Baruch Dayan Ha’emes-Passing Of 9 Year Old Eliyahu Dabbah Z’L

(Photo of Levaya in Deal)(As of last night, we were advised by our Rabbinical board not to post this story for various reasons. However, we were told this morning that it is ok to post). Baruch Dayan Ha’emes. The Lakewood Scoop is saddened by the petira of Eliyahu Dabbah Z”L, the 9 year old son of Rav Mordechai Dabbah Shlita of Yeshivas Keter Torah of Lakewood. Eliyahu Z’L was playing ball on Friday, when a baseball struck him in his neck, putting him in traumatic arrest. Members of Deal Hatzolah were unable to revive him. The Levaya is taking place now, 11:00AM, at Park Avenue & Route 35 in Deal NJ. May the family never hear of anymore Tzar.
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  1. Was wondering why the scoop didn’t post yet? I’m impressed that you didn’t rush to post like the other sites. kol hakovod

  2. Jokes? at least they have the sechel to ask before they just post like all the other trash sites. You on the other hand….

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