BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: [UPDATED] We regret to inform you of the tragic Petirah of R’ Tzvi Hertz Z’L, who was Niftar last night following a sudden illness. Reb Tzvi, son of Reb Meir, was 29.R’ Tzvi was rushed to the Hospital last Shabbos after suffering a medical emergency. He was on a respirator since. He leaves behind a wife and 4 children.
Levaya information will be published when available.
Shivah will begin following Yom Tov.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
UPDATE 12:15 AM: The Levaya will be tentatively be taking place at 11:20 AM Sunday, Hoshana Rabba, at 7th and Private.
BD”E may he be a mailitz yoisher for his wife, children, parents, siblings, and all of klal yisroel
wow\ how sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a tragic & sudden event to occur in the middle of Sukkos-the yom tov of happiness-or anytime for the matter.
lakewood R”L in the last year alone has lost many young & innocent people that have left to the olam haemes at young ages & in strage ways. how many can you remember? we lost 2-13 year old boys, we lost a 37 year old Talmid chacham, we lost a 12 year old, we lost a 4 month old baby R”L. do i need to continue?…..
HOW MANY MORE of these tragic events will need to occur C”V before we wake-up & face truth & reality. is there anyone that thinks these are just coincidence? or is Hashem calling us to wake-up & waiting for us to do teshuva (kol yisroel areivim…. i.e. this is not just for residents of lakewood Ihr Hakodesh, but for all of klal yisroel)
it is up to each one of us to come together as a nation & return to Hashem, so these tzaros can end & hashem can return to us & bring Mashiach b’karov. Hasheivenu Hashem ailecha….
everyones teillim was a big zchus for the neshama & made a big difference.
Bde. Tzvi was a wonderful person that always helped others. Klal Yisroel suffered a great loss……….
May Hashem send his Isha Tzidkaniya Sara Hertz (Salb) the koyach to be strong for her 4 zeesa kinderlach.
May the family comforted…
what can we say in the face of such a tragedy – May Hashem comfort the family and give them strength to go on. We all suffer with you and are terribly pained at this horrifying news, but we know that we can’t feel what you are feeling and can only daven for your nechamah, and hope and cry for R’ Tzvi to be the korbon that finally brings Moshiach.
Tzvi, thanks for always being a true friend and a constant source of inspiration…….
We will miss you….
so sad!
i davened and now im crying….
Bd”e sooo Sad!! All 4 children are under the age of 4!! May he be a meilitz yosher for them,his wife,his family & all of klal yisroel!!!
We need moshiach!!
המקום ינחם את משפחתו ואת כל קרוביו בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים…
When is the levaya? Please let everyone know is it tonight or on Hoshana Rabba?
was davening so hard 4 this family in order that Hashem should spare them further tragedy. So sad! we can not question why but we can do our best to ask Hashem to give the family strength to pull through such a terrible situation.
דודי ירד לגני ללקוט שושנים
Tzvi was a really special person. May he be a meilitz yosher for his chosuva rebbitzen and 4 beautiful children and please daven by the kisai hakovod for moshiach to come soon. We need him now.
Bde we need to do more tsheuva and bring moshiach may we know of no more tragedies and only share in simchas
Lived near him in westgate was such a nice guy never a bad thing to say always with a smile. He will truly be missed by many. bd”e. )-:
Levayah at 1120 in bais medrash hayoshon
Please record the speeches.
Where is the kevura?
What’s hs wife’s maiden name
So sad to have another young almana! BD”H!
Is it over?
Such a tragedy at such a young age. My Prayers go out to the entire family, for strength, understanding, and peace!
bde its really sad. my heart goes out to his family
when we dont speak loshon hora we are all protected [chofetz chaim ]