We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Rav Uri Zohar Zatzal, one of the largest Kiruv figures in the world.
Rav Zohar Zatzal was an Israeli film director, actor and comedian who left the entertainment world to become a Frum Yid, and brought thousands back to Yiddishkeit.
Uri Zohar was born in Tel Aviv. In 1952, he graduated high school and did his military service in an army entertainment troupe. In the late 1970s, Rav Zohar became Frum, and and spent the rest of his life bringing Yidden back to Torah. He was 86.
Rav Zohar was in Lakewood many times, drawing large crowds during his visits.
Levaya details will be published when confirmed.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
If he was 86 years old he could not have been born in 1952
Born in 1952 died in 2022 and he was 86!! You guys rock!! Want to do my taxes for me as well? He made $250K expenses were $100k AGI is $25.00
Where does it state he was born in 1952?
Bde. Major loss for klal Yisroel.
Just one note- the article says he was born in 1952. If that is the case then he would be 70 not 86. A correction is needed there.
You all need to go back to school. Says where he was born and then states the year he graduated high school. Not the year he was born! Read people!!!!
I believe TLS made a correction later on. That’s why earlier comments mentioned the mistake. Mentioning the mistake was in no way meant to detract from the kavod of such a great person. We were just trying to correct an error written about him.
It was not changed. It appeared with a period originally.
@me,myself&i and math wiz-you need to pay attention when you read. He was born in Tel Aviv. PERIOD. In 1952, he graduated High School. A PERIOD indicates that a NEW sentence has started. This is perfect grammar and punctuation, something that is unrecognizable these days…sad!
Watch ur punctuation…. it say He was born in Tel Aviv. In 1952 he graduated..
Instead of focusing on the Petirah of this great Tzaddik, BDE,who sacrificed so much in his life, and the tremendous loss to K’lal Yisroel, the comments are an unnecessary embarrassment to our community. I’m tired of hearing about the afternoon “shtus” math classes when Chazal were proficient in arithmetic and even advanced mathematics. Has anyone learned the RamBam or Malbim or Gemarah on the subject?
We just mourned the passing of thousands of talmidei chachamim for not respecting one another and we are already talking to each other in a way of disdain? It’s not even Shavuos yet!!!
A tzaddik left this world today.
Who cares what date was written- mourn my friends, mourn. And love each other.
To Sefiras Haomer. I care about the passing of gedolim. I also care about factually correct dates. There’s nothing wrong with that. Have a blessed Shabuot.