[VIDEO BELOW] Surveillance video today captured the accident which left a vehicle overturned on Route 9.
The video shows a driver attempting to turn onto Route 9, striking the other vehicle and causing it to flip.
The driver luckily wasn’t seriously injured.
[TLS – 58/ Video courtesy of Aisle 9 Supermarket]
Amazing that everyone went running to help
I think that there should be a separate lakewood scoop.
Just for accidents.
The amount of accidents that happen everyday in lkwd is Ridiculous.
there are tens of near misses there daily!
More amazing that the guy is ok!! Scary!
I don’t know why it’s legal to make a left on such a busy street like route 9. This is not the first accident from a car turning left out of aisle 9. I hope it’s the last!!
Nice to see everyone run to help the victims involved. As you see the ones that went running, they were all Jewish. Remember that the next time you all make comments next time please. Thank you to those that helped and didnt turn around and walk away like some others did!
Yeah. Also amazing as we can clearly see the cause of the accident. The black Sienna pulled right out into the traffic. The flipped over car either hit the Sienna or swerved.
I hope everyone is okay.
having tried to get out of that lot many times, it is hard enough to make a right onto the nine. There needs to be a sign put there saying no left turn. This could have been preventable. Luckily no casualties involved.
there needs to be better traffic rules of getting in and out of the parking lot
I love how that bus is trying to squeeze by and get out of there before they close down the whole road. which they DID , moments later. I also agree with previous posters. Left turns out of that lot should be illegal. Just lik it is at Every street that hits route 9, not by a light. Right turn ONLY from 7:00 – 7:00.
Sure, welcome to Lakewood!!! I’ve seen many cars make a left turn on the 9…..
To the best of my knowlege it is illegal in nj to make a left accross double yellow lines.
Wow. Looks like the Honda Odyssey tried making a left turn as that silver car in the right lane stopped to turn right in the parking lot. Problem is there’s two lanes to cross and only one was accounted for. Cue the van in the second lane who the Honda Odyssey did not see, and crash!