew”-but somehow in my comment # 31-appeared under the pen name of anaonymous.can you explain that?thanks
To # 32 and 36. For the future, please use lower-case letters, as per the comment rules. Thank you.
With all the attention being given to Myron & the Coventry Board, we can’t forget to thank the President of Daas Kedoshim D’governors (Governors Shul), R’ Ari Deutch who is also a past board member of Coventry. His integrity, commitment & dedication is an inspiration to us all. An individual who is “rosh v’rishon l’chol dovor shebikdusha”. One that can always be counted on to help the klal & of course on a personal level, as a dear friend, your always there. Ari, keep it up, we all appreciate your hard work that benefits ALL of us!!
Do not forget Rabbi Ezzy Levy and R’ Michael Flam. Their hard work in the past is what made a lot of what the board members accomplished today possible.
lets not forget the work of chesky seitler
Now that we are on the topic of not forgetting -lets not forget Yetzias Mitzraim,the Parsha of Amalek and the rest of the sheish Zchiros that we are to remember every single day.
No one can forget about Seitler. He is only mentioned 100 times a day on this site. As a long time resident of Coventry, let us just mention some more board members from the past. Charlie Mendum, Alan Retkinsky, Sydney Shapiro, Joseph Baum, Jake Davidson, JJ, Aryeh Kranz, Yoel Gruen, and others. We also should thank all of the residents who for years have sat through meetings and given advice. Noreen Gill, Gail Cunnigham, Mike Prendergast, Ruth Allan Russo, and Gerri. To all who have enjoyed living in Coventry Square, it is through all of their effors that Coventry is in the position that it is today. Out of curiosity, how many of you who live in Coventry even remember half of those people.
Having issues remembering all 6? I will give you some hints. The 7th day of the week …. We are counting down to it ….. What our ancestors did for 40 years …. Hakoros Hatov
The Lakewood Scoop has added another one. Remember to thank Seitler with at least 3 posts every day. If you remember Seitler and his friends than you have gone above and beyond the necessary requirements and will be rewarded appropriately.
ari your the man
To all residents in CS – remember Cheap is expensive! You use cheap labor and materials it comes back around to haunt u (cost more $ later to repair)
To neighbor for Duetch,
You should either say “You’re the man!” or “You are the man”
Don’t know who this guy Deutch is but it seems like I definitely want to get to know him – the ONLY guy that nobody has anything negative to say about him!!!!! DEUTCH FOR MAYOR!!!!
For all those who don’t actually know what Ari does, I’ll tell you. He prepares the shul every Friday. He sets the AC in the summertime (even though he didn’t approve of the location. And still doesn’t). He works tirelessly day & night to make sure that (moderated) is happy. And who could forget about the weekly milk donations. All in all, we would not have a functioning congregation without the “ibergegeibenkeit” of our esteemed president. May he be zocheh to “Bunei, Chayai, Mezoinei” & everything else!
Ari, don’t forget us in your weekly Shishi mishebeirach!
Gitte Shabbos
Going from a Association deep debt to where it is now , is not by one man but by the community, board members, and staff. There is nothing don’t CHEAP just wise
Just one point; Ari Deutsch was and is a enormous force behind all board members. He has great ideas, a clear vision for the future of coventry, and fiscally responsible. Beside the fact that he is a big baal chesed, and so is his rebizzin, he was the main arcitect of the low fees. Also, I would like to applaud chesky seitler, b greenstein, c friedman, y sonenblick and n blonder y halpern and m tessler. But ari also was the one behind the new pool, mechitzah, and the effective snow clean up job and other things. We are proud to have such an outstanding individual in our community and in our stibel. Ari, chazak ve’emoz!
From the stibel!
go ari
The prices of the following items
1987 2010
1st class stamp .22 cents 44 cents
Gal of gas .95 cents $2.69
gal of milk $2.28 $4.22
doz of eggs .95 cents $2.29
Coventry sq fee $80/month $80/month
hummm what’s the common dominator? a caring community
May I ask everyone to get off your pc and help out at home for shabbos or learn ,if you are done helping.Also,if the moderator can keep out comments that are not pertainig to the topic at hand .It would give it a professional air.
I think if the shtiebel members are talking amongst themselves -they might as well do it live when they are sitting with each other.
As a Resident of Coventry Square for 38 years, we need only to look at the place where we call home, Are your shingles falling off your residence ? your windows being replaced, ? WIll your back of the unit be pained this yr or 3 yrs from now, as only the perimiter is presently being suggested. ave you noticed the outside of the clubhouse, , opk, so much for this, now i suggest that all homeowners stand up and be counted, remember it’s our money.
These shteibel guys seem to be a bunch of board souls. Credit is given where credit is due. They sound like a bunch of 3rd graders with blackberrys leaving posts for each other on a website. The story is the story I don’t get though how married guys have the maturity of kids, what’s up with them posting shout outs to each other on a web site? Suprised they didn’t post pictures of each other