BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: [UPDATED] It is with much pain we inform you of the Petirah of Chaya Sara Brisk A’H, the young Kallah involved last May in the horrific school bus acciddent on County Line Road. Levaya information will be posted when available.
The Levaya will be taking place at 12:30 PM at SCHI (Where Suri A’H worked).
The Kevurah will be taking place at the Floral Park cemetery in South Brunswick, 104 Deans Rhode Hall, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852.
Bde! Hamokoim yenachem…..
Could you post levaya details when you know? When was she niftar? We are all shocked. I can’t believe it. BDE
Im so sad for the family. BDE
may they all be comforted….may we all be comforted.
To our dearest suri who will forever remain a part in my, as well as many other’s, hearts. Oy suri! We sat with you and layed with you. We shmoozed with you and sang with you.. We danced with you and prayed for you!!! We told you over and over again- You’re looking better each day, suri, and don’t forget we are praying for you ALWAYS!!! Obviously our prayers went exactly where they were supposed to do! And although its hard to see the sun- its still shining! So now that u went to a better place, u took a piece of our hearts with u!!! Daven for us suri!!!!! Ppl are suffering in this crazy world!! Shidduchim, children, financial problems, family problems! DAVEN!! And in that zechus we should all be zoche to see moshiach in our times and w- your prayers, without to much pain!
We love you suri!!
A friend
wha tragic news .
Oh how our hearts are aching and broken. We davened each day for Hashem to keep you safe and well. Hashem had other great plans for you.
You will now have peace.
My heart cries for your family but also at the same time I know that peace will also come to them and my heart and the hearts of friend and family will mend with time.
May Hashem comfort the Brisk family and all of your friends and relatives at this horrible moment.
is there going to be a live hookup by the levaya so we could listen if we cant attend
Our hearts are broken. May Hashem comfort the families.
We will miss you
Bde which brisk is this? Parents names anyone
Mi Kiamchecha Yisroel,
how much holiness, achdus, tefillos and yearning for the geula this tradegy caused…..
may her heilige neshama be meilitz yosher for klal yisroel.
we are suffering too much…this is too painful…..please hashem…..
Will there be a live hookup for anyone that can’t attend???
bde. I remember the accident and played for her to get well
May we have no more tzaros in klal yisroel.
Bde, may all the zechusim of all the girls&ladies that took upon themselfs to be more careful on dressing properly be a mailitz yosher & a zchus for us all & let’s not forget to keep up to what we took upon ourselfs & hashem will save us from future tragities & we’ll be zoichah to greet moshiach very soon!!!! & will be a contant zechus & aliya for her holy neshama!!
its on kolbrama now
All – Its Baruch Dayan HA’Emmes
So sad
If anyone can tell me where I can get the Hesped from R’ Dovid, I would really appreciate it. What a powerful Mussar Shmuz! I need to hear it again.
does nayine know how else we can hera it? kol berammah i sjust playing slow songs.
bde 🙁
I am sad
I was at the Levaya. Terrible terrible Tzarah. May Suri be a Meilitz Yoisher for her loving parents, brothers and sisters and all of Klal Yisroel.
I remember this accident, so sad, may her family find comfort from those of who new her. so sad