A classroom at the new Vasser Avenue Lakewood Cheder Campus will be dedicated L’zecher Nishmas Aron Sofer Z”L, the Lakewood Bachur who was Niftar during a hike this past summer, TLS has learned.
Lakewood Cheder’s executive director Rabbi Yosef Posen notified the parents of Aron Z”L of the decision last night, the night of Aron’s Shloshim.
What makes the dedication even more special, says Rabbi Posen, is that Aron Z”L is an alumni of the Cheder, and his mother worked at Bais Faiga for approximately 30 years.
Aron’s father, Reb Moshe, was very touched by the decision, says Rabbi Posen, and felt the everlasting dedication of a children’s classroom was very appropriate for Aron Z”L, who was unfortunately taken from the world without children of his own.
The 220,000 square foot Lakewood Cheder campus contains dozens of classrooms, and is the home to over 2,500 children.
That’s very nice rabbi Posen and cheder staff Aron shud be a malutz yosher for his family and all Lakewood and klal yisroel
What is also very touching is that the news of Aharon Z”L petirah was received at the exact time of opening of this building.
Yehi Zichroi Boruch
This is a big chizuk and a great lesson to learn from. Not everything is about money!!
Go Rechnitz and Rabbi Posen