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This is what true Yidden do and for the most part this is klal yisroel lately we’ve been getting some negative rep but this is who we truly are and as yidden we should be proud!
Kudos to all the amazing individuals that are part of the hanhalla at MOE. a special mention to Reb Yehuda Neuwirth, an amazing rebbe who has dedicated himself in the most selfless way insuring the hatzlacha of each and every talmid. His teaching by example has been the direct cause of many MOE boys- becoming MOE bochurim!
Kudos to Rabbi Klein!
This is EXACTLY the type of boy Rabbi Kaszirer has done such a great job of influencing. These are quality boys and they’re taught with Love AND Respect & it shows in stories like this.
Thanks to all the fantastic Rabbeim who toil in obscurity, mostly, & to all the supporters.
Hatzlocha Rabbah !!