In a huge political upset Rabbi Avi Schnall has won his race for the 30th District Assembly seat, unseating Republican incumbent Ned Thomson.
With 100% of Monmouth County districts reporting, Thomson leads Schnall 14,252 to 6,121 but Schnall was leading significantly in the Lakewood portion of the district 20,189 to 3,310 with 43 of 43 districts reporting, for an overall lead of 8,748 votes.
Rabbi Schnall, who was the New Jersey director of Agudath Israel of America for past decade, overcame the odds by relying on an outpouring of support from the Lakewood Jewish community.
“Agudath Israel of America extends its heartfelt congratulations to Rabbi Avi Schnall on his hard-fought victory in the race to represent New Jersey’s 30th Legislative District in the General Assembly, the organization said in a statement.
“Whether it was protecting religious rights, successfully fighting for equitable services and funding for nonpublic students, or simply providing guidance to the thousands of individuals and institutions that reached out for Agudah’s assistance, Avi Schnall delivered for his community,” said Rabbi A.D. Motzen, Agudath Israel of America’s national director of government affairs. “It is therefore no surprise that Avi was able to galvanize the Lakewood community and with the encouragement of rabbis, lay leaders, and many supporters, pull off an upset victory.”
“The unprecedented high voter turnout and unity displayed by the community demonstrates the increasing voice of the Orthodox Jewish community in elections and Avi’s ability to bring people together for a common cause,” said Rabbi Shlomo Schorr, legislative director for Agudath Israel’s New Jersey’s office. “I look forward to working with Assemblyman-elect Schnall in his new role.”
“Congrats to Assemblyman-elect @Avi_schnall on your huge upset win in Legislative District 30!,” Democrat Governor Phil Murphy wrote.
“There’s no other way to say it: Avi’s reputation precedes him. The voters of Ocean and Monmouth Counties know how hard he works and how deep his commitment is to the entire community,” he added.
Avi Schnall’s victory speech this evening.
— The Lakewood Scoop (@LakewoodScoop) November 8, 2023
BH! But, a lot of promises were made. Now, it’s time to fulfill them.
He won’t, because he can’t. the only way he will get anything is with votes to make more abortion on demand available. Take away religious exemptions from organizations that refuse same gender marriages. Teach all the shmutz in our mosdos. Etc. That’s the democrat party.
You are still doubting the Gedolim. Shame!
this Reba wont do anything but do as his donors say & tow the Democrat line.
Sad day for kavod shomayim.
He will definitely try fulfill the campaign promises of help for tuition but don’t expect anything in the very near future as it’s a big & long process that will take time until it happens. The point was to have a foot in the door as until now we were just outsiders.
Sheker. You have nothing but a required vote for shmutz. If Avi doesn’t vote for the Democrat party machine wishes, he will get a big fat zero. No different then Schumer, nothing all the time.
Stop arguing with the Gedolim!!!!!
Work on your Kovod Talmidei Chachomim before it’s to late.
Choosing a private school is your choice. You should not get help from the state, county, town, and you should still have to pay taxes like everyone else.
I’m sorry if 50% of a town is paying high property taxes to the school board and send to private school yes funding should be marked for private school. We pay taxes and can have an opinion on where the money should be spent.
America has something call the separation of church & state. So no the govt can not legally pay for or support religious studies. There is a gray area on what’s legal, for example the govt paying for secular studies textbooks or teachers. But sorry, we can have an opinion on where our taxes are spent but if it’s illegal it won’t happen.
Actually, from your understanding of the separation of church and state is clear you have never researched this topic and looked at how the legal scholars ALL interpret this. Let’s break this down. Firstly, the constitution doesn’t use the term “separation of church and state” it is from a letter that Thomas Jefforson wrote. So his choice of words certainly are not the text of a legal document to be interpreted literally. Now, lets quote what they wrote in the constitution itself in the first amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The is about “indifference,” towards religion, in other words, the religious nature of a anything is irrelevant and must not be calculated at all as factor, both for good and bad. This means that any private school can receive money as long as it either, complies with a specific regiment of legally mandated secular studies, or alternatively if the government has no such regulations, then in all cases, as long as it can muster the title “school for the institution.” However you shouldn’t trust me alone, research this for yourself. Saying even that the government is “secular” is misleading. It isn’t secular, nor religious, as can’t discriminate against religion either. The two side of “no recognition” AND “no discrimination” are saying “indifference.”
Why? Taxes belong to the people, not the government, and the government tend to do everything for twice the price and half as good. The government doesn’t own the money the people do.
Why should we pay the taxes that go to schools if we don’t use the schools?
What about families that don’t have children or their children are not in school? Should they get money back?
They should pay less in taxes than those getting a public education. Why should school be free? Is anything else free?
1. I don’t drive on 90% of the roads in NJ so why should my taxes go to these roads if I don’t use them?
2. Because public schools are a national issue, though run at local level. America is based on Capitalism. Open a school that provides a good service at a reasonable price & you will make money educating those that choose to educate their children. If you don’t run a good school you will fail like any other business. (Pretty much like some of the privately owned schools in Lakewood.) The problem was how would America grow & flourish when the majority of Americans are ignorant &/or illiterate? (There’s a reason high tech has R&D in Israel but not in some 3rd world African country)
Imagine you live in a city whose businesses need 100 Accountants but there are only 5 qualified applicants?
Imagine an America that produces only 10% of the Doctors we need to have a functioning health care system?
So the decision was made to create a free public school system where every child will receive an education. EVERY child is required to attend public school (including yours). However, if you want to send to a private school that is ok as long as it meets the requirements of the state.
However, if you choose to opt out of the public school system the responsibility to support & pay for this private school falls on you. Also, when you add religion into the mix it becomes a lot more complicated. As historically the govt has tried to stay as far away from getting involved in religion as they can (which is good for us).
So can we expect vouchers tomorrow?
Or will we need to wait a day or two for the paperwork…
Try a century of waiting.
you wish
even though i voted for Avi we still owe a tremendous appreciation for Ned Thompson for all the services that he provided until now
Exactly. I feel sorry for him!
Which services did Ned Thompson provide until now?
If you want services you need to pay much higher taxes. If you want that keep voting democrat. Services shouldn’t exist from the government. A yid should always turn to HKB”H. But in Lakewood that is a group called the Vaad and not HKB”H. That’s why Frum Jews are in the situation we are in. We believe in askanim and politicians instead of HKB”H.
I didn’t say I want services. I just wanted to know which services to be appreciative for.
If you believed in HKBH you wouldn’t belittle the opinion of the Gedolei Yisroel who urged everyone to vote for Avi.
mazel tov
I know nothing about politics in Lakewood, but I would like to highlight a point.
Look what happens when we all get together and listen to our Gedolim!!!!
Let’s take a lesson from this, and IYH, we can accomplish bigger and better things!!!
Proud to live in Lakewood!!!
There are NINE Democrats in the House of Representatives representing NJ. Only ONE (Gottheimer) voted to censure rabid anti-semite Rashida Tlaib yesterday. Eight shmutz Democrats voted in favor of this pro-genocidal Hamas supporter in Congress. And we now have representing us a yarmulke-wearing frum Jew in league with the putrid Dems. Mazel Tov Lakewood for strengthening the enemy party.
But, it behooves me to admit that in light of “ein od milvado”, clearly the Aibishter allowed Avi Schnall and the VAAD to have their victory. It’s not for me (or anyone) to question why. But, I am, nevertheless, distressed by it. There’s no choice but to fall back on “gam zu l’tova”, even as how it can be is, as yet, a mystery. Maybe because, IY”H, we’re not going to be in chutz l”Aretz much longer, so all of Klal Yisrael’s involvment in domestic politics is presently meaningless.
Don’t be such a lamdan in politics. Follow the Rabbonei Ha’ir & move on with your life knowing that we did rotzon Hashem. Otherwise, you’ll be mevazeh Talmidei Chachomim & become a Baal Loshon Horah as well.
This success is proof that in Lakewood the Achdus is super great.
Nowadays there are a few serious wars going on as we speak Eretz Yisroel, Ukraine and also in USA at the college campuses we are seeing demonstrations.
In LA a person was killed by one of those demonstrating in a pro hamas rally.
Achdus being united will help us tremendously to survive all the evil that is going on .
I won’t be paying tuition.
Why not? are you sending your offsprings to public school
When are we getting free tuition
When Mashiach comes. Not a day earlier.
I’d like to ask a question. Why do people think they should get help with tuition? It’s a personal choice to send your children to private school. Also, should your taxes be lowered because your children go to private school?
Because if we all sent to public school, they wouldnt be able to handle the surplus of 50k children. Let the govt pay like they would if we were in public school, and we won’t drown them with our kids. We will stay where we are…
Same old, tired, worn out argument that surfaces every time. It’s never been done because it doesn’t work on so many levels.
If the government makes us pay taxes to support education, why don’t we have a choice where that education money gets spent? Since parents have a say in how their children get educated, the funds collected for education should also be spent accordingly.
Because that’s not how it works.
How about the oppisite way around? If the government DOES pay for your children’s then it will also be the one to decide on the type of education they receive? Why should they pay and not be given a voice for where the money is going to?
Either our taxes should be lowered that we don’t need to pay for the money that funds the schools or we should get funding for our schools as well.
It’s not about geting help with tuition. It’s about private companies not geting taxed when donating funds to non profit private schools. In addition, if you pay for private school, you should pay less in school taxes since you aren’t using using the public school system. I save the public schol system about 25K a year by paying for private school, I should get some reduction in my school taxes for that. Don’t you think?
So then those who have no children should be given the biggest tax reduction of all?
Because we pay our fair share of taxes and don’t get the same level of benefit that other people who pay the same amount of taxes. By choosing to send to a private school we save the state hundreds of millions of dollars. If all Jewish kids were to go to the private school system it would cost the state hundreds of millions of more dollars which would then require for them to raise taxes because the way the state has money is from getting it from constituents, they don’t actually make their own money which we save them and yet still pay our full share of taxes.
Since the govt will/can not give you money for private schools you should look into the 2nd best option financially which is to send your children to public school. It’s amazing people think the govt owes them anything. Simplest answer to your tuition problem? Use the public school system. You don’t want to? That’s your problem & your job to figure out how to pay for it.
The govt doesn’t care about you “saving them money” The American population has grown tremendously since it’s founding. What has been the response? To build more schools & hire more teachers.
That one could even think the govt will start “paying people off” to not use the public school system (which is basically what your asking them to do) is beyond bizarre.
And why should I have to pay for Public school if I don’t send my kids there??
Seniors pay school tax, their children are grown. Why should they pay any school tax? Busing costs big bucks. School taxes are for the public schools. If you choose private thats your choice. A lot of funding does go to private schools. Busing is a big one. The auditoriums are used in many public schools from the private schools.
Then I guess I should get money back, also. I don’t have kids. But I believe that a good public school system is for the betterment of the town. Evidently most people here don’t care about the town. Selfish.
Tell me Mel please, which public school system is still “good” and not filled with drugs, violence, crime and immorality? I don’t want such public school systems.
the seniors keep getting their taxes lowered. Also, they tend to live in smaller houses with lower taxes to begin with.
What about couples that don’t have kids. Should they get a rebate on their taxes since they don’t have kids going to school.
A good public school system helps make a town.
????? and you know this for a fact how???
Senior do indeed get discounts on property taxes in many municipalities. Treat us like a senior.
That’s not such a smart question. Education is mandated by the government: Public school is “free”- that is, paid for by our taxes, but if someone doesn’t want their children to get a “free” but horrible education that teaches their children every disgusting thing and exposes them to violence and worse, then the only choice is private school. Why shouldn’t each child be getting Government i.e. tax money towards their education in the same amount? Public or not- the yeshivos- Frum elementary schools are teaching the important secular subjects such as Math, English Language Arts plus many important life skills taught in Hebrew subjects.
Math, Lang arts, Social Studies, History, Different languages,Health, gym,Computers,Graphic art design, this is taught in Public schools. The world teaches them anything disgusting things you talked about. You can not hide or go in a bubble. You teach your child the good and bad and hope they grow up to be good citizens and caring people who know the difference. Church and State should not mix. If you choose to go to College you pay, so if you choose Private you pay.
Offering equal funding for private schools isn’t mixing church and state. It is simply giving a level playing field to everyone. We will invest X amount in the education of each child for the good of society, and the parents can decide which school they want that to be in
You obviously didn’t receive such a stellar education or you would know that separation of church and state is in fact not in the constitution but rather a statute.
Many states have tuition vouchers. Of course, those are Republican states. Democrat states will never have them because of the Blaine amendment and the teacher unions.
A vote for democrat schnall is a definite vote against school vouchers.
You are completely correct. Sorry people. You continue to vote for Democrats, who believe in raising taxes and don’t care if it works for the people. Stop voting for Democrats, Democrats hate all Jews. They don’t care about us or our needs. Stop voting for them and maybe you can get a tax rate to drop.
You all voted for Loui Scheiner’s Bank account.
Expect to see less then you even got from Thompson , and alot of bad aditude from your other local politicians.
Cause Louie definitely needs the 10k break on tuition. Give me a break
Easy Motzi Shem Rah spread all over the world. Is it really worth it? Why don’t people learn the basics of shmiras haloshon? It would save them from so many issurim.
Will the vouchers be offered to everyone or will it be income based therefore once again leaving the middle-class flailing?!?
Sadly I am afraid it will be income based. The Democrats in Trenton don’t like the middle class. they want to push everyone down into the lower class so they become dependant on government programs so they will keep on reelecting the Democrats. the Democrat Party is power hungry. They cloak it in being nice to you by giving you handouts.
There won’t be vouchers any time soon.
Why should our tax dollars go to Public schools? Why are public schools free in the first place? Shouldn’t it be the obligation of parents to educate their children?
Should we also have public groceries, hospitals, clinics, toy stores, houseware stores all for free (paid for by tax dollars) and if you chose to go to a private store then you pay out of pocket????
If you feel that education is so important that everyone should have it available and paid for by the government (aka the Tax payers) then EVERYONE’s children should have equal access to that funding. Period!
It also means that we should not lose the opportunity to give our children a BETTER EDUCATION because of it…
Unlike other social programs where the rich (tax dollars) help the poor (I.e. Medicaid, HUD Food stamps etc), public schools are paid for everyone including the rich.
Rich people sending to public schools also get it free, so don’t even try to put out an argument that people sending to private schools (presumably they can afford it) should not have EQUAL access to the education funding.
I don’t think anyone here understands your logic.
According to your logic, People that don’t have kids in school should not pay taxes toward public schools. Is that what you are saying? There wouldn’t be a public school system.
Yes actually it would make more sense if part of the taxes went to other areas of town like infrastructure and parks and not just school board
Public school should only be free for those who can’t afford it & should be income based like every other federal program.
Try and think of the opposite perspective… should their taxes be going to public schools if they don’t send their children there? Taxes are supposed go toward the benefit of those paying them. It would makes sense that in any specific location, taxes should be going towards how it would benefit most residents of said location.
Taxes go where the politicians want it to go. That’s why you need to understand politics before voting. They are your representatives who decide these things for you. So vote democrat and tax dollars go to democrat causes. Abortion, same sex marriage and islamophobia.
By that logic the whole Democratic platform of social spending makes no sense. Why should the wealthy pay for entitlement programs that give them nothing and that the recipients don’t pay anything into?
Schnall is a Democrat.
I don’t suggest to know what else could have been done, but I worry about the damage to the local Republican politics that was done and if it will get worse. I think we must do everything we can to show that we are not Democrats.
When asked whether he was upset with the election results, Rabbi Avi Schnall told reporters on Wednesday: “No, on the contrary, I’m extremely happy. Why would I be upset?”
“Well,” one reporter interjected, “your supporters are calling this an ‘upset victory’, and we’re just trying to figure out why you would be upset with a victory.”
“I mean, admittedly, it was a close race,” the reporter added, “but ultimately YOU won, so what’s up with the sour grapes?”
The reporter went on to say that: “We were told yesterday afternoon that the race was a tight, neck-and-neck race. Did anyone suffer a neck injury as a result of this race? Is THAT what is creating this feeling of sadness?”
“No, I’m not aware of any neck injuries,” Rabbi Schnall replied, “we’re just happy with the upset.”
“Hmm,” the reporter replied, “sounds strange to me. You find joy in being upset. I don’t get it!”
“You’re mistaken,” Rabbi Schnall replied, “we don’t find joy in being upset. But rather, AFTER the tears, comes the joy. As it says in Psalms: ‘Those who sow with tears, shall reap with songs of joy. Though he will go along weeping, carrying the bag of seeds – he will come back with joyous song, carrying his sheaves.”
“Hmm,” the seemingly annoyed reporter replied, “I ask you a simple question, and you give me a whole sermon?!! I’m out of here!”
It’s extremely disheartening how ignorant so many of us are concerning US History, American Public School History, American culture & the complex legalities of the Govt interacting in any way with a religious institution.
Perhaps a story will illustrate. Imagine you’re in Ukraine & the US govt contacts you & says war is about to break out. Go to the airport & we will fly you home. You ask how much it costs to fly you home & the govt says $3,000. Can you say, “I think I’ll stay & risk it. But since I’m not costing the govt the expense of flying me home you should give me the $3,000.”
It’s not about saving the govt money (which politician or public school administrator or principal has the extra money due to increased enrollment taken out of their pocket?). If you want to take advantage of the free education provided by the public school system you’re more than welcome. But if you choose a different option the onus is on you to figure out how to pay for it.
Guys. I’m someone who also send to private Yeshiva’s and BY here in Lakewood.
You can’t discount what @MEL is trying to (in a very respectful manner) say. The attitude of OUR tax dollars etc comes across a bit aloof or better than. In this country we separate between church and state. Money can’t be given towards our religious schools because of our values. The money however can be used towards anything else. I.e., Secular subjects, physical education and bussing.
Bussing is something that should be provided. The bussing for our mosdos is messed up and needs a total overhaul. I don’t know any “Askonim” involved with the bussing thing but it’s horrible.
Please don’t have the attitude that our taxes our decisions. We do have representation on the school board. We don’t have an issue of no taxation without representation.
To the person who thought an Assemblyman represents the state, you’re mistaken. It isn’t part of the judicial or legislative branch of the federal government. It is only a position within the state.
why do other states have vouchers? obviously its not illegal
Can someone please explain to me why our taxes have not gone down, if they are building a house wherever there was a tree!!!
Every time a house is built, the municipality has to provide services. Trash pickup, increased wear and tear on roads, police protection. Playgrounds or built and maintained by the township with tax money. Emergency medical services are provided by the township. That’s where the tax money from the newly built house goes
bro there is a war going on so please stop talking this way
hashem knows best
Yes! Hashem knows best! However, is anyone listening? How can someone support the democratic overly liberal agenda?
I am wondering whether the Hareidi Jewish community in Lakewood is considering attending the upcoming mass pro-Israel rally in Washington this coming Tuesday . Notably, the Baltimore Vaad Harabonim and the Agudah Yisroel have encouraged their members to participate, emphasizing the significance of this event.
As we come together during these challenging times, I firmly believe that our unified presence at this rally will reflect our care and support for Israel, transcending religious observance differences. This demonstration of solidarity not only embodies our love for our homeland but also showcases our collective strength as a community.
In the spirit of unity, it might be pertinent to ensure that any local Hareidi rabbis have been consulted regarding this rally. Their guidance and perspective could further enrich our communal understanding and approach to this meaningful event.
The present times call for a strong display of solidarity and unity. I sincerely believe that our participation in this rally will serve as a powerful expression of Kiddush Hashem, reinforcing our shared values and support for Israel
The Revolutionary War was fought over a 2% tax. Food for thought and some perspective on how it means absolutely nothing to vote.