“Did you know that colds, flu and most sore throats and cases of acute bronchitis are caused by viruses?” asks Ocean County Freeholder Deputy Director Gerry P. Little, Liaison to the Ocean County Board of Health. “Antibiotics will not help as they are designed to treat infections that are caused by bacteria – not viruses.”
Daniel Regenye, Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) Public Health Coordinator, said the overuse of antibiotics is now the focus of national attention in the upcoming GET SMART ABOUT ANTIBIOTICS WEEK, which will be recognized from November 16 – 22. Regenye points out, “The overuse of antibiotics is causing drug-resistant strains to emerge and is making it more difficult to treat infections such as bacterial bronchitis, MRSA, salmonella and pneumonia. Taking antibiotics unnecessarily when you have a viral illness can put you at higher risk of drug-resistant infections in the future. This is true for both children and adults.”
Get smart about when antibiotics are needed – to fight bacterial infections. When you use antibiotics appropriately, you do the best for your health, your family’s health and the health of those around you.
Remember, taking antibiotics for viral infections, such as colds, flu, most sore throats, bronchitis and many sinus or eat infections:
•Will not cure the infection
•Will not keep other people from getting sick
•Will not help you or your child feel better
•May cause unnecessary and harmful side effects
•May contribute to antibiotic resistance, which is when bacteria are able to resist the effect of an antibiotics and continue to cause harm
Rest, fluids, and over the counter products may be your or your child’s best treatment option against viral infections.