Bus Driver Suspended After Allegedly Relieving Himself In Front Of Frum Elementary Girl Students

EXCLUSIVE: A bus driver was suspended this morning after he allegedly relieved himself in front of elementary girl students, TLS has learned. The incident occurred during this morning’s bus run when a bus driver driving a full bus of elementary girl students pulled his bus over on the side of Route 9 in order to relieve himself.

The driver reportedly walked off the bus and relieved himself in a nearby bush in full sight of the girls.

At least one of the students called her mother about the incident, which was immediately reported to the Board Of Education.

Board Of Education member and Chairmen of the Transportation Committee Isaac Zlatkin tells TLS that he was horrified when he was notified about the incident.

“Allegedly, this was done in full view of the young girls”, Zlatkin says. “Thankfully, the driver did have his back to the girls”, says Zlatkin. 

Zlatkin added, that “This is a horrific story, and the Lakewood Board of Education is taking all appropriate action”.

Zlatkin and BOE member Yoni Silver confirmed to TLS that the bus driver was suspended by the company pending an investigation. TLS.

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  1. i hope this post will finally become a forum for the many lakewood board of ed bussing horror stories that are going on in lakewood for the last week ..thank you lakewood scoop for giving the residents of lakewood a chance to vent their anger

  2. Whats the big deal? He had to go. He turned his back and went in a bush. Maybe he has a prostate problem and cant wait till everyone is off the bus. To#2, you actually want to counsel these girls? Its not a traumatizing experience . Get real

  3. Isn’t it strange that after the witch-hunt that forced a certain bus company from our schools there are still complaints about bus service?

    Weren’t we led to believe that all our bussing woes would vanish after those redifos?

  4. it says “one girl called her mother about the incident”, how would a girl on her way to school or in school be able to call her mother? (unless its high school)

  5. The busing so far is working very well taking in to account how many kids are being bused in Lakewood. My School has some issues but overall Transportation Department is very organized and is run very well. Some of the issues are normal for the first two weeks. All the them will straighten out in next few weeks.

  6. I am so nauseous. He should use the bathroom before he starts his route!!! He shouldve been arrested! If he was in a public park and he did this, he wouldve been..

  7. at least their bus showed up this morning. Im just kidding, Its a horrible thing, anfd my kids have had some real nasty drivers through the years as well. I hope things get better

  8. Indecent exposure, child endangerment, the list goes on…. where is the LPD? They must protect our children! This guy should not be on the streets..

  9. What would have happened if, because he didn’t relieve himself, he was in such pain that it caused him to crash the bus.

    We would have all ganged up on the bus company for employing such irresponsible drivers, etc.

    It was obviously an emergency. We’ve all had those emergencies, and we’ve relieved ourselves in the bushes.

    He made a responsible decision to stop the bus, he went to the bushes, and he turned his back. Most of the girls probably had no clue what was happening. The older girls did. So what?

    All their totties probably did it one time or another.

    Grow up.

  10. everyone of you have at one time or another done the same thing.What is the major crime? If a police officer would have ticketed you or arrested you, we would never hear the end of it. Put yourself in his shoes, what would you have done?

  11. What is a girl doing with a cell phone going to school? The girl should be repremanded to say the least!
    The bus driver is (moderated) if he thought he could even get off the bus for one moment without the girls telling on him!
    What is this world coming to? We all fought long and hard about the bussing situations and now we complain when we have it. If its not perfect, then whats the point of it??
    My son gets out of yeshiva at 4pm. A normal ten minute drive has taken an hour and 20 min to get home! That is NOT perfect! Or acceptable!
    BOE trans.–straighten up your act!

  12. As an affected parent, I must report that my school’s administrator and faculty are overwhelmed by the transportation bedlam.
    Drivers coming to school late because they don’t know their stops, don’t know their routes – in and out.

    This is ok with the District, passed off as “routine” start-up problems. It certainly is not ok with the thousands of affected children AND their parents, myself included. And our elected BOE members should not put-up with it.

    Bus companies should not be paid unless and until they get their act together. NO payment for OJT, (on-the-job training) at taxpayers’ expense, children and parent anguish.

    Approving payment without proper performance is condoning past sins and courting future calamities, C”V.

    Bet you if the BOE withheld payment until satisfactory performance, they’ll train their drivers in advance, and on THEIR time!

    Yes, it is up to the Board!

  13. As an affected parent, I must report that my school’s administrator and faculty are overwhelmed by the transportation bedlam.
    Drivers coming to school late because they don’t know their stops, don’t know their routes – in and out.

    This is ok with the District, passed off as “routine” start-up problems. It certainly is not ok with the thousands of affected children AND their parents, myself included. And our elected BOE members should not put-up with it.

    Bus companies should not be paid unless and until they get their act together. NO payment for OJT, (on-the-job training) at taxpayers’ expense, children and parent anguish.

    Approving payment without proper performance is condoning past sins and courting future calamities, C”V.

    Bet you if the BOE withheld payment until satisfactory performance, they’ll train their drivers in advance, and on THEIR time!

    Yes, it is up to the Board!

  14. Hey # 27

    That’s not fair, sure you can drive that time but you only make ONE STOP, how many stops does the bus have to make to go the same distance…. maybe if the bus didn’t have to stop at every childs house the run could be done faster….

  15. i wonder if he was drunk. thank goodness he was suspended. actually no, he should be FIRED. any driver who does that kind of stuff needs to be out and never allowed back with the company.

  16. When I was a young boy, my bus driver picked his nose, in front of everybody! We are all scarred from this terrible display and will never be the same. I mean, gosh, someone doing a natural thing, what a controversy!

  17. I think that every school bus should be equipped with an on-board bathroom. This will avoid many problems and will benefit the health of our children and bus drivers..

    It is at least as important as the on-board cameras and GPS..

  18. if we didn’t have busing we wouldn’t have these problems. This incident is disgrace but very happy it was handled immediatley.
    Kudo’s to the parent, the administration and the bus company.

  19. @ 38

    Don’t you know? If a driver really has to use the bathroom………ummmm………… He shouldn’t be a driver in the first place. Because that means he’s not human……

  20. It’s pretty funny bec Im in Israel and some random Israeli comes up to a parking lot right next to my house and starts relieving himself behind a parked bus. I ask him “ma ata oseh? Ata meshuga?” he says ” ze lo America.”
    But I guess even in America it happens.

  21. How about a real simple solution??!! A bus monitor!! if the driver’s gotta go- GO to a gas station, 7-11 & you have someone on the bus supervising….why does the BOE continue to knock the idea of having bus monitors?? A bus monitor will solve 99% of the bussing problems!!

  22. NEBACH!!!! I dont know what all your issues are? He needed to go to the bathroom so he went! The comments here sounds like he relieved himself on the bus in front of everyone! I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!!! Grow up! you sound like imature babies! I think he did the right thing and went into the bushes! I dont know why your making an issue out of a tissue!!!!!????!!

  23. Whats the big deal poor guy had to go and you think these girls never saw there fathers whats with you evryone grow up if he did other stuff its one thing this just get over it its not the 1 st time such a thing happend

  24. I don’t know what he did wrong. Big deal. We all would do the same, calm down everyone. Sometimes you realy got to go and it’s a sirious matter that just can’t wait, so you go to the bushes. His back was facing the bushes- Let’s grow up all you people.

  25. I would like to hear the whole story before I make a judgement.
    Also, no child is to have a cell phone. Also these buses are driving way into the night. the busing is out of control. almost 25,000 private school children are being bused now and more every day, no one speaks of that. also our board sold our buses to have private companies come in murphy, sta, jay etc, they run the show now. You always hear how much money you safe if you privatize, but not true.
    Lakewood never learns. Also to many children being bused. 5200 of public and the rest about 25,000 private schools. Here is all the money and no contract for the teachers. We are all now writing for the state to come in, enough, you can not blame the teachers anymore when you are spending that kind of money for busing. Jackson now has no courtesy busing time for lakewood to get on board.

  26. seriously, its really not such a big deal.in the real world it happens all the time.stop living in ur imaginations!!!!!He turned his back to them,theres nothing wrong with that!

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