[Submitted by organizers] Due to the overwhelming demand here in Lakewood, Bikur Cholim of Lakewood in conjunction with the JCCSG (Jewish Crohns Colitis Support Croup) are pleased to invite Patients, Husbands, wives, parents and caregivers of those suffering from Crohns and Colitis for an Education Symposium & support event. We are Honored to having 3 respected doctors that specialize in Crohns & Colitis.
•Updates in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), a patient perspective:
Dr. James George, M.D.
Clinical Instructor Medicine, Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital
•Treatment Approaches in IBD, Options to Consider:
Dr. Asher A. Kornbluth, M.D.
Clinical Professor Medicine, Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital
•Pediatric IBD, they are ‘not’ just little adults:
Dr. Jonathan E. Teitelbaum, M.D.
Chief of the department of pediatric gastroenterology at the Children’s Hospital at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch – And Medical advisor for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA), New Jersey chapter
The event will iy”h take place Wednesday, March 2nd at the Bikur Cholim Lev Rochel house, located at 93 Prospect street.
Marriv and a Siyum Mishnayos for Mr. Abraham Kornbluth Z”L at 6:45 followed by The event. Below Is a link for the Mishnayos, Please help as much as possible in taking some Mishnayos. http://www.lzechernishmas.com/signup.php?id=5304
For more information feel free to contact Bikur cholim Lev Rochel at 732-905-3020 or [email protected] or the jccsg at 718-63-jccsg (718-635-2274) or [email protected].
what a beautiful event to put together. There are so many people suffering from this and to gain knoewledge would be amazing. Also to see that yes there are people that are suffering besides you and that are going on with their normal lives is a great chizuk.
WOW! Finally someone put this together! All top notch doctors under one roof! Really amazing!!! Whoever put this together should be blessed!
To my amazing son DR. Kornbluth your father ZTL should have a LICHTIKN GAN EIDEN and you should always be the right SHALIACH for every CHOLE, AMEIN. Your devoted mother,