BREAKING: U.S. Senate Passes Bill Making Daylight Saving Time Permanent; If Approved, There will be No More Changing Clocks

The United States Senate passed a bill dubbed the “Sunshine Protection Act” that would make daylight saving time permanent.

While Arizona and Hawaii are currently the only two States to have permanent daylight saving time, if this new bill also gets passed by Congress, it will head to President Biden’s desk for approval for all 50 States.  Many legislatures have been pushing this bill for awhile.

The effects of darker afternoons on our mental and physical health can be serious. The transition of “spring forward” and “fall back” disrupts  sleeping patterns, causing confusion, sleep disturbances and even an elevated risk to heart health according to studies. The roads also remain safer when the clock doesn’t move forward according to studies. Additionally, Stolen evening sunlight can also negatively impact mental health.

The last time that the United States went to permanent daylight saving time was in 1974 and also during World War 2. Both times were in an effort to save fuel costs and both times the public hated it. It was eventually repealed, the latest repeal coming in the midst of the Nixon Scandal.

This time though, it appears that the bill will ultimately get passed for good as many individual states sought to separately approve the change before today’s Senate vote. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida who is the bills co-sponsor said moments ago “it’s an eclectic collection of members of the United States Senate in favor of what we’ve just done here.”

If approved, it would take effect in 2023.


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    • But of course for those sleep enthusiasts who would like both worlds – sleeping late and davening vasikin – it’s a mechayeh!

  1. This would mean sunrise as late as 8:30am for a couple of weeks. Would make issues for shachris and would mean kids waiting at the bus stop in total darkness.
    If anything would make more sense to keep standard time permanent.

  2. This will mess us up for shacharis, in Lakewood alos, talis/tefillin, and hanetz will get really late, alos will as late as 6:52, talis/tefillin at 7:25, and hanetz at 8:18 in early January.

  3. in ’74 when this happened Rav Y. B. Soloveitchik paskened that one may rely on an earlier calculation for Alos [based on a Gr”a] with a mil being 22 minutes, and Harav Yisroel Taplin shlit”a went and asked Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l about this and Reb Moshe stated emphatically “the Gr”a does not mean to say this” and he went on to explain the Gr”a differently and did not agree to such a calculation for Alos

  4. What I don’t get is that there are so many things that need to get done for the country and this is what our senators are working on?

  5. Does this mean we will have to find another method of reminding us to change our smoke and CE detector batteries? Will there be robocalls, instead, to remind us to change the batteries? I don’t have a good memory, I’m worried.

  6. In law school we had a saying: The top third of the class becomes judges and professors, the middle of the class becomes practicing attorneys, and the bottom third of the class becomes politicians. The total lack of ability of politicians to be ro’eh es hanolad never ceases to amaze me. The danger this will put our children in having to wait for buses or walk to bus-stops in the winter is obvious. The minyan problem is not something I would expect the legislators to be aware of, but once they are made aware of it, would they even care?

  7. Shachris is an issue which will be figured out..

    But everything else is gr8.. early shabbos never before 5:11 in the winter. No need to RUN home on Friday.

    More hours in the day…

  8. Without saying it openly, the politicians are focusing on electricity costs, which would probably become lower, if the law is signed.
    Since the current agenda is to cut dependence on fossil fuels, this is their step toward that goal.
    While admirable, in a way, suspending federal tax on gasoline, until the prices go back down, would actually show more caring about the citizens, and greater foresight in getting re-elected, which is all that really matters.

  9. To Yakov. Would you mind speaking to my supervisor on my behalf about reporting to work 1 hour late due to making a minyan for Shachareet. If she disapproves, do you have a job for me? A freliche Purim.

  10. For all those complaining about shachris and netz, changing the clocks is pretty new thing i think about 1965. they managed for 4000 years without changing the clocks you will too, your grandfather in europe didnt change their clocks. it never made sense it was a political shenanagin to start it there was never any need

    • First of all DST has been around since 1918. Second of all DST is what was changed. Before that it was standard time all year round. So it never got light at 8:30

  11. For many years daylight saving time occurred on the last Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October. I think that was the best balance between time changes.

  12. @Avi, in those days it was standard time all year round, so the only problem was early zman kris Shema and tfila, and then people davened early so it wasn’t a problem.

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