Biden sworn in as 46th President

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Let’s quickly impeach him for stealing the election!!
“Uh where’s the basement, I need to take a nap”
Secret Service-
“Sorry sir, that’s a bunker for emergencies only”
“Uh it’s an emergency if I’v been elected President”
Jill Biden-
“Joe, just keep quiet for a couple days and Kamala with more it out”
“Uh, OK, whatever you say. But we will beat Trump”
All of you folks who are here making fun of the new President should grow up FAST!
That is not the Torah Derech, not derech eretz, and frankly, not intelligent.
Its an embarrassment for this community.
I get it. You voted for Trump, you dont want Biden, me too. But if you fall apart and make wild accusations and infantile comments, your no better than the people you yourself despise.
Was someone officially appointed to remind Joe throughout the day that he is the President, and NOT the Senator from what’ that state called again? Jill, where did we live before this big building?
I think we should make a special minyanim to say tehillim. This is no joke. This man is out of his mind and he is now in charge of nuclear codes. My G-d protect us.
Trump: Where are all the people to see me off?
Don Jr: We gave them each 5 tickets to bring guests, I don’t understand what happened.
Pence: Uh, sorry but I won’t be coming to see you off. Someone has to act like an adult and be present at the ceremony.
Trump: Well who will be there to see me off then?
Mitch McConnell: Sorry Mr President but I won’t be there either. I hear Garth Brooks is singing at the inauguration and I just can’t miss that.
Mark Rubio: Sorry, but I have people to confirm so there is a easy transition of government.
Trump: Well I at least know that Ted Cruz will be there for me.
Ted Cruz: Um, ah, I got some bad news for you …..
Trump: Well at least the American people still love me.
The American people: You’re fired. Now you and your family be off the plane before 12pm or else you’ll have to pay for the tickets.
At Last !!!
America is great again.
All of you folks who are here making fun of the new President should grow up FAST!
That is not the Torah Derech, not derech eretz, and frankly, not intelligent.
Its an embarrassment for this community.
I get it. You voted for Trump, you dont want Biden, me too. But if you fall apart and make wild accusations and infantile comments, your no better than the people you yourself despise.
if trump went to the inaugration would he then have had a well attended farewell what does one have to do with the other why did the farewell have to coincide with the inaugeration ceremony and what do they usually do?
Seriously these comments are so negative. I bet u won’t be saying anything when u get ur stimulus. FYI Trump was more crazy so deal with that…….
So hard to believe that people can have so much hate toward a president that has done so much for our country, especially for our community!!!
No, I don’t agree with everything he did or how he did it! But he did things the establishment hasn’t done or wouldn’t do!!
Vayakam Melech Chadash Asher Lo Yada…I’ll stop right there.
Um, he’s not a melech. He’ll be here for 4 or 8 years, then on to the next one. Let’s keep some perspective, please, and appreciate living in a democracy.
Mamesh a huge Nebech on us.
You think he’s gonna fight China on Tarriffs ?
You think he’s gonna adjust the tax code, to help corporations, which, IN TURN, help the little guy ?
Did you see that Mr. Uhn wants his nukes back ?
Are you comfy with N. Korea having Nukes ?
Comfy with other Liberal agendas ?
I understand some people hate Trump, the person, but I really can’t see how a normal, functional person can say that Biden can possibly be a better President than Trump. Whether on foreign or domestic policy.
I just don’t. Sorry.
Did I vote for Biden? No!!
Did I like Trump? Yes!!
But now that it is all set and done, we have to Daven that the Biden administration is successful in the right way.
Because if Biden is successful, then the country is successful!!!
If Biden is successful then this country will be a broke Socialist Country.
Not where I want to be.
If you haven’t already done so, please get a copy of Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Sorotzkin’s just released sefer, “The End Illuminated” (plus its short “Sequel”). The election of Joe Biden to the presidency — a cognitively challenged empty suit, who has been a part of the D.C. political swamp for nearly half a century, over which time he accomplished little other than to make his family VERY WEALTHY — fits in perfectly with the notion that the American “goldene medinah” is now coming to an end.
Do not be fooled by Biden’s so-called uplifting inaugural address, praying for “unity and compromise.” The speech was written by his DNC handlers, who — given the Russia hoax, Ukraine impeachment hoax, and now the insurrection impeachment hoax — are established hate-mongers and pathological liars.
The hapless Biden will be ignored by his leftist handlers, as they push their agenda of persecution, cancel culture, re-education, purges, and fascistic censorship of their conservative political opponents.
Ladies and gentleman, we are witnessing a replay of the events in 1917 Russia and 1933 Germany…when totalitarian regimes seized the reigns of power. Just as then, when Jews (at least the non-complacent ones) realized that they needed to flee, so too does the situation in a crumbling U.S. fit into R’ Sorotzkin’s analysis of divrei Chazal. THE END of Klal Yisrael’s golus in chutz l’Aretz America is at hand. There is NO future for us here; we had all best be preparing to leave.