Baruch Dayan Ha’emes

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: [UPDATED] We regret to inform you of the Petirah of R’ Michoel Weiner Z’L, of the Yeshiva Apartments, who was Niftar last night following an illness. R’ Michoel moved to Westgate just a few weeks ago. He was approximately 60 years old.


He leaves behind his wife Reichel, his sons Shmuli Yaakov, Yossi, Moshe, Dovid, Yehuda, Chaim and Shlomo. The daughters, are Shoshi, Sara and Miriam.

The Levaya will be held at 9:15 AM Friday morning at 7th Street and Private Way. The Kevurah will be taking place at the 7th Street Chapel.

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  1. Reb Michoel was Tzadik who suffered quietly for the last number of years with an illness that eventually took his life.

    He was Mekadesh Shem Shamayim Kol Yamav, may he be a meilitz tov for his faily and all of Klal Yisrael

  2. BDE! Never met the R Michoel, but based on his children he must have been a special person. Everyone of his children is a model of a true Ben Torah and a True Mentch!!!!

    May hashem send a nechama to the family!

  3. BD”E .any 30 year old + lakewood cheder boy has such fond memories of him driving the sunday van to cheder.He was such a special person .

  4. i learnt 4 sidorim of mishnayis with him before my bar mitzva.he also wrote for artscroll transolating gemoros in english .he was a real eved hashem!!!

  5. When i was a bochur in BMG over 31 years ago, Rav Michoel zt”l sat in the back of the Bais Medrash (there was only one then!) and he would sit and learn Mishnayos Taharos with his chavrusa. He was always there, didn’t waste time, didn’t shmooz, just learned. I wasn’t surprised to see many years later that he was involved in Artscroll mishnayos and gemara (perakim that were related to inyanei tumah-tahara).

    Yehi Zichro Boruch.

  6. BDE. I know chayim and dovid very well. They are tayereh bnai torah whu would go out of their way bhatzneyah leches to help anyone in need of a favor. They are true examples of their fathers chinuch

  7. Rav Michoel זצ”ל was the “go to” person in yeshiva whenever anyone undertook to learn a mesechta for a niftar and couldn’t finish in time. I, and many others, at time had to resort to him to be mashlim such chiyuvim. He always said “yes”, always graciously. He was a tzaddik in the true, full sense.
    May all his vast learning לשם שמים and his myriad other zchusim accompany him לחלקו בג”ע. And may he be a melitz yosher to his esteemed family and our entire kehilla.

  8. I remember clearly how each morning, while he was winding up his tefillin after Shacharis, he would be learning mishnayos with one of his boys: it seemed like whoever was next to be bar mitzva.

    He was always smiling his quiet, shy smile. He drove kids to school on the Cheder van, I remember. Now, if you want an example of a tzadik who lived in Lakewood, he would be a prime candidate.

  9. Boruch Dayan Ha’ames. I used to sit next to his son Dovid in BMG years ago. R’ Michoel Zt’l was a tremendous boki in Tahoros, and in addition to writing for Artcroll, was consulted by many Talmidei Chochomin regarding these inyonim. Yehi Zichro Boruch

  10. he was very kind to me whem i first moved to lkwd 16yrs ago. i work for his son inlaw, menashe leiman from torah vodaath and flatbush hatzolah!
    all his children that i know are fine examples of the chinuch they got at home from rem michoel and his rebitzen! may he have lechtigen gan eden.

  11. Oiy! BDE .
    It is said that when portions of his english translation on Taharos were brought before the Steipler ZTL & read in Yiddish . The Steipler responded that they should be published in Lashon Kodesh as well.

  12. #14, I probably rode the same van with you. I grew up in Yeshiva Apts. and I remember him well. Always learning, sweet quiet smile, Anav Ushfal Berech, Shayif Ayil vShayif Nofik (did I quote that right?). Yhei Zichro Boruch.

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