During tonight’s Jackson Township council meeting, the township attorney revealed the the New Jersey Attorney General and U.S. Department of Justice are currently investigating the Township’s zoning and land use laws and possible other discriminating laws against Jews
Over the past few years, the Township has passed several zoning and land use laws that many see as intended to target and curtail the growth of orthodox comunity in Jackson.
The Attorney General has taken note of these laws and deemed it worthy of a full investigation.
As earlier reported, the AG also investigated Mahwah Township and Toms River following similar ordinances.
The plaintiffs were victorious in recent lawsuits in Pamona, as well as in Ocean Township.
Good job all involved!
What a shame that my township leaders got themselves pulled into such a hole.
Hopefully this won’t cost me and my fellow taxpayers more than the already wasted money.
A Goy from Jackson.
Does Jackson really think it will outsmart the AG? Just like they saw right through mawah and other situations, so too will they see through the shinanigans of this township. Enough of this stupid hate. Time to live in peace.
I feel bad for anyone in Jackson – taxes will go way up to pay for all this
When you sue, it will ultimately cost you more tax money if you win!!
I’m quite glad they’re finally looking into this abuse. This is AMERICA – the land for all freedom-living people.
And for the record, I’m a goyish too.
Time for a real settlement. Let’s do it Jackson It will save our town
As a fourth generation American I grew up with a strong pride in the country which welcomed my ancestors who were escaping from countries which discriminated against Jews. Over the past 3 years my faith in America was shattered as I watched as tens on thousands of comments, saying the most despicable things about Jews were posted on Facebook and local online newspaper articles. It shook me to my core that the Jew hatred of a bygone era was coming back – here in NJ – in 2017. As I watched the media whip up a frenzy over ‘them’, as I watched the media obsess to a sick level over every negative story about Lakewood, or may I say, Religious Jews, as I watched elected officials appeal to the worst in humanity, I lost faith in this great country and the beautiful ideals upon which it was founded. Today, when hearing that both the DOJ and NJ AG are investigating the institutional bigotry and bias inherent in certain zoning laws, my faith in this great country has been restored. I was always proud to be an American, but I was also very disappointed and afraid over how such hate was tolerated and encouraged by both the media and some Elected officials. Today I am hopeful, hopeful that the good in this country will prevail and hopeful that we can all learn to get along with each other regardless of how we look or dress. God bless America and God bless the great state of NJ.
and when is the DOJ come down on TOMS RIVER. Its no different then Jackson #doj
Toms River has worked with every aspect of anything needed by the “new community”.
Chief of police asked to email him if more patrol was needed if you were away for the Jewish holidays. He didn’t put a letter out if anyone was away for Christmas or Easter.
Why the hate for Toms River?
Yes, they are very nice to us. But, one big issue (probably the biggest of all) is still not settled – Shuls (and i am not actively involved so maybe its happening behind closed doors but to my knowledge I haven’t heard any updates). I understand they don’t want one on every street corner and I’m not asking for that. But, why can’t each community have at least one Shul? Do we have to hide out to pray forever? Is this communist Russia? Again, I am not saying they are against it but, as a resident I know people in my neighborhood are afraid to even bring it up to them because of the fear of the pushback.
p.s. I know they let houses of worship on parcels over 10 acres etc…I am referring to reasonable guidelines.
WELL said !!
They didn’t fall into a hole. They dug it. Now they’ll be buried in it. It is said that you can’t take it with you…but in this case the taxpayer’s money will be buried with them. What were they thinking would happen?
Look Agudah is not asking for money , just freedom of expression, and whether yoy like it or not , religious jews are allowed to live anywhere in thus country, and when you are target a specific community with the sole intent to keep them out, you are breaking the law. Jews have a right to worship, to pray, to keep their Torah and to have their own religious studies.
Kudos for this lawsuit, Jews ( or anyone) in Jackson, shouldnt have to hide bibles and sneak to go pray for fear of being targetted.
Will this help the shul ordinance. It is not part of the lawsuit? ???
There is no need to worry, the jews have survived until now regardless of anyones attempt to get rid of us. As much as they try to minimize us we will only expand, look at history.