CBD: Here’s What You Need to Know | Aharon BenDavid

Will CBD Get You ‘High’? 

CBD does contain some THC, which is what gets you high from marijuana, in the form of Delta-8. Because Delta-8 is so similar to Delta-9, which has a higher percentage of THC, it will also cause a “high.” However, some people describe it as milder than with Delta-9 THC.

The Growing Demand for Delta-8?

Its chemical structure is similar to that of its well-known cousin, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC) which is the main psychoactive compound in marijuana. That’s what gets you “high.” According to an article published in the journal Chemical and Engineering News, products containing Delta-8 may also contain Delta-9 and Delta-10 THC — a compound about which little is known, and has a higher level of THC.

Both Delta-8 and Delta-9 are forms of THC. But when people refer to THC, they usually mean the Delta-9 that’s found in high concentrations in marijuana. Both produce a euphoric, fuzzy feeling, but Delta-8 causes a milder high.

Is It Really Legal?

But Delta-8 is in a legal gray area. Hemp’s legality stems from the so-called federal farm bill (the Agriculture and Nutrition Improvement Act of 2018), which removed hemp and its byproducts from the list of controlled substances. The reason: Hemp’s low THC levels (less than 0.3%), but the bill doesn’t mention Delta-8 anywhere.

Hemp advocates and others who sell it have used the federal farm bill (the Agriculture and Nutrition Improvement Act of 2018) loophole to legally market Delta-8 products, usually with no age restrictions. As a result,

CBD is now the fastest growing product from the hemp industry.

Because there’s little oversight or lab testing on what goes into Delta-8 products, chemists and other scientists have safety concerns. Products labeled as Delta-8 may contain impurities, including high levels of THC. As a result, around a dozen states, including New York and Colorado, are beginning to restrict or ban the use of Delta-8.

In fact, Delta-8 is often referred to as “marijuana-lite” or “diet weed.” Other commonly reported THC side effects like paranoia, anxiety, and drowsiness are also less potent.

Is It Really Safe?

There’s a lack of research and evidence when it comes to Delta-8’s impact on your overall health. Many people have reported – mostly via social media posts – that they use Delta-8 along with their prescription medications to help with depression and substance use. Users say Delta-8 can also:

  • Calm nausea
  • Boost appetite
  • Ease pain relief
  • Boost mental health
  • Prevent vomiting during cancer treatments

However, experts say these benefits are mostly word of mouth and there’s a lack of research on how it affects your health. Just because you can buy it off the shelves doesn’t mean it’s completely risk-free.

People have also reported side effects like:

    • Confusion
    • Anxiety
    • Drowsiness
    • Slow heart rate (bradycardia)
    • Numbness
    • Fast heart rate (tachycardia)
    • Low blood pressure (hypotension)
    • Red eyes
    • Dry mouth
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Trouble with coordination
    • Slowed reaction times
    • Anxiety
    • Memory loss

If you try Delta-8 products and notice any of these reactions, tell your doctor immediately. If it’s an emergency, call 911 or head to a hospital near you.

If a child eats or is exposed to Delta-8 products, like gummies or candies, get immediate medical care.

Delta 8 THC Delta 9 THC
Intoxication Mild-Moderate Moderate-High
Price $$ $
Concentration in Cannabis Less than 1% Up to 30%
Receptors CB1 & CB2 CB1 & CB2
Typical Dose 10–40 mg 5–20 mg
Effects on Appetite Moderate Stimulant Strong Stimulant
Potential to Trigger Anxiety Unlikely Very Likely
Legal Status  Legal-Grey Area (allowed in most states) Illegal


Delta-8 is currently legal in 30 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and in Washington D.C.

Will You Test Positive for THC?

It depends. Delta-8 is a form of THC. Drug tests often look for traces of Delta-9, but Delta-8 could show up as a positive for THC. Whether it’s Delta-8 or Delta-9, people also react differently to cannabinoids depending on type of products they use and how long they use them for.

What If I Get Pulled Over?

If a Police officer has reason to believe you are intoxicated or impaired by drug use, you can be arrested and have a legal battle ahead. Urine drug tests don’t differentiate between different cannabinoids. If you have a drug test coming up, it’s best to avoid Delta-8 products. THC can remain in your system for up to eleven weeks.

Cannabidiol is a product of hemp and marijuana plants, more commonly known as CBD. The compound is non-psychoactive, unlike THC, which is why many people and patients prefer it to legal marijuana. That does not mean you won’t experience a “high”.

Research suggests CBD is an effective treatment for some chronic pain conditions and seizures. However, CBD manufacturers and licensed distributors claim the chemical can treat everything from hair loss to anxiety.

While medical professionals consider most recognized CBD products safe, side effects still exist. The most common side effects are mild but can present risks to user safety.

The Most Common Medically Documented Adverse Effects of CBD

1. Drowsiness

CBD can act as a potential sedative, making users feel drowsy. Depending on the person, the sedative effect might be beneficial, especially for those suffering from chronic stress, anxiety, or insomnia. However, the effects can also be too strong when combined with other sedating medicines.

Because of the potential for drowsiness, people taking CBD should avoid operating heavy machinery or making important decisions while on the substance. Also, they should take the CBD in a safe and familiar environment.

2. Nausea

Some people experience nausea when ingesting CBD. Typically, the side effect depends on an individual’s sensitivity to the substance and the amount they consume. The amount of CBD in any product depends on the delivery system and the potency of the ingredients.

CBD products come in various forms, from gummies to oils to tinctures, patches and vapors. Oils and vapors usually deliver CBD most efficiently, allowing for rapid biological responses. The speed the compound absorbs into the system can increase the likelihood of nausea.

3. Gastrointestinal Problems

CBD can create some unpleasant gastrointestinal issues. Many new users of CBD experience bouts of diarrhea. Also, some people may experience liver problems. Because of the potential risks to the GI tract and the liver, it is vital to talk to your doctor before using any CBD product. Your medical history can help determine if you are a candidate for CBD therapy.

4. Dry Mouth

While more often associated with THC, CBD can cause dry mouth or cotton mouth. Some people also complain about dry eyes when using CBD products. The side effect is usually more of a nuisance than anything serious, but you should always talk to your doctor if you experience discomfort when taking any medication or supplement.

5. Medication Interactions

Several studies suggest CBD can interfere with or inhibit the effectiveness of certain medications. Researchers imply CBD and similar substances can affect how the body metabolizes some medicines.

The Importance of Consulting Your Doctor

As with all supplements, you must always talk to your doctor before taking them. Your primary care physician can explain potential interactions and help you find alternative supplements or better options.

Many medical professionals consider CBD safe and effective in treating and managing several issues. However, caution is necessary, as it is with any dietary supplement. While the potential side effects of CBD are relatively mild, every user is different. Without medical supervision, a person might undermine current treatments or therapies and put themselves at risk. If you want to try CBD, talk to your doctor first.

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  1. This post is completly false, CBD by itself DOES NOT GET YOU HIGH! A full spectrum CBD will contain a small amount of THC but wont get you high and Delta 8 is NOT CBD and Delta 9 is just another name for THC from marijuana (Delta 8 is derived from Hemp) This post is about Delta 8 not CBD

  2. I don’t find this article in anyway misleading. If you are so sure it is, please let us know the reasons instead of just giving your personal opinions. The writer definitely explains about Delta-8 and 9. The percentages of the amount of THC in these Deltas are not enough to cause a high when used as directed by a physician who will recommend the proper source and not some fly by night operation with no controls, just trying to make a buck because it’s legal. What they are selling may actually be harmful.

    I have been taking CBD for almost three years, with excellent results. My doctor recommended very detailed particulars about the various products and recommended a well tested product. His protocol was to start with a small amount under the tongue to see if there were any uncomfortable side effects (as I take other medications for several years) which my Doctor prescribed. Once comfortable, he increased my dose little by little and I am at a point where the effects are very beneficial for pain, anxiety, sleep, a feeling of well being and mental focus.

    Full Spectrum CBD products may contain up to 0.3% THC. If dosing recommendations of CBD products are followed correctly, this is not enough THC to have any intoxicating effect on the user.
    CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of many chemical compounds found within the hemp plant. These compounds are called cannabinoids. The human body produces its own endocannabinoids that bind to receptors in the nervous system. When you take CBD it bonds to these receptors, and can help to control appetite, pain, sleep and mood.

    The best quality CBD products have a lower THC amount than most full-spectrum CBD oils on the market and the THC levels are well below the legal limit.

    You may be referring to Hemp Seed Oil, as its name indicates, it is extracted from pressing hemp seeds. Hemp oil is generally considered a food item and can be found in food markets, together with other types of oil. It is known for its countless health benefits, making it part of the superfood group. Hemp Seed Oil is high in antioxidants, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, but does NOT contain any CBD or other cannabinoids.

    CBD oil is extracted from the hemp plant, which has high levels of cannabidiol (CBD) and low levels (less than 0.3%) of THC. CBD oil must be from carefully sourced USDA organic hemp that has a high concentration of phytochemicals to be certified and effective. Most “CBD” products do not meet those specifications.

    Full-Spectrum CBD products contain all of the compounds that naturally occur in the hemp plant. This will include terpenes, oils, and other cannabinoids, including THC. Broad-spectrum products are processed to remove any remaining THC from the original full-spectrum extract, but retain other chemical compounds. CBD isolates are heavily processed to remove all compounds other than CBD, resulting in a 99% pure CBD powder.

    Please show this article to your physician and let us know what they say. You are obviously not medically or scientifically equipped or competent to accurately comment.

    I have shown this article to my doctor and he has no issues with it whatsoever. Again, I suggest you do the same.

  3. I’m glad to see an article like this on TLS. My mother has been suffering from side effects like nausea from chemo. BH, she is making progress. The Oncologist recommended a CBD oil he has had success with and it has helped with her nausea and back pain. I can’t speak for anyone else but we have spoken to others on our FB group with positive results. Definitely speak with your Doctor about your particular situation. The author makes a good point about the candies. No reliable company would sell those.

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