[COMMUNICATED] With Purim fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about mishloach manos. This year, Purim falls out on Erev Shabbos, February 26. No doubt, we will all be busy getting the kids into their costumes, running to megillah leining, preparing for the seuda, and so much more. In addition, this year we are confronted with celebrating Purim during a pandemic.
To help keep the day safe, stress-free and truly full of simcha, consider sending Purim Cards in lieu of mishloach manos. Purim Cards are a great way to support a tzedakah you care about, while including the recipient in the mitzvah—all in a safe, meaningful, and convenient way.
Chai Lifeline, the leading children’s health support network, offers its popular Purim Cards in a variety of beautiful design options. Each card you order will help support thousands of children and families living with serious illness in our community. Cards are available in packages of ten for a suggested minimum donation of $30. Order two or more sets and receive them for just $25 each. For your convenience, Chai Lifeline also offers the option to mail the cards out for you, as well as digital e-Cards to ensure timely delivery.
Avoid the Purim day frenzy. Send a Chai Lifeline Purim Card and send a message of hope.
Order your cards at www.chailifeline.org/purim or call 212-699-6655.