UPDATED: [Follow updates @LakewoodScoop] Authorities are investigating after a body was found in Lakewood’s Lake Carasaljo this morning.
Two joggers reportedly spotted the body around 6:30 AM and phoned police.
The dive team was called in to recover the body.
Officials are attempting to identify the person.
Sources tell TLS the man, said to be around 60, had medical issues.
Askonim are on scene to ensure proper Kavod Hameis.
Lakewood’s Detective Bureau, CSI and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office are on scene investigating.
UPDATE 11:00 AM: A Virtual Autopsy is currently being conducted, and a Levaya is scheduled for 8:30 PM this evening in Lakewood. The name of the Niftar was not published upon request of the family.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
when will they release the name?
Do you plan on releasing the name?
#1, #2
I think many people are “curious” to know the name of the person. Most people are smart enough to keep quiet and not ASK though. Borch Dayan Haemes.
Don’t understand why it’s smart not to ask- they will be having an anonymous levaya?
Those who know him know who it is
To those who want to know who it was. Think about it, if it happened to someone in your family, would you want everyone to know?
Bde. What was the story?
I knew this guy – he used to come to R’ Gruber Shlit”a’s shiur Sunday morning. Such a nice friendly, upbeat guy, even tho he had suffered a stroke years and had a hard time getting arounf. Nebech. Yehi Zichro Boruch.
What is the name???
@Command Post – I’m with you 100%. He had a stroke yrs ago and walked with difficulty even with his cane. But he would come to shiur and participate enthusiastically. He was always cheerful and cracking jokes, which is astounding considerably the challenges he had in his life. Nebech.