Approximately 50 Lakewood teachers will not be returning to teach tomorrow if the unimmunized children are allowed back to school, TLS has learned.
In a letter sent to the school administrators, teachers wrote that the unimmunized children pose a serious threat to the other students and adults, and they refuse to put themselves in the pah of the epidemic.
The letter comes after the Ocean County Health Department announced schools have a right to deny entry to students who are not immunized during a vaccine-preventable outbreak.
TLS has also learned that several anti-vaxxers have threatened to sue schools who don’t allow their children back, though the lawsuit appears to be baseless according to the latest information released by the Ocean County and State Health Department.
I dont get it . If the anti vaccers truly believe they are right then let them be moiser nefesh and keep their kids home. If you were forced at gunpoint to worship idols you would let yourself get shot so where is the mesiras nefesh of the anti vaccers?!
Only the very ignorant would support mandatory vaccination. No one knows which children will have adverse reactions to vaccine. This should be the parents decision 100%. There are risks to vaccination.
Yes. And then it should be the school’s decision to not allow unvaccinated children into their school. 100%
No one know which children have adverse reactions? They’re called DOCTORS and they can grant exemptions to these children. A DOCTOR, not a parent with zero medical training. Vaccines work, and are especially important to protect those who do have adverse reactions.
50??? There must be over 1000 teachers in Lakewood. Why is this news?
Because there only a few mosdes that are not enforcing it, most Mosdes in town will not allow children without up do date immunization records to come back to school,
So from these few schools 50 is quite a number…
We should all thank these brave teachers who are standing up for the health of our precious children!!
Its about time these few schools who are letting themselves be controlled by the Anti-vaxers see that for their staff and parents Health is #1!
“Brave” teachers? Standing up for “health”? I don’t think you know what “brave” or “health” means. Injecting children with poison isn’t creating “health” it’s doing the opposite. Moron.
You’re a breath of fresh air here. So many have bought into the vaccine nonsense.
Except there are no poisons in any vaccine. And yes I’ve read the ingredients and I know what a poison is. I suggest taking an introductory course in biochemistry before commenting.
Weren’t all of your papers and evidence saying things like “vaccines cause autism” debunked a while ago? Just get the shots. I got mine when I was little and I’m perfectly fine. Literally nothing outside of Aspergers *which was from how i was born, not from vaccines*, sp just give up.
For those of us with vaccine injured children this is a HUGE issue. BUT… if teachers are demanding medical interventions before they return, then they also need to be brought up to speed with all vaccines they are missing, including HPV, Flu and other adult shots. All at once, just like the kids.
do you blindly go along with what the government says is GOOD for your child. For your child’s sake I hope not. research all the things our government has tested on people without their knowledge.
Go teachers go! You deserve to have classrooms full of healthy kids who don’t compromise your health and the health of others! Anti vaxxers can home school if they please.
I did homeschool, but here is the irony as to why. My daughter got all her shots so that she could attend school. She was severely injured and then I HAD to homeschool. What a tragedy. 🙁 And by the way, how it SHOULD be is that no one should be FORCED TO INJECT anything into their body to have basic human rights. If you don’t want to be around those who believe differently medically than you (I.E. those who have actually STUDIED about vaccines and understand the risks) then YOU can stay home and homeschool!!
I’m sorry, what medical school did you study these vaccines at?
Can we set up a gofundme page to support teachers that will lose pay?
Why should anyone pay teachers who refuse to teach? If I refused to work, I would get fired.
Power to them !
Let’s see more joining them
Schools shld just close for a few days. This will make the point. And after a few days if ur still not vaccinated then u can’t come back.
Let it be like delaying opening hs till all girls are accepted. Let’s go lakewood. Make headlines. Make it happen
I am a math teacher who teaches @ Lakewood Cheder.I teach approx. 75 boys every day for 1 period.I have a close Kesher with alot of my past and present students.
I would be extremely upset if I found out that any of “my boys” were unvaccinated for non-medical reasons.
I cannot say anything more because I have not spoken to Rabbi Posen yet about this issue.
I personally know a family in the cheder who are anti vaxxers unless things changed recently the cheder accepts anti vaaxers
Public or Private schools?
How do I join this petition? Are they all from one school?
Even if children do get the shot now, they are not considered immune for at least another two weeks
Yes, and they will then shed the virus for several weeks, so they should not be permitted to attend school and infect healthy, unvaccinated children.
Good for them! Teachers have to put up with so much already they should not be subject to forced exposure to diseases because of irresponsible parents.
I don’t appreciate you saying one little bit that people who do not vaccinate are irresponsible. I vaccinated my daughter because I was IGNORANT as to the risks of vaccines and she was injured. At the same time I took the MMR to go back to school to get an advanced degree. I too was injured. It has been the sick taking care of the sick here for 24 years. We have lived a nightmare all because I succumbed to people like you; people who think they know what is best for everyone else. I have studied and studied for YEARS to try to help us. I’ve learned SO MUCH about vaccines. I am not FULLY convinced that it is those who vaccinate who are irresponsible. They are lazy parents who just let another person, a doctor decide for them. If you had a clue how LITTLE doctors know about vaccines, you would not be so irresponsible to just let them inject all that nonsense into your body.
Its always nice to have such an easy indicator of a persons intellect rolled out for one to see. if you had not taken the time to highlight your own ignorance some of us may have made the mistake to trying to intelligently discuss with you. What a waste that would have been.
The teachers are 100% correct. even if they are vaccinated, they don’t want to risk carrying the disease home to their children and neighbors.
And what if such teacher is pregnant? She surely should not be in school with any non-vaccinated child.
Hashem Yerachem. That some of our own “am novon” can be so stupid and risk the lives of their children and so many others. SHAME ON YOU!
The teachers are 100% wrong. Don’t go to work, get fired. Looks like 50 jobs are opening up soon.
Doctors are vaxxing pregnant women nowadays, so the pregnant teachers should go get vaxxed if they think that will protect their unborn babies. The truth is, it will poison them.
They can’t come even if they take the shots according to the Teacher’s letter. ( Anyone who isn’t vaccinized at this point missed the boat and needs to stay home until the outbreak is over plus 21 days)
Then they better stay in their homes if they are afraid, because we are everywhere!! Walmart, the grocery store, the bank, the post office, everywhere! It sad that they believe their vaccines wont work unless everyone has one….
I don’t get all the hullaballoo – if you had the vaccinations, then you won’t get sick so what is everyone afraid of? those who are not immunized may get sick but, they’ll only be a threat to those who are not vaccinated, and apparently the anti vaxxers are not worried about that.
the baby growing in their stomach is not immune. And before you say they have maternal immunity learn the difference between IgG and IgM and which cross the placenta.
If the mother had measles during her lifetime the child will be protected. If she only has vaccine created immunity she may or may not be protected. Rubella would be more of a concern if she never contracted it as a child or was never vaccinated.
Here is are 2 great parnoonseh opportunities.
Open a ‘unimmunized children’ only school 1 for girls and 1 for boys.
Lots of jobs available for unimmunizzed adults who will teach, supervise, cook and clean the schools.
And in a bit there will be high school positions available to unimmunized magiday shiur. And then for those special unimmunized Rosh hayeshivahs there will be more positions open.
Eventually we will create a special “do not immunize’ Mesorah.
Also, us chasidim have opportunities to open some new unimmunized chasidus (which then split into many sects in order to keep all the unimmunized rebbusheh einiklach in business.
Let’s not forget about opening new unimmunized only ‘she’chinas’ with a unimmunized Roov, Dayan and Rosh hakoo’l.
The aibushteh looks out for us and gives us new parnooseh opportunities. Let’s not ignore it and let’s not miss this once in a lifetime chance.
To my take
No. You are wrong .
There are children and adults who have specific medical issues that preclude them from being vaccinated. They are at risk. Infants under 1 year old can not be vaccinated and can catch the disease . Pregnant women are at risk for the unborn and newborn.
Even vaccinations are only 98 per cent effective.
Bottom line , you are causing serious potential harm to other people.
I refuse to put myself and my children at risk to “save” you or your children. A healthy lifestyle will build a strong immune system; this is how the body functions. Vaccines are toxic and are wreaking havoc on the human immune system, and consequently viruses are mutating. So please, stop vaccinating and putting my healthy, unvaxxed family at risk.
Where do you folks come up with this nonsense? If you had witnessed the absolute terror of a polio outbreak and thousands of children losing their ability to walk despite their “healthy unvaxxed lifestyle” I think you’d sing a different tune. There is no evidence whatsoever vaccines are “toxic and wrecking havoc on the immune system” beyond fanatical facebook pages full of uneducated mothers who are putting wider groups of children at risk by believing this nonsense.
Actually you’re wrong, there is quite a bit of evidence that vaccines are causing serious problems for many people, the VICP has paid out over 4 billion dollars to American families who’ve been permanently harmed by vaccines.
All this back and forth is ridiculous. Let’s stop. Us ppl that vaccinate do it because we feel that it’s best to our children and our hishtadlus especially in time of outbreak. This doesn’t mean that we think the vaccine will be 100% effective. But we are doing our very best. So if you do choose to not vaccinate then yes please stay away as ur pose a greater danger to us who are vaccinated.
How does that even make sense if you are vaccinated?
Exactly! And their kids are shedding the vax version of the virus to our healthy, unvaxxed children. So please, keep your children home after vaccinating. (Truth be told, our immune systems greatly benefit from acquiring the wild chicken pox and measles viruses, including conferring lifetime immunity, and these diseases are mild and cause no injury in healthy children, but people have lost sight of that fact.)
There are a number of kids that have very weak immune systems that would still get sick or can’t get the shot even if they want to cause again there immune level is to low (like chemo patience)…
I am confused. If everyone is vaccinated, why are these teachers worried??? Or are they saying the vaccines don’t work and they will get the measels from the unvacinated???
Stop at CVS Pharmacy and get your flu shot today! It is very important
so you do not get anyone else sick!
Not just CVS, RiteAid and Walgreens too! Insurance accepted!
Just vaccinate the teachers and then there will be nothing to worry about…unless vaccines dont work.
Thats… not the point.
@me and you make life very difficult for everyone!!! We leave our babies home or with neighbors rather than risk taking them to stores!! Shame on you for.being so arrogant about it
Great idea.
Do not allow ANY of the teachers back until they are all fully vaccinated on the child and adult schedules.
I didn’t realize there were all these unvaccinated teachers out there worried that they were going to “catch” diseases from children.
Just vaccinate the adults. It really is not that complicated.
Thank you!
I hope all the teachers follow suit, (I need a vacation)
I have huge concerns about this. My first thought is about HIPAA. Why are teachers knowledgeable about children’s health records? They are not healthcare professionals. Even those covered by the ADA have rights. Why not children? And what about exemption laws? Do these students not have rights under government mandates and exemptions? This seriously seems to smack of so many legal issues. I would have to say that these fifty plus teachers need educated themselves and may not be qualified for the positions they are refusing to secure with their presence. sigh, BIG SIGH They are definitely not knowledgeable enough on the topic of vaccines. I suggest this school educate them asap.
P.S. Do the teachers know that vaccines have never been shown by science to prevent disease? It’s true. But hey, why expect teachers to know something.
@mytake what you said is so true so everyone can stop panicking
@mytake what you said is so true so everyone can stop panicking and calm down
The problem isn’t those vaccinated and are healthy, it’s the young, the old and the expecting who are in danger. Do anti vaxxers want that everyone should be like them? How would the world be if no one was vaccinated? Are they relying on those of us who are and therefore there aren’t as many cases?
Do anti vaxxers also believe that going to a doctor for cancer treatment is assur?
Do anti vaxxers also “hold” that giving Tylenol for a fever or teething assur?
Chemo and Tylenol have serious side effects if you read the warnings?
What happened to the Richie Roberts article? Why did it get removed?
Why aren’t the Rebbeim standing up to this craziness?
Only the teachers understand?
Before you blame anti vaxxers, do your research on vaccines, if you “so call care about your own children” learn the risks and read the inserts. Wait, let me guess? You don’t even know what those are? Never knew they existed? Well, neither did I until wise people told me they existed and the real risks they pose to our health! Ask your doctors that you see every other month for your children’s well visits, see how happy you’ll make them when you ask to see those inserts! I was once a sheep ???? but now I see! ???? Real immunity comes from the beginning of life, yeah, it’s called “breast milk”, God made us perfectly, He made no mistakes. So, before you blame anti-vaxxers when your children get sick, ask yourselves why your vaccines failed you!? Because they do not work! 1 + 1 = 2.
I rest my case.
When I was in bais Faiga elementary school I remember we had to be up to date with vaccinations always or they wouldn’t let us come. B”H there were no anti-vaxers in those days that I remember.
The old timers all vaccinated their children as they lived through measles, mumps rubella etc…. They remember what the epidemics were like so when vaccines became available they had their children vaccinated. It’s the younger generation of parents who are clueless therefore they don’t vaccinate.
teachers are doing you a chesed by teaching your kids now you go do a chesed by bieng considerate and get the shot to prevent them from catching the measles
Fire them. If children with ACTUAL diseases are allowed to attend school, kids with no diseases should as well. All kids have a right to public education reguardless of medical history.
Go teachers go!!
Listen to all prominent Gedolim (even the עדה החרדית wrote a letter that all kids must vaccinate). Listen to our Drs-DO NOT ALLOW UNVACCINATED KIDS IN SCHOOL!!
For those radicals or health nuts or people that think they are above it all, either home school your children or go over the border to Mexico.
Dont mean to bash people who cant vaccitante due to illness.
But the those who are campaigning to keep those UNVACCINATED kids in school & campaigning for those anti vaccinators. עתיד ליתן את בדין.
I had no idea so many people were fooled by propaganda and believed it was actually science. Please look at the data that is actually in the inserts for the vaccines. The information is there. The dangers are clearly laid out. The ineffectiveness of the vaccines is easy to see. Open your eyes to see what is there. Don’t be sheep led to slaughter. The propaganda that is used to bully others is the real problem.
Unvaccinated kids and adults DO NOT spread diseases they don’t have!!! People need to do some research and not believe everything you’re spoon fed.
“People need to do some research”
Wow, so you’ve never heard of Typhoid Mary and asymptomatic carriers? You didn’t learn that at Youtube University?
Wait, so the teachers have all been vaccinated, the other students have all been vaccinated, but the unvaccinated kids pose a threat? You mean the vaccines don’t work? So why should the unvaccinated kids get them if they don’t work?
Because vaccines do not prevent disease nor do they create “herd immunity.” They merely lessen the symptoms (they say, but how can you really know how severe you would have had a disease when severity differs from person to person?). So your school can be 100% vaccinated and you can still have an illness run through.
People need to sit back and really think about it for a minute.
It breaks my heart to think that a person like you will have and raise kids. Who knows what other depths of anti-intellectualism and ignorance they will have to wallow through as a result of their upbringing.
You’re teachers – research. Type Vaxxed into the YouTube search bar and go to the Vaxxed Stories option, where you’ll find countless interviews of parents whose kids have been severely damaged or literally killed by vaccines. Type “The CDC made these two radical changes” into Google and read the article. It details how radical changes were made to the diagnostic parameter of polio in 1955, following the release of the Salk vaccine – changes that automatically eliminated 90% of subsequent polio diagnoses – 30,000 cases a year we were told and are still led to believe were prevented by the vaccine. They weren’t. Vaccines contain literal neurotoxins and other noxious chemicals, none of which belong in the bloodstream. The immune system is remarkable. It thrives on natural exposure. You’re Jews. Have a little faith, for God’s sake, and educate.
LOL had to stop reading when you tried to cite YouTube as a credible source. You’re so beyond misinformed its actually comical.
If yer children are vaccinated well then children who are unvaxxed shouldn’t be a problem as ye are already protected but for every child who gets vaccinated and sheds is 10 times more dangerous than unvaxxed children commen sense using that hard nor do you need a PhD to work that out but it’s the parents choice and no one has that right to take that away from anyone or be forced to do something that may cause a lifetime illness or death research and find out for yourselves. I personally got thought in school that mercury is a very dangerous chemical but yet it’s in every injection ever ask yourselves why .work out the maths people but no one should be bullied to make a life changing decision for their child ye have no right to take away parents rights like that.
If the teachers are vaccinated, then what are they worried about?
Ummmmm, someone tell the teachers that they are probably not immune anymore? Same with all the people commenting how crazy antivaxers are. Most vaccines dont last past 10 yrs. Sooo…..????
As a teacher and a mother of a vaccine-injured child, I know that I used to believe in the CDC’s vaccination requirements and recommendations. I was smug in my beliefs. I do still believe in vaccines BUT, my daughter was injured by the HPV vaccine and after researching the HPV vaccine (Gardasil), I discovered that there are thousands of similar injuries in terms of Gardasil. If these teachers researched Merck’s secretive and deceptive practices during the clinical trials, these teachers would either just not be able to believe it, or they would be forced to question the CDC and the FDA, two agencies that are charged with looking out for our health and safety. Unfortunately for some, the only way they will understand, is if it happens to them or their children. Most vaccines are safe but for many kids, there needs to be some type of test to determine whether or not a chikd’s Immune system can handle a vaccine. My advice to these parents is to obtain a medical or religious exemption if possible.
If your vaccines work, what are you all afraid of?
@ “Me”: You are a rasha! You are putting the lives of immunocompromised individuals and unborn babies at risk, and you are PROUD of it?? You are seriously ill!! You must have had a really toxic vaccine as a child!!
Anti Vaxxers, I do respect your position however I do not agree with it, because my view is based on fact rather than cherry picked articles. But I guess what I don’t appreciate is the comments that you are deeming as fact such as there hasn’t been much research done on vaccines. This is simply told by anti-vaccinators to make parents afraid. Vaccines are one of the most WELLresearched interventions of all time. We have literally millions of children, researched, across the world, that demonstrate their safety. There has been more research on vaccines than any other medical intervention. The research is done, time and time again. Polio was eradicated due to vaccines. This may not mean much but I do have a doctorate from Stanford, but am from the jersey shore. Before you comment, oh another doctor for vaccines, my field of study is civil engineering. I just know the facts, there are thousand of peer reviewed articles on these facts. Please stop spreading misinformation.
Mmr shot Sheds? Were are you getting your information from.
People who get the shot can’t transmit measles. Those with immunity from having measles can still spread measles. It’s not the same.
If vaccines work the way you’re told, then why are you afraid of diseases if you’ve been vaccinated against them?
Asking for a friend.
Look up herd immunity and understand it.
About 40 people a year die from the MMR vaccine verses about 1 in the USA every year. This makes the musicals vaccine 40 times more lethal. In addition it has been reported to VAERS which was set up by the CDC and the FDA that hundreds of thousands of kids have been damaged from the vaccine.
Only one of the 17th vaccines was ever tested, and only one ingredient thimerosal of the dozens of ingredients was ever tested.
this means even according to the CDC they don’t have data to prove vaccines are safe or effective.
The belief in vaccines their effectiveness and their safety has turned into idol worship and complete lunacy.
You are a liar. No one has died from the MMR vaccine. VAERS is inaccurate because any person can make false reports. All vaccines have been tested, and have been proven to be safe and effective. It is your nonsense that is based in complete lunacy – and presents a real threat of death for our children.
I call bull on all these stories of “vaccine injury.”.
If these vaccines work then the other kids and teachers shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Unless they know that vaccines don’t work.
If herd immunity levels aren’t achieved at the local level, the effectiveness of the vaccine is reduced. The way to avoid that is to get vaccinated.
Who wants there kids running around with diseases
Shots are a must
How is a lawsuit baseless, when the LAW states that if an organization is state funded, YOU MUST ACCEPT UNVACCINATED CHILDREN, who have exemptions.Its called Fact Checking.
Those exemptions MUST be medical. No other exemption is acceptable.
Yes- vaccinated people COULD shed the virus. My uncle got the measles from the vaccine – years ago, as a child, when there was no measles outbreak, and he got the measles from the vaccine! And his baby sister caught the measles from him!!
Your uncle did not get the measles from the vaccine. That’s impossible.
Where do these teachers get their information?
1. If the teachers have all of their shots, why are they even worried? Do they think their vaccines don’t work?
2. Unvaccinated pose NO threat to the vaccinated.
Because you didn’t inject something, doesn’t make you automatically have all the diseases. You can’t spread something you don’t have.
3. Do they know the medical history of all these kids? Perhaps some have a legitimate medical reasons, like a severe reaction once.
4. You cannot force a medical procedure upon someone. Especially if it is not 100% safe. I personally know 3 vaccine injured kids, and one death caused by a shot.
5. There is literally nothing the school can do. By law, New Jersey students are allowed to attend school with a vaccine exemption.
1. They could be carriers and infect others around them who can not be vaccinated. Pregnant women and infants are at risk, for example.
2. This is just demonstrably incorrect. They pose threat to the vaccinated in that they can infect others around them. See my reply to 1.
3. These are the only reasonable exemptions, although legally religious exemption is also acceptable. Perhaps some of them do fall under this category, but if that were the case they likely wouldn’t be pushing so far. Teachers are intelligent people who likely have a pretty good idea of what they are doing.
4. You’re right, you can’t force medical procedures on others. You also can’t force the general public and those with legitimate exemptions to be exposed to the serious risks that the diseases vaccinated against present. I’m sorry you believe you’ve seen infinitely rare side effects.
5. Exemption does not mean woefully misinformed parents just decided not to protect their children. By law, this means medical or religious exemption.
There a plenty of people who get the normal childhood illness from the vaccines itself. And, some vaccines shed the virus. I personally know of a two year old who got shingles from the cp vaccine. All adults commenting, I hope you are fully up to date with all these new vaccines. In addition, medical information on students is supposed be confidential
You just told a pack of lies right there. No illness comes from the vaccine itself. There is no such thing as shedding either. Shingles from the “CP” vaccine? Totally impossible so that is the most blatant lie of the lot. Medical information when it comes to medical requirements like this is not confidential. It is in the public interest.
I agree with you anon… if y’all will excuse me, It’s time for a cigarette break!
I have a little bit of input for my fellows with emunah. If you look at all the information and make a decision to the best of your abilities, that’s all you can do. Whether you decide on vaccinating or not… The rest is up to HaShem, the ultimate giver and taker away of disease.
Why are any of these idiot anti-vaxxers not banned? Get out. You are not welcome here, in our schools, or in our society. You don’t know anything about science. Your “research” consists entirely of listening to enough ignorant idots telling you what to do until you are brainwashed. If you researched how vaccines work or took a chemistry class, you’d be here with the rest of us on the right side of history.
If you don’t vaccinate your kids, provided they are not allergic, you are an unfit parent. Period.
Our obligations stretch beyond our own homes. We live in a society, and have a responsibility to our fellow man.
Never expose yourself unnecessarily to danger… a miracle may not save you.
I find it disgusting that parents are refusing to vaccinate their children! That really shows how good of a parent you are caring about your kids health. I don’t get when vaccines became a bad thing, total nonsense.
you obviously don’t research anything before giving to your children…
Diane you failed at research if you think Mikey has said the wrong thing.
If vaccines work so great then vaccinated teachers should have nothing worry about….they are protected
Example: I am a teacher and I have my 6 month old Grandaughter in my home. The vaccine worked for me but now I may have infected my Grandaughter. Explain how that is okay in your world? ….. Okay, how about my immune suppressed daughter (Immuno disease started in her late teens) ? Or my mother going through Chemo? How fair is that to me and my loved one?