BREAKING VIDEO: President Trump delivers a message; Addresses violence, assault on Free Speech

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Nice speech, but too late! aka, Monday morning quarterback.
President Trump has been consistent in calling for law and order in this country, and he has continuously offered to send in the National Guard to protect Americans and American business owners from the violent, looting, arsonist Leftist protesters, much to the chagrin of the Leftist Governors and Mayors in which these violent protests occur. The Bidens and Pelosis of the world have found it difficult to open their mouths when these violent protesters wreak havoc on our cities, and now these hypocrite phonies have the audacity to attack the one who has consistently assailed this kind of violence, who has tried to compel the country’s Leftist Governors and Mayors to quell the violence, the one whose offers of sending in Federal law officials to quell the violence has been met with derision by the aforementioned Governors, Mayors, phony congressman and the President-elect.
These same politicians who treat the former Weather Underground Leftist thugs as upstanding citizens, now assail the person who has voiced his disgust at this kind of thuggery.
Several months ago, in response to Trump who discussed sending in the National Guard to one of the US cities to defend against violent protesters, Biden said that if he were President, “I wouldn’t be looking to use the US Military against our own people.” Now that Trump is contemplating deploying 20,000 National Guardsmen to help secure the US Capitol during Biden’s inauguration, I doubt you’ll hear Biden complaining about that.
One wonders what took our president so long to formulate and deliver these remarks?!