BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: [UPDATED] We regret to inform you of the Petira of Hagon HaRav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg ZATZAL, one of the Gedolei and Poskei HaDor, Niftar moments ago, at the age of 101.
Rabbi Scheinberg was the founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Ore, and also served as the rav of the Kiryas Mattersdorf neighborhood of Yerushalayim.
He was admitted to Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim before Shabbos, and his condition deteriorated rapidly and he was placed on a respirator as he sufferered from a blood infection, severe kidney problems.
See photos here of Rav Sheinberg’s visit to Lakewood in 2009. See video here.
Read more about Rav Sheinberg on YWN. Also see Levaya info and hookup here.
so many gedolim all in a short time im crying..
bde, very sad
Baruch Dayan HaEmes, Nafal Rosheinu. Rebono Shel Oilam – Ad Mosai??
Is there something wrong with me? I see how everyone goes crazy when our gedolim get sick and then some R”L are niftar. (moderated) Isnt it a bigger message when the 4 people who were killed in France? (I am in no way saying not to do tshuva, all I want to understand is why is it such a message from hashem?)
Baruch Dayan HaEmes What a tragedy we caused cause we cant get our act together & do teshuva
WHAT ARE WE ALL WAITING FOR? has klal yisroel gotten the message from Hashem-waiting for us to start doing teshuva-have YOU done anything yet? how many more tragedies & Tzaddikim will it take C”V before we wake up & start doing teshuva? OVER 80 GEDOLEI HADOR have passed away within the past year R”L. HOW MANY MORE DO WE NEED TO LOSE C”V to let hashem know that we get the message for klal yisroel to start doing teshuva ASAP?
its like a sefer torah being burnt. Heart breaking
It’s teshuva time!!! Let’s all do teshuva!! Let’s do it now!!
Spare me. Noch a mohl with the 80 gedolei hador business. I am beginning to think the leitzonus is intentional. Shame on you. Now you have what to do teshuva for.
To # 4
A Gadol is a parent to Klal Yisroel. That is a greater tragedy & bigger cause for teshuva, as if a close relative has been nifter c”v. Both are GREAT tragedies however a tragedy closer to home is a greater cause for distress & therefore a BIGGER message from hashem.
Also protection has c”v been removed from Klal yisroel. Chaza”l say misas tzadikim michaperes for a reason.
Also there is always “din” on the relatives and family of a niftar, & there is a closer connection between Klal Yisroel & their Gedolim.
Not to minimize what happened in France which is extremely terrible & a BIG cause for teshuva in it’s own right, however when Klal Yisroel loses their fatherly figure, that is a is a BIGGER tragedy.
Now that we got hit with so many things together we MUST improve even more.
i don’t get it, he was 101!! he lived a long fulffilling life, the world can’t have the same Tzaddikim forever. This is not a tragedy! this is a Tzaddik fulffiling his lifelong mission all the way, a Tzaddik who gave so so much to the world, a Tzaddik who lived his every breath to serve Hashem. This is how the world runs. What do you think happened before all these Tzaddikim were born? There were other ones who passed away when they fulfilled their Tikkun! What we have to do is not get pulled in the drama of why where what how when teshuva no teshuva…. we have to take what we can to learn from these Tzaddikim who pass on, so we can produce more Tzaddikim! don’t get caught up in the hype of news and media and start thinking why people react one way or another.. Hashem gave us Tzaddikim to get close to, to learn from, and to try to be like! it’s not a storybook, it’s Hashem’s beautiful world. Baruch Dayan Haemes! Hashem is the true Judge, while the most Merciful Father at the same time. We are always supposed to be doing Teshuva, that’s not a question. Whether or not someone has died that day, we should be constantly looking to serve Hashem, get close to Tzaddikim, smile at the world, love all our brothers and sisters, mirroring Hashem’s ways. The world, yes, is missing a lot of Tzaddkim, so go become a Tzaddik! go! run! you can be as great as you try to be!
this is tragic and its very sad to have had so many gedolim so recently and now they r gone, however that does not give any1 a right to start tellin ppl to do teshuva it is none of ur buisness u do what u have to do and every else will do what they have to ur abviously not to big of a gadol if u have time to b on lkwd scoop so u judge ur self ill judge myself and every1 else will judge themselves and just stop saying “ooo its tragic when will we realize we need to do teshuva….” that is 100% wrong
to mongo & lkwd & everyone else
we have a major problem in today’s society (yidden or not) . & its called FACING REALITY. whenever tragedy strikes or there’s a big issue, the person blocks it from his face & convinces himself not to apply the message to him,so that we can just continue our fancy & happy lavish life.
first WE ALL need to admit to ourselves that i have a issue/problem here, then we need to work on solving it. BUT %80 of solving it, is each person admitting to the problems he has.
i did tshuva
enogh of saying i will do
just do it all ready
As an alumnis of Yeshiva Derech Chaim in which Harav Hagoen Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg ZTK”L was the Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Derech Chaim as Well as many others i was notified by the office staff via email with this info:
A live Visual Hook-Up
of the Levaya in Eretz Yisrael
tomorrow (Wednesday) morning
will simultaneously take place at
Yeshiva Derech Chaim
1573 39th Street (corner 16th Avenue)
Brooklyn, NY
at 5:30 AM
It is so sad that he had to die. I was sorry to read of how he died. It must have been hard for him to be in that kind of position. He will be forever missed.
With Rav Scheinberg’s p’tirah (the 3rd gadol in as many weeks) the Eibishter has now taken another 3 member beis din to shomayim to sit in judgement on Klal Yisroel of this generation.
A beis din selected of those who lived during the challenges and nissyonos of our generation – so that they know well how to be melamed zechus on our (their own) generation!
May they be mileitzei yosher for all of us in these end of days!
Correction! The Hook up will be @ 4:30am, NOT 5:30am.
it is supposed to be a wake-up call from Hashem for klal yisroel to start doing teshuva ASAP
i.e. when something happens to a person privately it is a message from Hashem to him alone BUT when something happens to a GADOL HADOR then it is a message to all of KLAL YISROEL, this tzaddik-7 others ALL IN CRITICAL CONDITION-is a message for teshuva before things get worse C”V
MAY all these tzaddikim have a refuah shleima asap
You want to know what is pathetic? This week we lost a family, a Gadol BaTorah and a Gadol B’Chesed. The common denominator? All of us were unified in grief. Read: UNIFIED. And we do not have that!!! Hashem sends us these tragedies which do bring us together – but why wait for that? Let us rally around each other beforehand! And what do we see from some of these posts? Bickering, bickering and more bickering! “80 Gedolim? Oh, stop it already!” No – YOU stop it already! Live and let live! Encourage one another, don’t step on him! Unify!
Can anyone tell me the name and address of the main tzedaka organization in lakewood that helps out families in need for pesach expenses? I would like to make a donation. Thanks.
It is SAD to see how today’s generation simply don’t know the BASICS!!!!!! The Rambam says if one thinks everything is “mikra”(things happen just by chance) then we only bring more klolah upon ourselves. We must LEARN from what happens in the world, all the more so when we lost one of our greatest Gedolim!. With the stream of Gedolim into and out of hospitals recently one has to be utterly blind not to see a message from G-D.
#10: Of course R’ Scheinberg lived a most fulfilling life; it is US who have a loss and a big one!
Rav Sheinberg was niftar B’SEIVA TOVA at the age of 101. The message from Hashem is probably that Rav Sheinberg is human, not that we have sinned any more this year than any other year.
As to the fact that so many gedolim have died recently: think about it: the gedolim who have the biggest “reputation” are the oldest (like Rav Elyashiv, Rav Shteinman, etc.). So the fact that so many old gedolim have died recently shows us how much zechus our generation has had to have so many gedolim who are ma’arich yamim.
@ Goldy is the way to go.