Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Rav Dovid Helberg, the Rav of Bais Eizik Tzvi in Boro Park, who was Niftar over Shabbos in Lakewood. Reb Dovid Z’L, the father of R’ Avrohom of West Gate, was in Lakewood for the last year due to an illness.
He was 77.
The Levaya will be taking place tomorrow morning at 9:45 a.m. at the Bais Medrash on Kelm Woods in West Gate, after which the Aron will be taken to Boro Park.
Shivah details will be posted when available.
Photo by Crystal Photography for TLS.
Baruch Dayan Emes!
A very chasuhva Rov who led his shul without fanfare for some 35-40 years. I grew up going to Bais Isaac Tzvi and my father was from the original 10 mispallelim there.
I believe he was a Telzer talmid.
He was unwell for quite some time (10 years, at least) and had gotten progressively weaker over the years.
I remember how he would count sefirah – with a “bren” and extreme kavanah!
He was very midakdek in his mitzvos. I recall that on Pesach he would cover the door handles and faucets in the shul. (The shul was also a daycare center and there were lots of grimy crumbly hands touching it all year!)
His Pirkei Avos shiurim were heartfelt and showed that he internalized what he was teaching.
“Tehei Nishmaso Tzerura B’tzror Hachayim. “
My father was also a mispallel by him.
A true loss.
Bde he was a Choshuve run I was a talmid of his son Yosef
He was very chusuv with a great heart. He had a yeshiva that was amazimg. Anyone who wanted to learn could come.
He was a Rebbi in Elizabeth NJ for many years and worked very hard to instill in his talmidim a love for torah and yeris shamayim. chaim