At the campaign launch for the upcoming Bonei Olam “Write My Story” campaign, Rabbi Shlomo Bochner shared with the crowd the expansion of secondary infertility assistance for the Lakewood Bonei Olam Chapter.
Couples who are facing the challenge of secondary infertility are filled with gratitude for their only child. Yet they still yearn for a home that echoes with laughter and joy. They dream of giving their child the gift of siblings.
Raising money for primary infertility is a significant challenge and the main focus of Bonei Olam. But in recent years, Bonei Olam has taken on the additional challenge of helping couples achieve the dream of a second child.
“The pain of secondary infertility is real,” says Rabbi Bochner. “And for the only child yearning for a sibling: This is primary. He has nothing.”
Bonei Olam is proud to announce the expansion of their secondary infertility services in the Lakewood area which will include additional financial assistance in addition to consultations and guidance, referrals, access to doctors and expedited appointments.
Rabbi Bochner recognizes the incredible Lakewood community and the beautiful way in which they support each other. “This cause is so close to their hearts because it is such a young community. Families live in neighborhoods, developments, and buildings in close proximity. The pain of parents without a family is so recognizable and everyone connects to that. They feel the pain and they want to help.”
“In the last 25 years,” adds Rabbi Bochner, “Bonei Olam has touched nearly every family in Lakewood: from genetics, to infertility, to cancer, to shiduchim. And now they want to give back.”
Rabbi Bochner shares his dream. “In the past, the slogan of Bonei Olam was ‘In every Jewish home, a Jewish Child.’ We want to change that to: ‘In every Jewish Home, Jewish children’.”