A body was located in Lake Shenandoah today, officials confirm to TLS.
Police were summoned to the lake shortly before Noon regarding a body in the water, and upon arrival requested the dive team to recover it.
Sources tell TLS the body is that of a person reported missing this week. The man is said to be in his twenties.
This is the second body found in the lake in just weeks.
Developing story.
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Lakewood lake? Lake Carsaljo
How sad may this person rest in peace
I was in the lake when this happen
“You were in the lake when it happen” … And therefore, what is your point. Or was that just a matter of fact statement letting us reflect in the 2 seconds we wasted reading your pointless comment.
Lake Shenandoah
Mabel Isaac you should discuss this with Hashem instead of letting the people in your head talk everyone is valued to there own option
Issac – just because u weren’t in the lake when it happened doesn’t give a right 2 pick on someone else’s comment
Not true, you weren’t in the lake when it happened
Issac, if you were concerned about wasting time, you would not post such stupid comments
I was not in the lake, around the lake, or near the lake when it happened. In fact I was in Hershey, Pa when it happened. It is refresing to know that someone was in the lake at that time and can testify to the validity of it. God Bless you, and may God Bless the USA
Everybody take a deep breath
I was notin the lake , I was in BMG