BREAKING VIDEO: Menorah fire destroys Toms River home
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Why did they waste so much time till they started with the water. I too had a fire in my house and we kept asking them, what are you waiting for? All they said was, wait! A lot of damage could have been prevented. Here it looks the same. Hatzlacha Rabba
I guess Lea is a profession fire fighter
why did the family leave the house with a menorah burning?
Lea does not need to be a pro firefighter! she is allowed to comment on what happened in her personal experience and to ask questions. That sounds like a reasonable question
Lea, while you are frantically watching your house burning, all you want is for someone to jump up and start putting out the fire! but there are safety protocols that have to be in place and enough manpower and resources to successfully tackle the fire and put it extinguish it, rather than running the risk of causing it to spread.
And yes, with Chanukah lights as well as Shabbos lights, an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure…Make sure all candles are secured safely in a wind free place. And stay home to enjoy the light.
Thank you to the brave firefighters who run into burning buildings when the rest of us run out. We appreciate you!