Governor Murphy announced today that beginning tomorrow, Thursday, the eligibility requirements to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in New Jersey will be expanded to include anyone over the age of 65 and those between 16-64 years of age with certain underlying medical conditions which deem them high-risk for complications from the virus.
The move comes after the White House Coronavirus Task Force recommended changing the eligibility requirements to receive the vaccine, as the US struggles to administer the millions of vaccines that have already been distributed to states.
The governor did not say that the decision was based on the White House’s recommendation, but added that New Jersey’s vaccination program is ramping up and “we’re prepared for this task.”
Governor Murphy also announced today that the state has exceeded 250,000 vaccinations, with a current total of 264,681. Murphy said that he expects that number to grow quickly over the coming weeks as the state continues streamlining the process. Additionally, the governor announced that the death toll from COVID-19 in New Jersey has crossed the threshold of 20,000, which he pointed out is twenty-five times the number of New Jerseyans lost on 9/11.
For a list of vaccination sites statewide, and to preregister to receive the vaccine, click here.
The horrible governor should have done this at first.
He and the rest of the evil dems messed this roll out.
Please continue to daven and learn for R’ TUVIA Aryeh Leib ben Chaya Faiga (Rabbi Aryeh Raitzik) who is hospitalized with COVID. Note the added name. Thank you.
The link doesn’t work.
The link doesn’t work, the NJ Government doesn’t work, the USA is about to break, the vaccine doesn’t work but everyone involved is well paid. How does this make sense? Trade the Almighty’s law and order for your own crooked desires.